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Renewable Energy Focus 44 (2023) 344–356

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Floating solar photovoltaic (FSPV) potential in Zambia: Case studies on

six hydropower power plant reservoirs
Damaseck Chirwa a, Rahul Goyal b,⇑, Enock Mulenga c
Energy Regulation Board of Zambia, Copperbelt Region, Kitwe, Zambia
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Department of Energy Science and Engineering, Delhi, India
School of Engineering, Copperbelt University, Kitwe, Zambia Division of Energy Science-Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study assesses the technical resource potential for floating solar photovoltaic systems on Zambia’s
Received 22 July 2022 existing hydro-based power plants. The research uses System Advisor Model (SAM) and has made some
Revised 22 January 2023 input changes to adapt the standard photovoltaic performance model to Floating Solar Photovoltaics. The
Accepted 22 January 2023
input changes are the tilt angle and the losses. Tilt has been taken as 5o, while the soiling losses have been
Available online 1 February 2023
taken as zero (0). Zambia’s theoretical maximum floating solar photovoltaic potential (100% coverage)
was found to be 254.083 GWp. The floating solar photovoltaic potential in Zambia at 10% coverage is
the best option. It was found to be 25.408 GWp, while the energy generated was 43,448.1212 GWh.
Floating Solar Photovoltaics
theoretical maximum
Compared to the total installed electricity (3.011) GW, this power is 8 times more than the current
FSPV resource potential installed capacity. Kariba dam shows the highest potential of 24.461 GWp, followed by Itezhi Tezhi
hydropower (0.506 GWp), Kafue Gorge Upper (0.393 GWp), Mita Hills (0.0314) GWp, Mulungushi Dam (0.0131)
National Energy Policy GWp, and Kafue Gorge Lower (0.0043 GWp). The country has an average photovoltaics electricity daily
Evaporation Savings output ranging from 4.54 to 4.85 kWh/kWp, which equates to 1658 to 1772 kWh/kWp totals. The find-
ings of this study will increase public awareness of floating solar photovoltaic systems and It will allow
the government and investors to consider investing in the technology. This shall ultimately increase
power generation in Zambia, helping to alleviate the country’s 0.81 GWp power deficit. The National
Energy Policy facilitates the development and deployment of renewable and alternative energy sources
like hydropower and solar photovoltaic power. Through this policy, an assessment of the resource poten-
tial for ground-mounted Solar photovoltaics has been conducted. The policy does not mention the new
technology of floating solar photovoltaic systems, which benefits from an increased energy yield due
to the cooling effect of water since it is located on the water’s surface. Lower shading, decreased civil
works, lower grid interconnection costs, reduced water evaporation, enhanced water quality, lowered
algae blooming, and valuable land are released for other uses, such as agricultural land or residential
developments, when existing water reservoirs are used. Some potential benefits come with the new tech-
nology, although it is still nascent.
Ó 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction solar energy generation’s cost competitiveness (IRENA 2019) [1].

This new opportunity has resulted in installing over 300 floating
A floating solar photovoltaic (FSPV) system is a novel technol- solar installations worldwide, allowing for expanding solar gener-
ogy in which a photovoltaic (PV) system is installed directly on ating capacity, particularly in countries with dense populations
top of a body of water, such as a reservoir, lake, pond, or canal, and multiple competing uses for available land [2]. This system
rather than on land or at the roof of buildings, like conventional is configured similarly to a land-based photovoltaic system, except
PV installation. In recent years, technological developments and that the photovoltaic arrays and inverters are located on the float-
decreasing PV module capital costs have dramatically increased ing platform, as shown in Figure 1.1. Inverters convert direct cur-
rent (DC) electricity generated by PV modules to alternating
⇑ Corresponding author. current (AC). For small-scale FSPV plants near the shore, inverters
E-mail addresses: (D. Chirwa),,
can be placed on land close to the array. Otherwise, special floats (R. Goyal), (E. Mulenga). equipped with either central or string inverters are typically used.
1755-0084/Ó 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Chirwa, R. Goyal and E. Mulenga Renewable Energy Focus 44 (2023) 344–356


FSPV Floating Solar Photovoltaics SAM System Advisory Model

GMPV Ground Mounted Photovoltaics NEP National Energy Policy
GHG Green House Gas ESR Energy Sector Report
PV Photovoltaics SERIS Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore
GHI Global Horizontal Irradiation HDPE High Density Polyethylene
DNI Direct Normal Irradiation MDPE Medium Density Polyethylene
DHI Diffuse Horizontal Irradiation KGL Kafue Gorge Lower
kWh Kilo Watt Hour KGU Kafue Gorge Upper
kW Kilo Watt MPS Mulungushi Power Station
TERI The Energy and Resources Institute MOL Minimum Operating Level
IPP Independent Power Producers NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory
LHPC Lunsemfwa Hydro Power Company
ITPC Itezhi Tezhi Power Company
MCL Maamba Collieries Limited

Fig. 1.1. Critical components of a large-scale FSPV system [2].

