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Kyle student

Mr. Jason Park


February 16, 2023

The problem that the wild animals in Seoul face

Animals in Seoul face a significant challenge which is homelessness. The no-nonsense issue of
homeless animals and overpopulation of companion animals is a major concern in Seoul, a city in South
Korea. The situation is concerning, with an estimated 80,000 animals being abandoned in the city each
year, leading to a growing population of homeless animals. More than 60% of homeless animals, Seoul
are abandoned by their owners, making it challenging for animal shelters to help all animals in need,
since there are too many animals that are homeless.

One solution to fix this problem is to increase the adoption rates of homeless animals. By
adopting a homeless animal, you can give them a second chance at life by providing them with a loving
home. Plus, adoption can also help to reduce the population of homeless animals and alleviate the
burden on animal shelters. It's estimated that only 10% of homeless animals in Seoul are adopted,
indicating that there is a need for more support for adoption programs.

Additionally, return-to-owner programs are also critical to help reunite lost pets with their
owners. By identifying lost pets and reuniting them with their owners, these programs can help reduce
the number of homeless animals in the city. According to a survey conducted by the Seoul Metropolitan
Government in 2017, the most common reason for pet abandonment in Seoul was "lack of owner
responsibility" (38.7%), and those are the animals who got separated from their owners. This can also
help to decrease the amount of homeless animals.

In conclusion, the problems of overpopulation of homeless animals in Seoul is obnoxious and

need to be fixed. It's a fact that many animals are being abandoned each year, which is causing a lot of
them to become homeless. To accomplish this, we need to pursue solutions such as increasing pet
adoptions and return-to-owner programs. We can all take responsibility for the welfare of animals in our
city and make it a better place for them. Let's work together to create a more caring community for all
pets in Seoul.

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