Cannabis Concept Map

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Cannabidiol (CBD)

Cannabis Ruderalis Cannabis Indica Cannabis Sativa The Cannabis Plant Psychoactive Ingredients CBD is distinguished by its health advantages and lack of
known for its known for its known for its What we call marijuana today is the psychoactive subspecies of negative side effects. It produces non-intoxicating relaxation
ability to grow in sedating effects. Referred to as the oldest known cannabis that gets you ‘high’, while hemp refers to the non-
uplifting or while alleviating pain, reducing anxiety, and dissolving the
conditions that creates a euphoric effects cultivated fibre plant, Cannabis is a psychoactive variety of cannabis that is utilized for industrial
would kill most genus of flowering plants in the purposes. About 100 of the 480 chemicals produced by the cloud of depression. (5)
powerful is famous for its cannabis plant are known as cannabinoids. They are the active
cannabis plants “body” high “head” high that family Cannabaceae. This annual,
doesn’t cause ingredients that cause marijuana to impact people in the way it
that’s referred to is felt mostly in the dioeciously flowering herb plant has
psychotropic does. CBD (non-psychoactive) and THC (psychoactive) are the Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
as “couch lock.” brain been valued for its use for fiber and cannabinoids found in marijuana at the highest concentrations, so THC mimics the actions of anandamide, a
effects bit more
body feels rope, as food and medicine, and for many people like to choose marijuana strains based on their THC-
calming and hallucinogenic than to-CBD ratio (5)
neurotransmitter that generates pleasure, kills pain, and
physically heavy
unwilling to
Indica its psychoactive properties for Common Names removes depression. (5)
for marijuana used for feeling religious and recreational use for weed, pot, Mary Jane,
patients who move energetic,
extremely over a millennia. There are three bud, ganja, herb, chronic,
would like the productive,
benefits of CBD relaxed creative, focused, known species of this plant: grass, dope, hash, trees, Extracts and Concentrates Butane Hash Oil (BHO)
without the high increased and for getting Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, hemp, 420, bhang, Black Butane hash oil is a marijuana extract that’s made by forcing butane through plant material. The different forms of BHO include:
of THC (4) appetite (2) Rock, Buddha Grass, puff A marijuana concentrate uses Sap: soft and oozy, but not as runny as oil. Wax: wax is solid, but soft and pliable. Crumble: A bit harder than wax, crumble
chores done (3) and Cannabis ruderalis. (1)
mechanical methods to collect the easily breaks apart. Budder: a whipped, highly pure, and rare form of BHO, budder has the smooth consistency of butter. Pull
plant’s trichomes (which are packed and snap: BHO that can be pulled and snapped into smaller pieces (similar to taffy). Shatter: BHO in its hardest form, shatter
with cannabinoids such as THC and takes on the consistency of glass (7)
Depressant, Stimulant, or Hallucinogen? CBD). Eg: Keif, as it uses mechanical
The answer isn’t as tidy as you might think. Its effects can vary widely from person to person. In addition, methods (sifting through screens or
distinct strains and types of weed can produce different effects. even bubble bags) to remove Kief Hashish Bubble Hash
trichomes. Meanwhile, a marijuana To be specific, Kief is technically only
As a result, weed can be classified as a depressant, stimulant, or hallucinogen (12) Hashish, otherwise known as hash, is a Bubble hash is a solventless
extract takes the added step of the bulbous tip of each trichome,
marijuana concentrate made of concentrate that is extracted via
using some sort of solvent to strip which is the most potent part of the
compressed kief, which is essentially ice water. It is composed of
the trichomes away from the plant plant. It’s a natural result of grinding
cannabis pollen. Kief can be rubbed millions of trichome glands that
material. Eg: BHO, because cannabis flower into a powder and can
between the hands until it begins to resemble granular brown sugar,
manufacturers use butane to extract be consumed by itself or combined
As a Depressant As a Hallucinogen As a Stimulant the desired cannabinoids and with other forms of marijuana to stick together and form a ball of and when pressed together
hashish. (7) resemble traditional hash. (7)
terpenes. (6) create a more intense high. (7)
Weed is perhaps most often Stimulants have the opposite effects
Depressants affect your nervous
stereotyped for its hallucinogenic that depressants do. They often
system and slow brain function.