Any floating PV installation would be incomplete without the float-  Water reservoirs can be utilised to minimise land-energy con-
ing platform, anchoring, and mooring system. flicts by freeing up valuable land to be used for other purposes
Zambia currently has approximately 0.89 GWp of solar PV such as agriculture or residential constructions (e.g., a land-use
capacity, all of which are ground-mounted. While installing a designation based on energy versus food concerns);
ground-mounted solar photovoltaic (GMPV) system requires a sig-  Significant reduction in land acquisition as well as site prepara-
nificant amount of territory, land-scarce developing nations such tory costs;
as Zambia have to priotise land use for agricultural, forestry, or  Reduced evaporation is a benefit of placing solar PV modules on
other purposes. By co-locating solar PV systems above man-made the surface of a water body, which is especially important in
bodies of water such as dams, FSPV systems may provide an alter- locations where water is limited. It is a big benefit for countries
native to scaling up renewables by increasing generation capacity whose rainfall pattern has been disturbed due to global
and alleviating conflicting land-use constraints [3]. warming;
The temperature of GMPV panels significantly impacts the  Due to the temperature-regulating influence of water, potential
behaviour of a PV system, as it affects system efficiency and output system efficiency and production can be increased;
energy. GMPV modules’ higher operating temperatures are a sub-  Improvements in solar PV performance as a result of reduced
stantial loss factor for energy generation in hot climates. [4] The shading;
greater the cell operating temperature, the lower the power output  Increasing the density of panels in a particular area (larger
and, as a result, the efficiency. Installing PV panels on bodies of installed capacity per unit area);
water cools the PV module, improving performance by 5–10 %  Less water-body maintenance expenditures as a result of
and resulting in substantial cost savings over time [5]. Therefore, reduced algal growth; and
it is necessary to carry out an evaluation of the resource potential  When hydropower is co-located with solar, the power system
of FSPV in Zambia and explore its benefits, particularly when com- improves, and capital costs are reduced since there is no cost
bined with current hydropower such as: for constructing a transmission line and substations [3].

D. Chirwa, R. Goyal and E. Mulenga Renewable Energy Focus 44 (2023) 344–356

The fifth goal of the National Energy Policy (NEP) of Zambia; is Other low-carbon energy technologies, such as FSPV, must be pri-
to increase the use of renewable energy to broadening the energy oritised and deployed at large scales in light of the climate change
mix and, as a result, reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) while targets set for 2030. World Bank’s solar resource assessment found
also protecting and preserving the environment [6]. Part of this that Zambia is one of Africa’s countries with the highest concentra-
goal was achieved by conducting a Solar Resource and PV Potential tion of solar resources. The country has average solar irradiation of
Assessment, but only for GMPV systems, with no consideration 5.5 kWh/m2/day and approximately 3,000 sunshine hours per
given to other PV technologies such as FSPV. year; it is an excellent location for photovoltaic and solar thermal
Increased access to electricity is the sixth objective of the NEP, systems (including electricity generation, solar home systems,
which is in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Develop- solar water pumping, and solar water heating). Currently, the
ment’s goal of improving the living conditions of citizens [6]. The country has an installed capacity of 0.089 GWp GMPV. Many fac-
Government of the Republic of Zambia has set a deadline of 2030 tors, including high capital costs and insufficient regulatory frame-
for achieving universal access to electricity for all people in the works for renewable energy systems, have been attributed to the
country. Currently, only 31 % have access to electricity, with urban low level of investment in solar energy electricity generation.
residents accounting for 67 % of those with access and rural resi- These factors have created investment uncertainty, which has led
dents accounting for only 4 % [7]. As such, a technical resource to a lack of investment [6].
potential for FSPV is inevitable. In light of Zambia’s growing energy needs of about 0.2 GWp
Zambia’s 2020 projected demand focus, according to the Energy every year, a deficit of 0.81 GWp that was experienced in 2020
Sector Report (ESR) 2020, was around 2.31 GWp, with an average leading to daily load shedding, reduced generation as a result of
generation of around 1.5 GWp. It resulted in an 0.81 GWp power decreased water levels in the storage facilities, and now abun-
deficit in the electricity supply industry in 2020, which was attrib- dant solar resources available; it is essential to evaluate the
uted to lower water levels in the major power generation reser- FSPV resource potential on existing hydropower dams so that
voirs. In recent years, changes in rainfall patterns have impacted a favourable policy and regulatory framework for FSPV can be
the country’s electricity generation, resulting in low water levels established in Zambia. Increasing the renewable energy share
in several reservoirs. According to the Zambia Meteorological through solar PV technology, which is currently 2.96 %, and
Department, rainfall in Zambia’s Southern Region, where most expanding access to clean, dependable, and inexpensive electric-
power plants are located, remained below normal throughout the ity must be accomplished through proven and workable tech-
2018/2019 rainy seasons [8]. As a result, FSPV’s technical resource nologies like FSPV.
potential is needed to guide the government and power plant own-
ers on how much power can be generated from the technology.
Zambia’s population is expected to increase from 17.9 million in State of the Art
2019 to 26.9 million in 2035, increasing the demand for energy ser-
vices like electricity. Due to demographic and socioeconomic fac- Numerous papers on a similar subject area have been published
tors, the country’s energy consumption increases at a 6% annual on the potential FSPV, and its benefits [1–4,10], and several
rate or 0.15-0.2 gigawatts. As a result, the energy sector must take pertinent studies focus on the evolution, technical potential, and
measures and make interventions to ensure that future energy efficiency improvement of FSPV.
demands are met [6]. In 2007, the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science
Hydropower dominates Zambia’s generation mix, accounting and Technology (AIST) in Aichi, Japan, completed the construction
for approximately 79.65% of installed capacity. Coal (10.96%), of the world’s first FSPV plant with a capacity of 20 kWp. In Califor-
heavy fuel oil (3.65%), diesel (2.78%), and solar account for the nia, the United States of America, Far Niente Winery implemented
remainder of the generation (2.96%). Wind, geothermal, and the first commercial-scale system with a 1.75 x 10-3 GWp capacity
waste-to-energy technologies contribute 0% to the electricity gen- in 2008 [2,11]. They floated it over a reservoir to avoid taking up
eration mix [9]. The country has a total installed capacity of 3.011 valuable vineyard space. Due to the proven reliability and banka-
GWp, of which 2.4 GWp comes from hydropower, which has the bility of FSPV systems, plants with tens or even hundreds of mega-
potential to grow to 6GWp [8]. Other sources of power include coal watts of capacity have recently been built in China and worldwide.
power plants (0.33 GWp), heavy fuel oil (0.11 GWp), solar energy In 2016, the world’s first plant with a capacity greater than 0.01
(0.089 GWp), and diesel-powered plants, which account for the GWp was built, and in 2018, multiple plants with a capacity
remaining 0.084 GWp Large hydropower projects in Zambia with greater than 0.1 GWp were installed, the biggest of which was
a combined capacity of more than 2.800 GWp are undergoing fea- 0.15 GWp. Figure 2.1 shows the evolution of the FSPV technology.
sibility studies on the country’s major rivers. Unfortunately, The global installed capacity reached over 1.6 GW in 2019, a 35 %
according to the energy sector report for 2020, climate change sig- increase from 2018 [12]. There is a trend of increasing FSPV tech-
nificantly impacts hydropower generation. Table 1.1 shows the nology used globally, from barely 0.002 GW in 2009 to 1.656 GW
capacity of installed electricity generation in the country [8]. in 2019.
As shown in Table 1.1, most of Zambia’s generation is domi- Studies on the assessment of floating solar photovoltaic poten-
nated by hydropower. When a drought is experienced, power gen- tial in existing hydropower reservoirs in Africa have been con-
eration capacities are significantly lost at all the power stations. ducted; this study analyses the potential for FSPV installation in
Africa using highly accurate water surface data from the conti-
nent’s largest 146 hydropower reservoirs. The results indicate that
Table 1.1 harnessing the full potential of the FSPV resource for electricity
Generation Capacity for Electricity in Zambia [8]. production (100% of the reservoir area, which totals 29,222 km2)
SN. Technology Capacity (GWp) Percentage (%)
would result in a nearly 50-fold increase in output compared to
hydropower (from 105 TWh to 5293 TWh). FSPV’s total installed
1 Hydro 2.40 79.65
2 Coal 0.33 10.96
capacity would be 2922 GW (more than 250 times the cumulative
3 Heavy fuel oil 0.11 3.65 installed PV capacity of roughly 11GW at the end of 2020 and 104
4 Solar 0.089 2.96 times compared to the current installed hydropower capacity of 28
5 Diesel 0.084 2.78 GW. The research further shows results for Zambia’s FSPV potential
Total 3.01
on five (5) reservoirs with a total surface area of 3379.8 km2; the
D. Chirwa, R. Goyal and E. Mulenga Renewable Energy Focus 44 (2023) 344–356

