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Leadership for Africa: Master’s Degree Scholarships in Germany

Reasons for undertaking a Second Master’s Degree

If you have already completed a master’s degree or if you are in the process of completing a master’s degree, please
answer the following questions:

1) Surname, Name:      

2) Personal Reference Number      

1) At which stage of your master’s are you ☐ I’m currently enrolled in a master’s programme
in? ☐ I finished my master’s degree

2) At which university?      

3) Which subject?      

4) In which field would you like to complete

the second master’s degree?

5) What added value do you expect from an

additional master’s degree in Germany?

6) When will you complete your current

master’s degree?
When did you complete your master’s
degree? (Indicate an estimated date)

ST32 – Leadership for Africa – edition: 03/2023 Seite 1 von 1

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