effects. While hallucinations are increase your heart rate and blood
Together, these actions can help possible, they happen rarely and don’t Ways to Use Cannabis Intensity or Potency Factors that Influence How Much
pressure, causing rapid breathing in
to calm nerves and relax tense occur in all users. In addition to it Takes to Get High
some people. Stimulants can also Dabbing = requires a dab rig, a On average, the concentrate a consumer
muscles. hallucinations, hallucinogens can also improve your mood, especially right specialized device with a metal “nail”
might dab has between 60-80% THC, Potency – The potency of the weed is
cause: after you take them. or glass banger attached to a water
going to have a huge impact. High-
Weed produces similar positive and nausea pipe. compared to smoking cannabis flower
While depressants often make you feel Vaping = requires a vaporiser or vape grade cannabis could be 30% or more
negative effects, including: dry mouth sleepy or relaxed, stimulants make you
which averages 15-30% THC
THC while lower grade could have
relaxation altered sense of time or space feel alert and energetic. They can also Edibles = You also can mix pot into BHO 60- 80%. THC less than 10%.
sleepiness loss of control over motor skills help to increase your attention span. brownies, cookies, candy, tea, and Physiological Traits – Weight and
Kief 60- 70% THC
muscle relaxation increased heart rate Weed is sometimes treated as a stimulant other foods overall size of the body, metabolism,
detachment from self or environment Smoking = joints, small handheld Hashish 40, 50, or even 60% THC respiratory system health , etc.
short-term memory loss because it can cause: pipes, water pipes called a bong or
Weed can have all of these additional Tolerance – The more weed you
dizziness (12) elevated moods cigar that has been hollowed out and Bubble Hash 30-60% THC smoke the more your body gets used
effects, which is why many people and racing heartbeat refilled with marijuana, called a blunt
Weed flower 15–30% THC (7) (9) to it and it takes more weed to get
organizations classify it as a anxiety (7) (8)
high. (10)
hallucinogen. (12) paranoia (12)

Effects of THC on the Brain

Time course Withdrawal Symptoms
THC stimulates neurons in the reward system to release the signalling chemical dopamine at levels higher than typically observed in response to natural
symptoms generally emerge within 24–72 h anger
rewarding stimuli. THC’s chemical structure is similar to the brain chemical anandamide which is a neurotransmitter that affect brain areas that influence
following cessation from cannabis [15] and aggression pleasure, memory, thinking, concentration, movement, coordination, and sensory and time perception. Because of this similarity, THC is able to attach to
reach peak magnitude 2–5 days post-cessation physical tension molecules called cannabinoid receptors on neurons in these brain areas and activate them, disrupting various mental and physical functions and causing
Most withdrawal symptoms resolve within 2– nervousness the effects described earlier. (5)
3 weeks and return to baseline levels.
However, abstinence-induced insomnia may
sleep difficulties
continue to persist, and reports of abstinence- loss of appetite DSM-5 Cannabis-Related Disorders
related increases in vivid or strange dreams stomach pain
failed to return to baseline levels at the end of irritability
a 45-day abstinence period. (11) Anxiety (11)
Cannabis Use Disorder Cannabis Withdrawal
Cannabis use disorder (CUD), also known as cannabis addiction or Cannabis withdrawal is the presence of a characteristic withdrawal syndrome that develops
Short-Term & Long-Term Pharmacological Effects of Cannabis marijuana addiction, is defined in the fifth revision of the Diagnostic and after the cessation of or substantial reduction in heavy and prolonged cannabis use
Treatment for Cannabis Addiction
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) and ICD-10 as the
continued use of cannabis despite clinically significant impairment. Diagnostic Criteria
A. Cessation of cannabis use that has been heavy and prolonged (i.e., usually daily or
Diagnostic Criteria almost daily use over a period of at least a few months).
Long Term Effects of Chronic Short Term Effects of Cannabis
Psychotherapy A. A problematic pattern of cannabis use leading to clinically significant
B. Two (or more) of the following signs or symptoms developing within 2 hours of cannabis
Cannabis Use Intoxication impairment or distress, as manifested by at least two of the following,
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy/Relapse Prevention 1. Irritability, anger, or aggression.