Fig. 2.1. Global FSPV Capacity Progression [12].

results indicate that coverage of 0.46% of the reservoirs’ surface water in the contiguous United States. FSPV systems covering just
area shall produce 2961.2 GWh of energy [13]. 27% of the identified suitable water bodies could generate nearly
Africa has the highest untapped technical hydropower poten- 10% of the nation’s current generation. Additionally, varying the tilt
tial, with Zambia possessing 6 GW but exploiting only 2.4 GW. angle from 5° to 15° resulted in 4% and 2% annual generation
According to the International Hydropower Association, only 11% change, respectively. A standard tilt of 11° was assumed for FSPV
of the total technical potential has been developed. In light of Afri- [15].
ca’s growing energy needs, the study examines the feasibility of a The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in New Delhi
viable energy symbiosis between solar PV and hydropower via researched medium and large reservoirs in India to determine FSPV
the development of floating photovoltaic systems. According to potential. FSPV plants with a capacity of 280 GWp can be built on
the study, FSPV solutions could quickly ramp up installed power approximately 18,000 km2 of water surface area across several
capacities by leveraging current facilities and local expertise. The states, according to research [10]. At Ambazari Lake in Nagpur,
FSPV could also compensate for reduced hydroelectric power pro- Maharashtra, a proposed 1 MWp FSPV plant’s techno-economic
duction throughout dry periods and minimise water loss due to analysis was conducted. The results indicate that the FSPV plant’s
evaporation [14]. generation efficiency will be 2.5% to 3% higher than that of a con-
According to the World Bank and Singapore’s Solar Energy ventional ground-mounted photovoltaic (PV) system, and 191 mil-
Research Institute (SERIS), the worldwide potential of FSPV may lion litres of water will be saved annually through evaporation. The
range between 400 GW and 1000 GW based on the available sur- energy generation and price of electricity are estimated at least
face area of man-made water bodies worldwide, with China lead- 1614 MWh per year and 3 INR/kWh for the chosen location. The
ing the way. Flooded coal mines are being used by solar FSPV plant will be responsible for bridging the gap between electri-
developers, fuelled by China’s ‘‘Top Runner” initiative, converting cal energy demand and supply. When likened to ground-mounted
these environmental and social calamities into opportunities; this solar PV systems, it has a more significant environmental benefit
has resulted in China possessing the world’s largest floating solar [16].
arrays, ranging in size from 0.2 to 0.15 GW per site and located Young-Kwan Choi’s report for K-Water, Korea Water
in Anhui Province. A gain in energy of 5% to 10% is reported in war- Resources Corporation, compares the performance of a floating
mer regions with global horizontal radiation for flat-plate PV of photovoltaic system to that of an on-land plant. According to
more than 1600 W/m2 like Zambia [2]. the study, FSPV modules operate at a lower temperature than
Another report titled Top 200 Operational Floating Solar PV GMPV modules; the chosen FSPV has an average efficiency of
Plants; reports that FSPV has continued to gain popularity as of 11% higher than GMPV [17]. The University of Malaysia con-
2019 due to its many benefits and following market developments. ducted another study that simulated an 80W floating PV plant
As the technology improves and becomes more affordable, many using multi-crystalline cells. Compared to a standard PV over-
countries are creating their own (FSPV) systems in freshwater land module, the experimental system produces 6% and 15%
and marine environments. FSPV systems’ demonstrated depend- more power in the short-term (2 hours during midday) and
ability and bankability have increased the average project size in long-term simulations. The advantages of such floating applica-
recent years. By the end of 2019, there were a few operational FSPV tions for tropical countries with high irradiance and temperature
projects with more than 0.1 GW capacities [12]. are also emphasised [18].
In the United States of America, a technical potential of photo- Another study in Korea examines the potential of floating pho-
voltaic Systems on Man-Made Water Bodies was performed. tovoltaic (PV) systems and estimates the generation capacity for
Despite growing interest in FSPV, the report says that there has 3401 reservoirs. OpenAPI is used to create and analyse a water
been no systematic assessment of technical potential. Even with depth database to find a suitable reservoir for floating PV installa-
conservative assumptions, the results indicate that FSPV can con- tion. Data from a typical meteorological year (TMY) and topo-
tribute significantly to the United States’ electric sector. A maxi- graphical information are used to predict the irradiance
mum of 24,419 man-made bodies of water was identified as distribution. Yearly electricity production from all reservoirs was
potentially appropriate for FSPV generation, accounting for 27% estimated at 2932 GWh, reducing GHG emissions by around
of the total number and 12% of the area of man-made bodies of 1,294,450 tons per year (according to the study) [19].

