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Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan in English- Senior High 11

Topic: Painting


At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to:

A. describe the topic about the painting

B. appreciate the moral values of painting
C. write the forms or theme of painting.


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A. Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activity

Ask students who will lead the prayer

Teacher will check the attendance

Review: Teacher will ask students what was the topic last


Teacher will choose and ask to her students for what is his/her point of view about the

Direction: Group yourself into 3 groups and each group will be search and think for what
his/her best painting to present.

Teacher will ask questions to each group
1. What is your idea about that painting?
2. How will you define your painting?
3. Why you choose that painting?

The teacher will instruct students to have a reading activity.


Painting refers to the process of applying color in a flat surface. Forms can be created using a
wide variety of materials such as watercolor, acrylic, ink, oil, pastel, and charcoal. Surfaces for
painting include wood, canvas, cardboard, and paper. Painting is considered two-dimensional,
meaning it only has height and width.


Easel Painting

The easel painting is perhaps the most common.

form.. of.painting which involves applying color to a board… or .canvas…
that is.fixed on an upright support called an…. easel. These are.... meant framed and hanged on a…. wall.after creating them.


A mural is described as a huge wall-sized painting.. used.. to

impart messages to the public. A new form of.. mural.. which is.. a
portable mural, was developed in order. to prevent.. the mural from
being erased from the wall.. which was.. using.. bold strokes
in applying.. bright colors on.. pieces of cheesecloth\or canvas.

Telon Painting

A telon is describes as a backdrop or background.. for.. the stage

which are used for komedya, sarswela, and.. sinakulo,.the popular
forms of theater in the country.

Jeepney and Calesa Painting

The calesa is typically painted using one color. The.

borders of the calesa are decorated with geometric.. patterns,. repetitive
patterns, and/or thin lines.

Jeepney painting evolved from calesa painting. In..

a.typical jeepney, a logo, number, or painting is covered.. near.. the
driver’s seat, as well as near the seats adjacent.. to it.


This refers to a form of painting that involves.. combine. images in

a single artwork. This entails cutting.. and pasting.. materials such as
paper, fabric, tin foil and.. other relatively flat.materials onto a board or

Genre Painting

Genre painting portrays people in daily activities.. During.. the

contemporary period, genre painting took.. several.. directions. One of
these new approaches is folk.. genre, which.. mainly focuses on the
everyday activities.. of .the folk. Another.. approach is using the style of
cubism. in depicting folk or.. urban.subjects. On the other hand, folk-naive is another style..
wherein it uses a lot of.. color .and spontaneity.

Historical Painting

The historical painting depicts a scene from the past. It often has a lesson concerning
national values.


This refers to painting of the space inside of a part of a house or a building. This usually
reveals the social class of the family living in that particular house, as well as the traits of the
people living in it.


These painting portrays natural scenery or urban scenes. Mixed media is now used in
creating landscape paintings. Closely related to landscapes are seascapes, which focus on large
bodies of water, particularly the ocean or the sea.


This refers to a painting portraying one or more specific individuals. This usually portrays the
physical characteristics of the subject and seeks to show an
understanding of that person’s character.


These are paintings that portray the unclothed human figure. Nowadays, a wide variety of
materials and styles can be used in painting nudes. Nude painting sessions are conducted in
Religious Painting

Common subjects of religious painting includes a lone.. religious

image, lives of the saints, and scenes based.. from..the.Scriptures like the
Nativity scene, and the.. Station.of the.. Cross.

Still Life

This refers to a painting that depicts natural or man-made objects that form a composition in
a natural setting. A lot of styles can be used by artists in painting, ranging from Baroque and
Rococo, to impressionism, expressionism, and abstract. Neo-realism involves creating
representational figures that also look abstract; hyperrealism or magic realism, the subject is
painted in a highly realistic way that it resembles a photograph and social realism entails
creating paintings that depicts socioeconomic and political problems.


Direction: Read the statements carefully. Identify what is being described in the statement. Write
your answers on the space provided.

1. This refers to a painting that shows an arrangement of objects such as fruits and flowers
in a natural setting.
a. Interiors c. Nudes
b. Still life d. Landscapes
2. This refers to painting that is applied on a wall or a large permanent surface.
a. Mural c. Historical painting
b. Genre painting d. Religious painting
3. This painting depicts scenes from ordinary life.
a. Still life c. Genre painting
b. Interiors d. Landscapes
4. This refers to a painting of the space inside of a part of a house or a building.
a. Landscapes c. Interiors
b. Portraits d. Still life
5. This refers to a painting that is finished on a portable upright support.
a. Telon painting c. Genre painting
b. Historical painting d. Easel painting
6. This is a painting that involves cutting and pasting relatively flat materials onto a board or
a. Religious painting c. Portrait
b. Collage d. Landscapes
7. A painting portraying the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is an example of this theme of
a. Interiors c. Historical painting
b. Nudes d. Religious painting
8. A painting portraying the execution of Jose Rizal in Bagumbayan is an example of this
theme of painting.
a. Historical painting c. Murals
b. Easel painting d. Telon painting
9. A painting featuring the physical characteristics of Jose Blanco is an example of this
theme of painting.
a. Still life c. Portrait
b. Interiors d. Landscapes
10.This refers to a style of painting that resembles more a photograph than a painting.
a. Hyperrealism c.
b. Photograph d. Still life

Answers key:
1. B 6. B
2. A 7. D
3. C 8. A
4. C 9. C
5. D 10. A


Look at the given picture. Find out what forms of painting or what themes of painting is used.
Write your answers in the box.
Advance study for our next topic.

Prepared by:

Practice Teacher

Checked and Verify by:

Cooperating Teacher

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