Immune System CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM occurring within a 12-month period:
Focus on identifying and modifying beliefs and behaviours that 2. Nervousness or anxiety.
Long-term cannabis use can impair 1. Cannabis is often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period 3. Sleep difficulty (e.g., insomnia, disturbing dreams).
are conceptualized as triggering or maintaining of cannabis use Altered perception of time (time seems to
the immune system’s ability to fight than was intended. 4. Decreased appetite or weight loss.
behaviour. pass more slowly)
off microbial and viral infections. 2. There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or 5. Restlessness.
Identifying external or environmental triggers that lead to Antiemetic effect
Cardiovascular System control cannabis use. 6. Depressed mood.
problematic cannabis use in order to modify circumstances that Anxiety
result in substance use. Users with pre-existing coronary 3. A great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain 7. At least one of the following physical symptoms causing significant discomfort:
Balance difficulty
Coping skills and problem solving techniques are taught in order artery disease or cerebrovascular cannabis, use cannabis, or recover from its effects. abdominal pain, shakiness/tremors, sweating, fever, chills, or headache.
Coordination problems
4. Craving, or a strong desire or urge to use cannabis. C. The signs or symptoms in Criterion B cause clinically significant distress or impairment
to help the individual learn alternative, more adaptive responses to disease may experience myocardial Decreased reaction time
5. Recurrent cannabis use resulting in a failure to full fill major role in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
thoughts, feelings, and situations that are leading to cannabis use. infarctions, congestive heart failure, Depersonalization
obligations at work, school, or home. D. The signs or symptoms are not attributable to another medical condition and are not
or stroke. Difficulty carrying out tasks requiring
Motivational Enhancement Therapies 6. Continued cannabis use despite having persistent or recurrent social better explained by another mental disorder, including intoxication or withdrawal from
Peripheral vasodilatation causes multiple mental steps to reach a goal
Motivational interviewing seeks to build motivation to change a or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the effects of another substance. (13)
postural hypotension, which may Subtle visual and auditory stimuli may take
problematic behaviour by using a non-judgmental, open, and cannabis.
on novel characteristics
empathic therapy environment to increase ambivalence to change, lead to dizziness or syncope. 7. Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given
Feelings of relaxation and sleepiness
increase self-efficacy, and ultimately make positive changes in Respiratory System up or reduced because of cannabis use.
Impaired perception, attention, and
regard to the problem behaviour. The amount of tar in a marijuana information processing 8. Recurrent cannabis use in situations in which it is physically
Skills such as asking open-ended questions, reflection of thoughts cigarette is three times the amount Impaired psychomotor sensation hazardous. Craving Cannabis
and feelings, summarizing, and highlighting ambivalence are in a tobacco cigarette Senses of touch, taste, and smell seem to be 9. Cannabis use is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent Cravings are thoughts that are persistent and invasive, as well as a strong urge to take a
used Chronic cannabis use is associated enhanced or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have substance.
with, pharyngitis, sinusitis, Increased risk of contracting sexually been caused or exacerbated by cannabis. The severity of symptoms is determined on the amount of marijuana consumed, with
Family Support and Multidimensional Family Therapy bronchitis, bronchoconstriction, transmitted diseases 10. Tolerance, as defined by either of the following: a. A need for heavier users often experiencing stronger cravings and more severe symptoms.
Focuses on engaging the family, establishing goals, focusing and emphysema. Increased sense of well-being markedly increased amounts of cannabis to achieve intoxication or
Marijuana has an effect on the brain's reward regions. The consumer is left wanting
on key adolescent and family themes (e.g., communication, Cancer Short-term memory impairment desired effect. b. Markedly diminished effect with continued use of
more after experiencing this pleasant sensation.
trust/mistrust), and preparing skills for the future while Marijuana smoke contains some of Keener sense of hearing the same amount of cannabis.
Many marijuana users start taking drugs to cope with a negative emotion, such as
incorporating substance use into the treatment approach is the Vivid visual imaginary 11. Withdrawal, as manifested by either of the following: a. The
the same cancer-causing social anxiety or despair. When a person becomes sober, these sentiments do not always
most widely studied for cannabis use. Sense of detachment characteristic withdrawal syndrome for cannabis (refer to Criteria
compounds as tobacco, usually in go away, and in some cases, they worsen initially.