D. Chirwa, R. Goyal and E. Mulenga Renewable Energy Focus 44 (2023) 344–356

In the Zambian context, the World Bank assessed and mapped the renewable energy industry in deciding their investments.
solar resources for the country as part of a broader technical assis- SAM software can simulate FSPV, whereas PVGIS only supports
tance project supported by the Energy Sector Management Assis- rooftop and GMPV simulations [4]. When a particular site such
tance Program (ESMAP). The project included biomass, solar, and as the Itezhi Tezhi dam is simulated in SAM for a 1 MW, the output
wind mapping. Six ESMAP measuring stations in Zambia were used energy of 2127000 kWh is higher than the simulation done in
to collect and harmonise data to obtain reference solar radiation PVGIS energy output of 152059.68 kWh.
data to reduce the model’s uncertainty. According to the findings,
the average daily output of photovoltaic electricity ranges between
4.3 and 4.6 kWh/kWp (equivalent to average annual totals of 1550 Methods and data applied
to 1680 kWh/kWp). As a result, Zambia falls among countries with
a high potential for photovoltaic power generation. This assess- The major goal of this research is to evaluate the FSPV technical
ment is for land-based or ground-mounted solar PV, not SPV resource potential in ZAMBIA on its existing hydropower dams,
[20]. As a result of this assessment, the country now has an namely, Kariba, Itezhi-Tezhi, Kafue Gorge Upper & Lower, Mulun-
installed capacity of 0.89GW of GMPV. Other outcomes include gushi, and Mita Hills. This shall enable the government to develop
GET FiT Zambia, a government-run program designed to attract sound policies and also provide more information to project devel-
private-sector investment in small and medium-sized renewable opers and researchers concerning FSPV in Zambia. Figure 3.1 below
energy, especially for independent power producers (IPPs) in Zam- shows the map of Zambia and the location of each hydropower
bia. Accordingly, to increase solar power capacity, GET FiT Zambia dam used in the analysis of the technical resource potential. Four
awarded three consortiums a total of six solar PV projects totalling of the dams are located in the Southern province (Kariba dam –
0.12 GWp in 2019. Zambia’s energy mix will be diversified region- 1080 MW, KGU – 990 MW, KGL – 750 & ITT – 120 MW) while
ally and technologically with these projects. Unfortunately, since the other two are in the Central province (Mulungushi – 32 MW
2019, none of the projects has been completed due to challenges, & Mita Hills – 24 MW) [22,23].
such as land for GMPV installations being occupied by settlers The predicted effects of installing a 1 MW FSPV system at the
who need to be resettled and renewable energy sector uncertainty selected sites can be evaluated in simple steps using the flowchart
[21]. shown in Figure 3.2 and are modelled in system advisor model
The 2019 edition of the Energy Sector Report contains valuable software.
information about the performance of Zambia’s energy sector. The
report highlights the various programs, projects, and initiatives System advisor model (SAM)
undertaken to improve the sector’s performance during the review
period. It reports that climate change has negatively impacted the The System Advisor Model (SAM) is free financial, economic,
electricity sub-sector and has negatively impacted rainfall patterns and technological performance simulation software that helps
and compromised hydropower generation over the years. To users in the renewable energy industry make decisions based on
address this, the Zambian government, in accordance with the the obtained results. To model a renewable energy project in
National Energy Policy 2019, which aims to expand renewable SAM, you select a performance model and a financial model to rep-
energy use to diversify the energy mix, has continued to imple- resent the project and assign values to input parameters to provide
ment various initiatives, such as the diversification of electricity information about the project’s location, equipment type, cost of
sources, in 2019 [9]. The 2020 Energy Sector Report highlights that; installation and operation, and financial and incentive assump-
changes in climatic conditions such as global warming, insufficient tions. Once certain and confident with the values assigned to the
rainfall, and drought put the country at risk due to the electricity input variables, run simulations and then analyse the results. PV
sub-dominance sectors of hydropower generation. Only 1.5 GW systems that can store excess electrical energy in batteries, concen-
of generation capacity was available in 2020, compared to a trating solar; industrial process heat; solar water heating; wind;
demand of 2.31 GW, resulting in an 0.81 GW shortfall [8]. Zambia geothermal; biomass; and conventional power systems that either
needs to evaluate the potential of FSPV on its man-made dams, send electricity directly to the power grid or interact with the elec-
especially the ones used for hydroelectric power generation, since tric load of a building that is connected to the grid are covered in
there are already existing electricity infrastructures such as step- SAM. SAM cannot model off-grid or hybrid power systems with
up substations and transmission lines for exporting the generated more than one power source. The performance models of SAM per-
FSPV power to the national grid. form hourly calculations of a power system’s electric output, pro-
In conclusion, there has been a significant amount of research ducing 8,760 hourly values that represent the system’s annual
into floating solar PV; research entitled ‘‘Assessment of floating electricity production. A few performance models also support
solar photovoltaics potential in existing hydropower reservoirs in simulations on a sub-hourly basis. The financial models of SAM
Africa” concludes that from Zambia’s five (5) big hydro reservoirs, compute financial metrics for various types of power projects
the total surface area available is 3379.8 km2. It states that 6823.8 based on the cash flows of a project over a specified analysis per-
GWh of energy can be produced using only 0.46% of the total sur- iod. The financial models use the performance model’s calculation
face area available [13]. However, no in-depth technical perfor- of the system’s electricity output to figure out a series of annual
mance analysis has been conducted to produce other outcomes cash flows. SAM can be downloaded and installed for free at
such as the Performance Ratio (PR), Capacity Utilisation Factor The software must be registered as your ver-
(CUF), Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE), Net Present Value (NPV),
sion of SAM by presenting NREL with a valid email address before
and Payback Period. Photovoltaic Geographical Information System
it can be utilised. Then, initiate a new project and adhere to the
(PVGIS), an online software that calculates how much energy can
steps outlined in Figure 3.2.
be produced from various PV systems, is used in the report to
assess the technical potential for Africa and Zambia. It leaves out
the performance analysis parameters, such as the PR, CUF, and Reservoir data
LCOE, that help select a viable project. Hence in this research, Sys-
tem Advisory Model (SAM) software shall be used to evaluate the The obtained reservoir data from all major dammed hydro-
technical potential of FSPV in Zambia. It is an unrestricted power plants to determine the total surface area available is shown
techno-economic software model that assists people working in in Table 3.1 for the six sites selected. Table 3.2, Table 3.3.
D. Chirwa, R. Goyal and E. Mulenga Renewable Energy Focus 44 (2023) 344–356

