Shock Initiation of Powder Mixtures of Aluminum With Dense Metal Oxides

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Shock initiation of powder mixtures of

aluminum with dense metal oxides

Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 1426, 279 (2012);
Published Online: 29 March 2012

Francois-Xavier Jetté, Sam Goroshin, David Frost, et al.


A thermochemical model for shock-induced reactions (heat detonations) in solids

The Journal of Chemical Physics 92, 1839 (1990);

Impact-induced initiation and energy release behavior of reactive materials

Journal of Applied Physics 110, 074904 (2011);

In-situ measurements of the onset of bulk exothermicity in shock initiation of reactive powder
Journal of Applied Physics 109, 084905 (2011);

AIP Conference Proceedings 1426, 279 (2012); 1426, 279

© 2012 American Institute of Physics.


F.X. Jetté1, S. Goroshin1, D.L. Frost1, and F. Zhang2

McGill University, Dept. of Mech. Eng., Montreal, Canada
DRDC-Suffield, Ralston Canada

Abstract. Strong and dense structural reactive materials may be produced by mixing aluminum
powders with heavy metal-oxide powders (such as Bi2O3, PbO, Pb3O4, I2O5, etc.). The addition of
certain additives to such mixtures, such as V2O5 and B2O3, can lower the softening point of the oxide
mixture below the melting point of aluminum. This could lead to the fabrication of dense and non-
porous aluminum-metal oxide structural materials. The shock sensitivity of aluminum-metal oxide
mixtures was investigated in this work. The minimum shock initiating pressure was obtained for
various porous and non-porous aluminum-metal oxide mixtures using the shock recovery technique.
Since most reactions of Al in metal oxide mixtures produce little pressure and material velocity
changes but large increases in temperatures, thermocouples were used to observe the bulk reaction
onset, which relates to the overall reaction rate, in those mixtures. The mixtures tested were found to
be very sensitive to shock initiation and their reaction rates were found to be very fast, compared to
other types of reactive powder mixtures. Finally, the addition V2O5 and B2O3 additives or the addition
of liquid heptane (to fill the pores) did not significantly lower the sensitivity or reaction rates of the
mixtures investigated.
Keywords: shock initiation, dense glass, thermocouple, recovery capsules, thermite
PACS: 47.40.Nm, 62.50.+p, 82.40.Fp.

INTRODUCTION viscosity becomes small near 700ºC) can be

prepared by adding small amounts of V2O5 and
In order to achieve a dense reactive structural B2O3 to mixtures of dense oxides. The thermal
material, it is proposed to combine aluminum with initiation sensitivity can also be decreased when
a mixture of dense metal oxides, such as Bi2O3 and nickel-clad aluminum is used instead of pure
PbO. Such reactive powder mixtures are dense, aluminum.
highly exothermic, and as will be shown in this The objective of the current project was to
study, very sensitive to shock initiation. determine how sensitive to shock initiation various
The density of those powder mixtures can be powder mixtures of aluminum and metal oxide are,
further increased if the pores are filled with a as well as the rate at which shock-initiated
liquid, such as liquid heptane. It may be possible to reactions proceed. To this end, the initiation of
prepare even denser samples via the melt-casting reaction was monitored in samples contained in
method described in [1], provided the metal oxide instrumented steel recovery capsules and shocked
mixture can be melted without thermally initiating using a charge of high explosive detonated in close
reactions with the aluminum. Metal-oxide mixtures proximity with the steel capsule.
whose softening point is below 300ºC (and whose

Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2011

AIP Conf. Proc. 1426, 279-282 (2012); doi: 10.1063/1.3686273
© 2012 American Institute of Physics 978-0-7354-1006-0/$0.00

EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE obtain reaction rate information for various types
of reactive samples shocked in recovery capsules.
The experiments were conducted using the In each experiment, two thermocouples were
cylindrical configuration shown in Fig. 1. The inserted into the sample cavity from the bottom of
powder samples were hand-compacted into a the capsule and the holes for the wires were sealed
25.4 mm diameter cavity (10 mm deep) in a mild with steel epoxy, which also served to hold the
steel recovery capsule (the bottom portion of the thermocouples in place. The 3.2 mm diameter
capsule was 50.8 mm in diameter, while the cover holes for the thermocouples were located 8.89 mm
was 63.5 mm), similar to that of [3]. from the centre at 120º from each other. The top
A strong shock wave was delivered to the view of the sample cavity in Fig. 1 shows the
sample by detonating a charge of high explosives location of the thermocouples: one thermocouple
in close contact with the test capsule. A shock- was located exactly at the centre of the sample,
attenuating disc of PMMA of varying thickness whereas the other one was located approximately
was placed between the explosive and the capsule 8.7 mm from the centre. Both thermocouples were
in order to control the shock pressure – the shock is laid against the steel at the bottom of the sample, as
strongest when this PMMA layer is thinnest. The shown in Fig. 1 to facilitate the compacting of the
explosive charge was 454 g pentolite booster powders, the thermocouples were placed at the
(Orica Pentex AP, 50.8 mm in diameter) with 20 g bottom of the test sample. Weight (small steel
of C4 that provided a smooth surface between the beads) and steel epoxy were added in the cavity
PMMA and the booster. under the capsules to hold the thermocouple wires
To prevent its motion, the test capsule was more solidly in place.
held rigidly in place in a heavy steel block/anvil All electric signals were amplified (gain=100,
using three strong set screws. After each Omega OMNI AMP III amplifier) and recorded on
experiment the sample remained sealed within the a 400 MHz bandwith digital oscilloscope. The
capsule, which was later cut open to allow post- temperature rise resulting from the initial shock in
shock analysis of the sample. the thermocouple signals was used to trigger the
Due to the relatively small volume of gases digital oscilloscopes.
produced by reactions in the mixtures of interest, The mixtures tested consisted of the following:
exothermic chemical reactions are typically Mixture 1: Bi2O3 + aluminum
characterized by small changes in pressure and Mixture 2: PbO + aluminum
particle velocity, large changes in temperature, and Mixture 3: oxide mix + aluminum
intense luminosity. Hence, temperature or light- Mixture 4: oxide mix + aluminum + liquid heptane
measuring techniques provide the most direct Mixture 5: oxide mix + HAI Ni-Al
means to determine the onset of reaction. Mixture 6: oxide mix + Phelly Ni-Al
Jetté et al. [2] showed that although thermo- The oxide mix was constituted of the
couples made from wires with a diameter of following mass fractions: 61% PbO, 33% Bi2O3,
0.8 mm (wire gauge AWG 20, Omega part #: 5TC- 4% B2O3, and 2% V2O3. All oxide powders were
TT-K-20-36) cannot be relied upon to measure acquired through Alfa Aesar. Spherical Valimet H-
actual bulk temperature on short time scales, they 5 aluminum powder was used in mixtures 1-4. For
were appropriate to measure the onset of bulk mixture 5, nickel-clad aluminum powders contain-
temperature changes on time scales of the order of ing 2% nickel were manufactured at HAI Ad-
1.8 ms (which is the time required for the centre of vanced Materials Specialists Inc. by depositing Ni
the junction to “feel” a temperature change at the on -325 Al powders. For mixture 6, Phelly Mater-
surface, estimated based on an analytically- ials Inc’s TS-4 Ni-clad Al powders (30%
determined Fourier number of 0.028 and an aluminum) were used (-140+325 mesh). The
approximate value of the heat diffusivity of the amount of aluminum was adjusted to stoichio-
junction). Bulk reaction onset times presented in metric proportions (assuming full conversion to
the results section were generally longer than this Al2O3), except for mixture 6, where only 75% of
resolution. Thus the thermocouple technique is a the aluminum required to make a stoichiometric
simple, reliable, robust, and accurate method to mixture was used.

The powder mixtures were prepared by mixing expected bulk shock heating for the shock
the component powders in a bottle which was then pressures and sample densities tested. It should be
rolled with a roller mill for several hours (>4 hrs) noted however that the thermocouple technique is
to uniformly mix the particles. The mixtures were not ideal for precisely measuring shock heating
then compacted into the test capsules in increments since the temperature indicated by the
of approximately 2 g. For mixture 4, heptane was thermocouple at the instant the shock traverses it is
added after each powder increment (resulting in a not dependent only on the temperature of the
15% heptane mass fraction). Densities were medium it is in [4].
calculated based on the empty volume of the In experiments where the sample did not react
sample cavity in the steel capsule and the mass of (Fig. 2), the bulk temperature decayed slowly
powder used in the experiment (note that the following the initial temperature jump, whereas in
thermocouples volume in the sample cavity was experiments where the sample reacted exother-
not accounted for, so actual densities were slightly mically (as in Fig. 3 and 4), the temperature signals
greater than those presented in the table below). increased once again after a certain delay on the
After each experiment the sample was either order of a few ms. During this second rise, the
found to have reacted entirely to completion or signals typically increased more slowly and
there was no evidence of bulk reaction within the showed some noise (more noise than in samples
sample. If the sample reacted, the steel capsule was that yield non-gaseous products [2], which could
too hot to handle by hand after the experiment, be due to the imperfect thermal contact between
while if it did not react, the capsule was only the thermocouple and the products). While this
slightly warmer than room temperature. After all technique cannot be used to measure the exact
experiments, the capsule was cut open and visual reaction time or peak temperature, the time of the
inspection of the sample was also used to post-shock rise in temperature can provide an
determine whether the sample was a compacted indication of the timescale for the onset of bulk
powder or a solid reaction product. exothermicity sufficient to heat the sample.
Top view

detonator junctions

50.8 mm

anvil Figure 2. Temperature histories for Al + oxide mix
(46% TMD) with 53.8 mm PMMA (shot TC-78).

