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Perpetuation of Sexism in Sexism predicts individuals’

School tolerance of sexual harassment

Showing the children’s ability
in the school by their gender Sexism Allows men to be victim-blamed,
and foster skepticism.
Media advertise the male Women who confront sexism
student as intelligent highlight may lose their jobs.
Sports in school divides the Discriminatory preferences for
sport name based on Sexism is one form of political candidates.
specific gender only Generates social expectancy
discrimination that is still Izy Sanddy
Sexual Harassment in Sexism 2022780331
Concept on Specific Gender experienced by every society, (Jimenez-Moya G. et al, 2022)
Structural changes do not imply
whether in education or the
Girls are more
likely to have negative
effect from the sexual harassment social change at every level
than boys
workplace. Refusal to abide by the law.
Experiences with sexual abuse Fear of being accused of taking
increased body image concerns advantage is provoked by
among girls existing sexist social norms.
Anxiety, depression and decline in This may affect their salary by
the end of the month

academic performance
Nicholas anak Nathaneil Plant the seed of doubt regarding
2022793977 female's capabilities of leading a
(Christia Sprears Brown, 2014)
Gender Role
Streotype in country
Education Materials Public Institutions
Conveyors early exposure to

how social relations are
Discriminate Create Unfair
Institutional trust in social trust, which
organized and offer a
affects solidarity and tolerance (Bo
preferred behavior model in
Rothstein, 2005)
Young men perceive public
To avoid sexual confusion education as unfair because girls
when the children grow up. out-perform boys in school
(Pomerants, 2002)
Linguistic Sexism in Malaysia Create inequality of opportunities
English Language Textbook and a culture of cheating (Kumlin and
Aid the development of balance Rothstein, 2005)
individuals in knowledge and Unemployment Rates Effects
skills based on the gender
in Women's Rights
capability. (Wood, 1994). Increased competition resulting
Exposed the children decision- from increased female labor
making skills depends on their REFERENCES force participation.
gender ability. 1. Christia Spears Brown. (2014). Sexism in Schools. Advances in child development and behavior.
Create insecurity and reduce
Muhd. Mirzaieman Othman 47. 189-223. 10.1016/bs.acdb.2014.04.001. the tolerance for out-groups
2022755525 in-Schools.pdf
( Abd. Hamid B., 2022) 2. ​Gefjon Off, N. C. (2022, Auguts 15). Who perceives women's rights as threatening to men and Leads to the development of
boys? Explaining modern sexism among young men in Europe.
emancipative values and
3. Abdul Hamid B., Mohd. Yasin M. S., Abu Bakar K., Chee Kong Y., Jalaludin A. (2008). Linguistic
Sexism and Gender Role Stereotyping in Malaysian English Language Textbooks. 8 (2) Retrieved
resulting in gender equality
4. Jimenez-Moya G., Carvacho H., Alvarez B., Contreras C., Gonzalez R. (2022, 12 July). Is Support
(Welzel, 2013) Nuramira Atiqah
for Feminism Enough For Change? How sexism and Gender Stereotypes Might Hinder Gender
Justice. Retrieved from: ( Geffjon Off N.C., 2022)

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