Fig. 3.1. Map of Zambia showing the six hydro dam sites.

Kariba Reservoir is designed to operate between 475.50 m and ment areas for the 2018/19 & 2019/20 seasons. Hence the total sur-
488.50 m for hydropower generation as the world’s largest artifi- face area relating to the minimum operating level is used to assess
cial reservoir. The minimum operational level covers 4354 km2, FSPV as it is the worst-case scenario.
while the maximum operational level covers 5577 km2 of reservoir
surface area. The Itezhi-Tezhi (ITT) main reservoir is designed to FSPV electricity output
operate between 1,006 m and 1,030.50 m, corresponding to surface
areas of 90 km2 and 392 km2, respectively. The Kafue Gorge Upper The model of this study in SAM, to evaluate the potential for
(KGU) main water reservoir is designed to operate at a minimum FSPV generation in Zambia, is based on previous research from
and maximum levels of 974 m and 977 m, corresponding to surface NREL that indicates that the primary input change required to con-
areas of 70 km2 and 1175 km2, respectively. The Kafue Gorge vert the standard photovoltaic performance model in these tools
Lower Reservoir (KGL) is located 17.3 kilometres downstream of (PV Watts & System Advisor Model (SAM) to a floating solar speci-
the existing Kafue Gorge Upper (KGU) hydroelectric dam site and fic model is to set the tilt to 11 degrees, as well as research from
5.9 kilometres from the KGU water outlet. It is planned to function the World Bank in collaboration with SERIS that indicates that tilt
at 530 m and 579 m, respectively, which is approximately 0.76 km2 angles for FSPV can range from 5° to 11°. [4 24] Typically, FSPV
and 1.85 km2 of surface area as it is yet to be fully commissioned. deployments require approximately 0.01 km2 of floating island
According to the design, the Mita Hills Dam may be operated at space and 0.017 km2 of water, including the area required for
36.6 meters and 67.1 meters, corresponding to 5.58 and 67.1 anchoring and mooring the FSPV. [12]. The simulation of a 1 MW
square kilometres of river surface area, respectively. Minimum FSPV using SAM takes up 0.0178 km2 of land, which is very similar
and maximum operating levels of 173.7 m and 192.1 m, respec- to the findings by SERIS. The estimation of the power output (PO )
tively, are specified for the Mulungushi Dam (MPS). These levels can be done with Eq. (1).
equate to surface areas of 2.33 km2 and 35.23 km2. With FSPV,
PO ¼ SA =ð0:0178Þ½MW ð1Þ
the modules are sited on the surface of the dams; in this case, from
Table 3.1, the total surface area relating to the minimum operating Where SA is the known surface area of the dam to be covered by
levels is 4522.67 km2 while 7243.94 km2 corresponds to the max- FSPV.
imum operating levels of the dams. According to the Energy Sector Therefore, if the surface area of the dam to be covered by FSPV is
Reports of 2020 & 2019, most of the major hydropower plant dams known, the power output in Megawatts corresponding to the
did not fill up to the maximum due to poor rainfall in the catch- known surface area can be found using Eq. (1). To get the possible
D. Chirwa, R. Goyal and E. Mulenga Renewable Energy Focus 44 (2023) 344–356

Fig. 3.2. Process flowchart for FSPV evaluation in SAM.

Table 3.1
Reservoirs Operating Characteristics

Station Min. Operation Level Characteristics Max. Operation Level Characteristics Installed Capacity (GW) Water Level Variation (m)
Min. RWL (m ASL) Area (km2) Max. RWL (m ASL) Area (km2)
Kariba 475.5 4354 488.5 5577 1.08 13
ITT 1006 90 1030.5 392 0.12 24.5
KGU 974 70 977 1175 0.99 3
KGL 530 0.76 579 1.85 0.75 49
Mita 36.576 5.58 67.056 62.86 0.032 30.48
MPS 173.736 2.33 192.112392 35.23 0.024 18.376392
Total 4522.67 7243.94

Table 3.2
Annual Averages Calculated from Weather File Data.


