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Written Test – MEAL Officer

Instructions: Please read the following questions thoroughly. Be sure to provide all requested
information. This test is meant to assess your writing and computer skills, knowledge of the issues,
problem-solving abilities, and creativity. Good luck!

Exam time is 2 hours

Question 1: Data Analysis (10 marks).
Using the data in the excel sheet (Annex 1), please provide the following information:

1. How many surveys are entered?

2. What is the average age of the respondents?

3. Which questions are single response, and which are multiple response?
4. In survey number 1, find mistakes in data entry.
5. How many respondents have lived in Basateen for more than 20 years?

6. How many respondents, who identify as Somali only, speak both Arabic and Somali?
7. Analyze questions 1 and 2 to come up with the findings (by showing percentages in graphs)
and conclusions.

Question 2: Reporting (10 marks).

The average age of female is 33 but the average age of male is 32

1. Write a report to your supervisor stating that you have notices a mal-practice in the field by
one of our employees in the field?

2. Write a report elaborating the project activities (Food Security and Livelihood) you are
working in, (what are the services you offer to the beneficiaries).

3. Write a report explaining the key challenges you’ve been through during the implementation
of activities (WASH ) and actions taken by you to overcome those challenges.

4. You have received several reports from field workers who have been monitoring health and
nutrition activities. Most of them indicate that the project is deviating from the project plan and
the target may not be met. How would you address this matter and who should you inform?

5. You noticed there was misbehave from one of our employees in the field with one of the
beneficiaries and by time you became to know that our employee is harassing the beneficiary
sexually, how would you address such problem and what will you do to avoid such manners
which may occur in future?

Question 3: Designing (9 marks).

1. Design a dashboard for a WASH project which includes project outcomes, target, objective,
indicators and sectors?
2. Design a simple activity tracker for FSL activities?

3. Design a simple CFM form.

Question 4: Multiple choices (15 marks).

1. Results based management includes:

A. Planning, implementing and monitoring
B. Planning and monitoring and evaluation
C. The monitoring and evaluation phase only
D. The planning phase only

2. Which of the following is not considered monitoring?

A. Counting the number of people trained.
B. Tracking the number of brochures disseminated.
C. Attributing changes in health outcomes to an intervention.
D. Collecting monthly data on clients served in a clinic.

3. The different steps of project or program cycle are:

A. Plan, implement, monitor, evaluate
B. Initial assessment, planning, implementation, evaluate
C. Initial assessment, planning, implement, monitor, evaluate
D. Planning, implement, monitor, evaluate

4. What does a monitoring and evaluation framework include?

A. Objectives, assumptions, indicators and a summary of activities
B. Objectives and indicators
C. Goal and objectives
D. Goal, objectives and indicators

5. What the difference between an M&E framework, a performance framework and a performance
monitoring plan (PMP)?
A. The M&E framework measures program performance and the others measure staff
B. Only the M&E framework has inputs and process, outputs, outcomes and impact
C. They all serve the same purpose
D. The PMP is the only one that details on indicators and means of measuring them

6. Which tools are useful for a situational analysis prior to planning a project/program?
A. Stakeholder analysis
B. SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis
C. Problem tree analysis
D. All of the above

7. Objectives should be written as:

A. Specific, simple, clear and concise statements that describe the intended results to be
B. High-level statements that provide the overall context for M&E
C. Long term statements that state the ultimate expected impact of a program
D. Unquantifiable and not needing to be measured

8. Indicators are:
A. Only quantitative
B. Written at process, output, outcome and impact level
C. Used to determine what progress is being made towards the achievement of an intended
result (objective)
D. A and C
E. B and C

9. Project monitoring is sometimes referred to as:

A. Evaluation
B. Impact Evaluation
C. Process Evaluation
D. Performance Evaluation

10. Which of the following is an example of a routine data source?

A. Clinic service statistics
B. Households surveys
C. National censuses
D. All of the above

11. A data collection plan should include the following:

A. The timing and frequency of collection
B. The person or agency responsible for the collection
C. The types of information needed for the indicators
D. All of the above
12. When it is said that objectives should be SMART, the “S” in the acronym stands for:
A. Simple
B. Strategic
C. Systematic
D. Specific

13. Which of the following is a characteristic of a good indicator?

A. Is clearly defined in unambiguous terms
B. Produces the same results when used repeatedly to measure the same condition or event
C. Measures the conditions or event it is intended to measure
D. All of the above

14. Data quality can be negatively affected by:

A. Sampling bias (the sample taken is not a representative sample)
B. Non-response rates
C. Subjective measurement (data influenced by measurer)
D. All of the above
E. A and B only

15. Frameworks can:

A. Help increase understanding of a project’s goals and objectives
B. Define the relationships between factors key to project implementation
C. Delineate the internal and external elements that could affect a project’s success
D. All of the above
E. B and C only

Question 5: State whether the statement is True or False (6 marks).

1. Indicators should be vague so that people can interpret them to meet their own needs,
making them more useful. ( )
2. The M&E plan should not be changed once the program begins. ( )
3. Data should be collected whenever possible, for the reason that they could perhaps be
used some day. ( )
4. Monitoring and evaluation both require knowledge of baseline values. ( )
5. In some cases, the output of one activity depicted in a logic model could be an input for
another activity. ( )
6. The highest quality data are usually obtained through the triangulation of data from
several sources. ( )
Question 6: Short notes (6 marks).

1. What does Logical Framework include? Indicator, output, outcome, means of variation,

2. What does CFM/FRM mean? Explain. Complaint feedback mechanism or Complaint response
mechanism is a part of accountability also is process all the stakeholder can reach voice to know
anything or send its complaints

3. What are the effective indicators used for WASH project, state them briefly?

4. What is meant by SMART indicators, please give example.

5. Mention one example of routine data sources and one example non-routine data sources.

6. In one paragraph, explain the things you would include in a monthly project progress report.

Question 7: Technical (4 marks).

State whether the question asked is Monitoring or Evaluation.

Is the project reaching those with greatest need?

Do project processes encourage accountability to stakeholders?
Was the project successful in achieving the targets set for its intended outcomes?
How have outcomes achieved varied by different groups within the targeted area?

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