Figure 1. Experimental setup. The capsule cover
thickness above the sample is 10mm.


Typical temperature signals are presented in

Figs. 2-4. In each figure, the shock wave caused an
initial temperature jump on the order of 50-200 ºC
when it reached the location of the thermocouples. Figure 3. Temperature histories for Phelly Ni-Al + oxide
This temperature increase is in accordance with the mix (48% TMD) with 17.8 mm PMMA (shot NG-2).


Measurements of bulk temperature rises in

shock-initiated exothermic powder mixtures using
embedded thermocouples revealed that the delay
between arrival of the shock wave and onset of
bulk temperature rise was on the order of a few
10’s to a few 100’s of ms when the Ni-clad
aluminum powder containing 70% nickel was used,
but less than 10 ms with all other Al or Ni-Al
Figure 4. Temperature histories for HAI Ni-Al + oxide powders tested. Therefore, reaction rates are fastest
mix (54% TMD) with 25.5 mm PMMA (shot NG-11). when the amount of Ni is very small. This should
be expected since flame temperature (and burning
The delay times between shock arrival and velocity) is smallest when much Ni is present. The
temperature rise resulting from bulk reaction in the addition of liquid heptane also caused a slight
sample are compiled in table 1 for the two gauges increase in delay time.
used in each experiment. It is interesting to note The critical shock strength (or PMMA
that those onset times do not show a strong attenuator thickness) was found to be independent
dependence on incident shock pressure (or PMMA of the particular oxide mixture employed, but the
layer thickness). addition of a Ni coating on the aluminum powder
had a significant de-sensitizing effect, especially
TABLE 1 Summary of Delay Times when the coating was thick as in the Phelly
PMMA powders. The addition of liquid heptane also had a
layer τ1a τ2
Mix tested small de-sensitizing effect. Thus, initiation was
TMD (ms) (ms)
(mm) partially inhibited when no pores were present and
Al + 53.8 34.6 1.9c 2.2 when the reactants were separated by an inert layer.
Bi2O3 48.6 53.9 no reaction
44.6 28.1 2.4c 2.4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Al +
42.7 35.8 2.1c 2.1
PbO Rick Guilbeault, Alexandre Coderre-Chabot
43.7 53.9 no reaction
and Jean-Frédéric Ruel are thanked for their
47.7 37.5 3.8c 6.3
Al + assistance with the experiments.
45.6 44.0 1.1 4.2c
oxide mix
45.9 53.8 no reaction REFERENCES
Al + N/A 24.8 4.6 6.9c
oxide mix N/A 44.1 no reaction 1. Jetté, F. X., et al., “Experimental Investigation of
+ heptane N/A 53.7 no reaction Gasless Detonation in Metal-Sulfur Compositions,”
54.1 25.5 1.9c 2.0 Combust. Explo. Shock 45, pp. 211-217 (2009).
HAI 2. Jetté, F. X., et al., “In-Situ Measurements of the
50.1 25.5 2.6 3.9c
Ni-Al + Onset of Bulk Exothermicity in Shock Initiation of
48.3 34.5 no reaction Reactive Powder Mixtures,” J. Appl. Phys. 109,
oxide mix
47.7 51.5 no reaction 084905 (2011).
52.1 17.7 <5 3. Jetté, F. X., et al., “Shock Reactivity of Non-Porous
Phelly 48.1 17.8 80c 258 Mixtures of Manganese and Sulfur,” AIP Conf.
Ni-Al + 54.5 20.0 146 149c Proc. 955, pp. 1033-1036 (2007).
oxide mix 51.8 22.7 no reaction 4. Bloomquist, D.D., Duvall, G.E., “Electrical Re-
sponse of a Bimetallic junction to Shock Compres-
51.3 25.4 no reaction sion,” J. App. Phys. 50 pp. 4838-4846 (1979).
τ1 is the earliest bulk reaction onset time, τ2 is the latest
these gauges were located at the centre of the sample


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