GHI (kWh/m2/day) 6.06 6.12 5.79 5.75 5.79 5.90
DNI (kWh/m2/day) 6.29 6.29 5.66 5.44 5.70 5.82
DHI (kWh/m2/day) 1.82 1.86 1.88 1.88 1.97 1.99
Average Temperature (°C) 24.20 22.00 21.30 25.00 20.90 20.80
Average Wind Speed (m/s) 2.50 3.30 2.70 2.50 3.00 2.80

annual energy generation (EO ), the expression for power output is EO ¼ 1710  SA ½MWh ð2Þ
multiplied by the total average yearly output energy obtained from
The total energy expected from the installation can be found
the simulations. The obtained relationship is shown in Eq. (2).
using Eq. (2).

D. Chirwa, R. Goyal and E. Mulenga Renewable Energy Focus 44 (2023) 344–356

Table 3.3
Sensitivity Analysis of a PV system at the different Tilt Angles at Itezhi-Tezhi Dam.

Performance Metric Tilt 1 Tilt 2 Tilt 3 Tilt 4 Tilt 5

5° 10° 15° 15.761° 20°
Annual AC energy in Year 1 (GWh) 2.13 2.09 2.01 1.99 1.91
Energy yield in Year 1(kWh/kW 1772 1,742 1,671 1,659 1,589
LCOE Levelized cost of energy 6.15¢/kWh 6.25 ¢/kWh 6.52 ¢/kWh 6.56 ¢/kWh 6.85 ¢/kWh

Location and solar resource evaluation  System Design:

The performance models of SAM utilise data from weather files SAM default parameters are used for electrical configuration, AC
to represent the renewable resources and ambient weather condi- sizing & sizing summary since the PV module and inverter have
tions that affect the performance of the system. The weather files been selected except for the tracking & orientation. In this simula-
containing information about solar radiation and weather observa- tion, tracking is taken as fixed. In contrast, from the results of the
tions at all the locations are required because solar PV systems’ sensitivity analysis in table 33, it is observed that a tilt angle of
electricity generation is location-dependent. The European Com- 5° produces more energy than other angles up to 20° in SAM and
mission website is used to obtain weather data for African loca- also has a lower cost for producing the power As reported by NREL,
tions in System Advisor Model (SAM); they are saved in the epw the primary input change to adapt the standard photovoltaic per-
format, and the library is refreshed so that the files appear in the formance model in (PVWatts & System Advisor Model (SAM) to a
common SAM library [31]. floating solar-specific model is to set the tilt to 11 degrees. Accord-
The assessment of solar irradiance available for energy conver- ing to the Floating Solar Handbook for Practitioners, the majority of
sion for six locations over a historical time of interest makes it pos- FSPV plants have a tilt angle of less than 15°, which enables the so-
sible to find exactly how much solar radiation is available for called self-cleaning effect, in which rainfall is frequently sufficient
developing, deploying, and using cost-effective solar energy tech- to wash away significant dirt and dust accumulations on the PV
nologies. Air temperature and solar irradiation are two essential module surfaces. Tilt angles can be varied from 5° to 20° on some
variables in energy simulation models. When photovoltaic mod- commercially installed floats. As stated earlier, 5° shall be
ules are installed on water, the mean temperature is typically employed in our FSPV simulations. As for the system losses, the
cooler than on land, and the wind speed is higher, allowing for default 14% losses are changed to 9% for FSPV due to the fewer
improved ventilation. Because cooling is more effective than shading and soiling losses for installations on water bodies away
ground-mounted or rooftop-based photovoltaic systems, floating from buildings and obstructions, as reported by SERIS.
solar photovoltaic systems have a higher performance efficiency.
Solar radiation at the planned water surface is also critical, as it
Financial parameters (cost of the system)
affects the energy yield and economics of the project.
From table 32, Itezhi Tezhi dam has the highest global horizon-
In this study, it is assumed that the capital and operating
tal solar radiation, followed by Kariba dam, and Kafue gorge lower
expenses of FSPV and GMPV are the same since there is no cost
has the lowest; GHI is the sum of the received beam and diffuse
of construction of new transmission lines and substations, land
radiation on a horizontal plane [25]. Considering that the temper-
cost, and civil works involved in a GMPV as the solar PV modules
ature of the sites is almost the same, the site with the highest GHI
are sited on the dam surface.
shall produce more energy. Otherwise, FSPV has a specified tilt and
During the actual design of the floating island, they are some
azimuth; hence it uses the Global Tilted Radiation (GTI), some-
considerations that are taken into account for assessing the site’s
times referred to as Plane on Array (POA). GTI or POA is the total
suitability for the installation of FSPV [4]; these are: -
of scattered, direct, and reflected radiation.

 solar, resource;
 local climate conditions;
Photovoltaic system design
 available water surface area and shape;
 Bathymetry; Bathymetry is the mapping of the bed of a body of
In addition to the sections above, the complete system needs to
water, with depth contours providing information about the
be designed. The system includes, among others, the following:
size, shape, and distribution of underwater features [2].
 Water level, wave amplitudes, and wind speeds;
 Modules and Inverter selection
 Subsurface soil conditions;
 Shading, soiling, and other site conditions;
PV module selection is determined in large-scale power plants
 Environmental considerations;
by integrating module voltage and current ratings with inverter
voltage and current ratings. In this particular case, monocrystalline
Otherwise, all other parameters are taken as default in SAM.
Sunpower SPR – X22-480-COM type of PV modules is selected due
to their higher efficiency of about 22%; as such, more sunlight is
captured, and more power is generated compared to standard solar Saving on evaporation
panels; PV modules of this sort are built to withstand environmen-
tal pressures like shade, daily temperature variations, and exces- As stated in the Energy Sector Report for 2020, the country
sive humidity hence they are durable [26]. Within the SAM experienced less rainfall, resulting in reduced water levels in dams;
library, an inverter whose voltage input matches the PV module thus, reducing water evaporation from reservoirs, particularly in
is selected; since the simulation is for a 1 MW FSPV, 2 by 500 Zambia, is critical [8]. Numerous methods exist for computing
kW inverters are chosen to allow for power continuity in case of evaporation losses. However, since the information from the six
a breakdown or maintenance on either inverter. hydropower sites is not readily available, this study uses a simpli-

D. Chirwa, R. Goyal and E. Mulenga Renewable Energy Focus 44 (2023) 344–356

fied Penman formula to calculate the evaporation rate (EVa ) as and reliable energy sources free from GHG emissions is an
given in equation (3) [27]. opportunity.