Increased hunger A and B of the criteria set for cannabis withdrawal). b. Cannabis (or a
Contingency Management higher concentrations. Paranoia closely related substance) is taken to relieve or avoid withdrawal
Memory Euphoria Parts of the brain affected during craving:
Contingency management interventions are reinforcement symptoms.
Chronic use has shown effects on Psychosis Thalamus: Relay point for numerous sensory pathways.
based and seek to promote decreases in substance use by
short term memory and attention. Specify if: In early remission, in sustained remission or in a controlled
providing explicit positive reinforcement, in the form of Amygdala: Responsible for emotions such as anger and fear
For most users though, it can be PERIPHERAL EFFECTS environment.
tangible rewards (e.g., monetary compensation, inpatient Ventral tegmental area: Houses some of the brain’s reward circuitry and is involved with
reassuring to know that these effects Specify current severity: Mild: 2–3 symptoms. Moderate: 4–5 symptoms.
treatment privileges) for abstinence or treatment compliance. Increased heart rate motivation, as well as cognitive and emotional processing. (15)(16)
will disappear months after Increased systolic pressure in the supine Severe: Presence of 6 or more symptoms. (13)
(18) stopping cannabis use. (14)(17) position
Decreased blood pressure in the erect
position Craving Management
Marked reddening of conjunctiva
Medications Risk and Prognostic Factors
Plasma volume expansion Increased body
Throw away your paraphernalia: lighters, matches, rolling paper, etc. Coping with Craving Cannabis
Avoid Temptation: people, places and situations associated with getting
Temperamental: A history of conduct temperature due to impaired sweating Marijuana cravings are often strongest during the first 2 weeks of abstinence. However,
N-acetylcysteine high
disorder in childhood or adolescence Decreased intraocular pressure cravings may continue to persist for months or even 1 to 2 years after quitting. Often the
It is a medication used for a variety of purposes, but it has Change Your Daily Patterns: morning, work, study patterns, etc.
and antisocial personality disorder. Dry mouth and throat intensity of cravings decreases over time.
recently been found to reduce marijuana cravings in teenagers. Youths with high behavioral
Avoid Getting Hungry : Don’t cut down to one or two meals, have a few
Muscle weakness Cravings tend to be strongest:
7 It may work better when combined with psychotherapy or disinhibiting scores, multiple substance Tremors nutritional snacks throughout the day.
Stay Busy: Fill time to avoid boredom In situations where marijuana has previously been used
other addiction treatment. involvement, and early conduct Unsteadiness
Water out urges: Shower or bathe twice daily. Drink water. Drown the urge With peers who also use marijuana
problems. Increased deep tendon reflexes (14)
Baclofen and flush toxins out. In the evening hours
Environmental: Academic failure,
Although baclofen reduced cannabis craving in a dose- tobacco smoking, unstable or abusive Mentally prepare yourself for social situations and review your reasons COMMON CRAVING TRIGGERS
dependent manner, it had no effects on negative mood during family situation, use of cannabis among for quitting and the benefits you will reap. (15)(16)
Situational triggers: Environment (People, Stress: Increased amounts of cortisol
withdrawal, did not reduce relapse, and worsened immediate family members, a family
Places And Things)
performance on cognitive tasks (18) history of a substance use disorder, and
Emotional triggers: Internal (Hungry, Suddenly having a lot of cash
low socioeconomic status. Conclusion Angry, Lonely, Tired, Reward and Bored) Physical pain
Genetic and physiological: Heritable
factors contribute between 30% and Most adolescents and adults do not tend to think that cannabis use has the potential to develop into an addiction, and even if they do, Acute Abstinence Syndrome: symptoms Positive feeling states
80% of the total variance in risk of they presume that the consequences of CUD are not significant. Cannabis use disorder, on the other hand, is real, relatively common, that occur when a substance-dependent Complacency
cannabis use disorders. (13) manifests in symptoms similar to other SUDs, and is not easily treatable once it has been used chronically for years. person abruptly stops taking that substance Insomnia
Use of mood-altering prescription drugs Sexual functioning (15)(16)

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