700Tm=ð100  AÞ þ 15ðT  TdÞ

EVa ¼ mmday1 ð3Þ FSPV potential in Zambia
80  T
Where Tm = T+0.006h, h is the elevation in meters, T is the mean The total surface areas for the dams are known based on the
temperature, A is the latitude in degrees, and Td is the mean dew- data obtained. Equations (1) and (2) are applied to give the total
point. All these parameters are available in the weather files for power and energy generated with the assumption of FSPV on the
each location in System Advisory Model. After determining the dams. The results obtained for the dams are shown in Table 4.1.
daily evaporation, the annual volume of water lost due to evapora- The results show three scenarios for the theoretical maximum
tion is calculated from the relationship given in Eq. (4) below: FSPV coverage (100% coverage), 10% coverage, and 1% coverage.
Table 4.1 shows the FSPV resource potential results in Zambia.
365 The total surface area at the dams, which is considering 100% util-
V ¼ EVa SA ½28 ð4Þ
106 isation of the area, gives out an estimated 254. 083 GW of solar
Where V: is the annual volume of water loss (billion m3/ power, the latter translates to 434.5 TWh of energy. The 100% gives
year);EVa : evaporation rate per day (mm day-1) SA : surface area of an ambitious entry into the FSPV technology band. Practical
the dam (km2) aspects could be surface areas less than 100% considered in the lat-
Numerous techniques exist to reduce the amount of water ter illustration. A comparison is made between the installed capac-
evaporated from open surfaces. In the present study, covering ities and the expected when FSPV is implemented for 10% surface
was accomplished using an FSPV, and the most conservative area. A graph is shown the comparison in Figure 4.1.
approach of reservoir surface covering percentages (10% was eval- Figure 4.1 shows a more feasible case considering 10% dam sur-
uated. Annual water saving is calculated by equation (5) below: face area coverage; as such, the total FSPV that can be installed in
Zambia is 25.41 GW, comparing this to the total installed electric-
AWS ¼ AEVA  %FSPV  0:7 ð5Þ ity (3.011) GW and the hydro potential (6.0GW) in the country, this
power is 8 times more than the current installed capacity and 4
Where AWS: is the Annual water-saving; AEVA: annual evapora-
times more than the projected hydro potential. Kariba dam has
tion; %FSPV: percentage covered by FSPV [29].
the highest potential of 24.46 GWp, followed by the Itezhi-Tezhi
dam with a potential of 0.505.62 GW. Kafue gorge upper with a
Scenarios for FSPV reservoir coverage potential of 0.39GW, Mita hills dam with a potential of 0.031GW,
Mulungushi dam with a potential of 0.013 GW, and Kafue Gorge
The Energy and Resources Institute of India has assigned a per- lower has the least potential of 0.0043 GW. Interestingly, KGL is
centage range for calculating FSPV potential. An FSPV plant can located 5.9 km away from the KGU water outlet. Therefore, this
cover between 5% and 30% of its surface area for irrigation pur- power generated from FSPV can be used to pump backwater into
poses, whereas it can cover between 5% and 10% for electricity gen- the reservoir for KGU. In turn, two power stations, namely KGU &
eration [9]. For this reason, three different scenarios are examined KGL, will use this pumped water to generate electricity at peak
to determine FSPV’s potential in the reservoirs in Zambia. It is times and when solar power is unavailable.
important to note that all three treat the coverage as a set percent- In addition to the power comparisons shown in Figure 4.1, the
age: the whole theoretical resource potential (100%), 10%, and 1%. annual energy expected from the FSPV sites is evaluated. This
Even though only man-made reservoirs shall be used to estimate aspect of it is shown in Figure 4.2.
Zambia’s FSPV potential, covering the entire surface area is not The results in Figure 4.2 shows the annual energy generation
possible for a variety of reasons: from FSPV in Zambia. It is from all the reservoirs at the sites of
interest. Among the site, the Kariba dam has the highest contribu-
 There is a possibility that aquatic life has developed in the reser- tion to the energy share. The least site is Kafue gorge lower, which
voirs because they are over 20 years old on average. For this, produces the least energy. The site’s energy trend is similar to what
covering the entire water surface may have a significant impact is presented in Figure 4.1.
on local ecosystems as well as aquatic life;
 Other uses for these reservoirs include irrigation and water sup- Perfect location for FSPV installation
ply and recreational activities such as boating or fishing. As
such, it is impossible to cover the entire surface area; & Six locations were selected, namely Mulungushi, Mita Hills,
 Many such reservoirs are spread across vast swaths of land, KGU, KGL, Kariba, and ITT dams; Table 4.2 shows the results
making access nearly impossible. obtained from the simulation of a 1 MW FSPV in SAM. These results
show that solar PV output energy is location dependent as the site
Results with the highest GHI produces more energy than other sites.
The results in Table 4.2 highlights the aspects of the different
The research results in this section present an overview of Zam- dams. The LCOE is shown to be between 6-7 ¢/kWh. Kariba dam,
bia’s FSPV resource potential at six hydropower reservoirs: Kariba, which showed the highest potential for power and energy, has
Kafue Gorge Upper, Kafue Gorge Lower, Itezhi Tezhi, Mita Hills, and an LCOE higher than that of the Itezhi-Tezhi dam. ITT dam has
Mulungushi Dams. The total surface area available for FSPV the lowest LCOE of the other sites. The other aspects of the dam
deployment is 4 522.67 km2; this area corresponds to the reservoir parameters also vary between the dams despite the potentials that
minimum operating level (M.O.L). The M.O.L was selected as the have been shown in Section 4.1.
worst-case scenario; it considers the lowest water levels in the
dam when the country experiences poor rainfall. These results Evaporation savings
obtained in this research are important for the country as they will
help policymakers and investors know about the potential of elec- One of the primary benefits of installing FSPV is that it reduces
tricity generation from FSPV. Furthermore, as the country has been evaporation in hydropower reservoirs, a major problem in Africa
experiencing power shortages, increasing generation from clean and Zambia. From Table 4.3, the annual volume of water lost due
D. Chirwa, R. Goyal and E. Mulenga Renewable Energy Focus 44 (2023) 344–356

Table 4.1
FSPV Resource Potential.

Station Min. Operating Level Max. Operating Level FSPV POTENTIAL (GWp) Possible annual energy generation
Percentage of Total Max. Operation Level Characteristics
Surface Area Used
2 2
Total Surface Area Available (Km ) Total Surface Area Available (Km ) 1% 10% 100% 1% 10% 100%
Kariba 4,354.00 5,577.00 2.45 24.46 244.61 4,182.78 41,827.75 418,277.53
ITT 90.00 392.00 0.05 0.51 5.06 86.46 864.61 8,646.07
KGU 70.00 1,175.00 0.04 0.39 3.93 67.25 672.47 6,724.72
KGL 0.76 1.85 0.00 0.004 0.04 0.73 7.30 73.01
Mita 5.58 62.86 0.00 0.03 0.31 5.36 53.61 536.06
MPS 2.33 35.23 0.00 0.01 0.13 2.24 22.38 223.84
Total 4,522.67 7,243.94 2.54 25.41 254.08 4,344.81 43,448.12 434,481.22

Fig. 4.1. FSPV Potential in Zambia.

Fig. 4.2. Energy Generated from FSPV.

to evaporation is very high; hence, applying FSPV on the dam sur- generation can benefit as the water saved can aid in more production
face would enable reduction. potential at the power station of interest.
The water loss through evaporation at the hydropower dams in
terms of volume was found to be 16.51 x 109 m3, and the water saved FSPV vs world bank results
by installing FSPV on the dam surface was found to be 1155.50 x 106
m3, as shown in Table 4,3. The dam level (head) is essential for power The World Bank’s solar resource assessment and mapping activ-
production; hence, the application of FSPV shows that hydropower ity is summarised in Table 4.3; according to the findings, Zambia’s
D. Chirwa, R. Goyal and E. Mulenga Renewable Energy Focus 44 (2023) 344–356

Table 4.2
Simulated Results for FSPV with modules tilted at 5°.

Column1 Mulungushi Dam Mita Hills Dam Kariba Dam Itezhi Tezhi Dam Kafue Gorge Upper Kafue Gorge Lower
PVOUT - Average daily total [kWh/kWp] 4.72 4.61 4.78 4.85 4.61 4.54
PVOUT - Yearly total [kWh/kWp] 1722 1681 1743 1772 1684 1658
Performance ratio (year 1) 0.82 0.82 0.81 0.81 0.82 0.81
Annual energy (year 1) 2067000 2018000 2093000 2127000 2022000 1991000
Capacity factor (year 1) 0.197 0.192 0.199 0.202 0.192 0.189
Levelized cost of energy (LCOE) 6.32¢/kWh 6.48¢/kWh 6.25¢/kWh 6.15¢/kWh 6.47¢/kWh 6.57¢/kWh

Table 4.3
Annual Water saved from evaporation.

Station Dam Surface Tm A (Latitude T (Mean Td is mean h (Elevation Evaporation V (Annual Volume of Annual water
Area (Km2) in degrees) Temperature) dew-point in meters) (mm day-1) water loss) (billion m3/ saving (m3/year) x
year) 10⁶
Kariba 5577 27.122 16.522 24.2 16.02 487 6.27 12.7728735 894.10
ITT 392 28.114 15.761 22 12.61 1019 6.46 0.923775379 64.66
KGU 1175 27.096 15.809 21.3 12.59 966 6.06 2.600558733 182.04
KGL 1.85 27.544 15.896 25 16.9 424 6.38 0.004306247 0.301437309
Mita 62.86 27.572 14.147 20.9 13.16 1112 5.77 0.132347683 9.26
MPS 35.23 27.16 14.627 20.8 13.15 1060 5.70 0.073296744 5.13
Total 16.51 1155.50

average daily photovoltaic energy output ranges between 4.49 and With only 10% coverage, the Kariba dam produces 22.65 times
4.66 kWh/kWp (equivalent to annual averages of 1638 to 1702 more power than its installed capacity, while ITT produces 4.21
kWh/kWp). The country has been designated as having a high times more power. At Mita hills dam, FSPV will double the installed
potential for photovoltaic energy generation. Comparing the capacity during the daytime, with excess power being stored in the
results from the research (Table 4.2) and the World Bank report dam for use at night and at times when there is not much solar
(Table 4.4) in terms of daily average energy output, yearly average irradiation. With the current power shortages in Zambia arising
energy output, and the performance ratio. from low water levels in the reservoirs due to poor rainfall (effects
of global warming), a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity has presented
FSPV efficiency itself for the country to shift from a hydro-dependent to a solar-
dependent, providing affordable and greener energy by the appli-
From the results obtained in the research for FSPV, the yearly PV cation of FSPV technology. All these sites have transmission line
output power ranges from 1658 to 17172 kWh/kWp. The results infrastructure reducing the total cost of FSPV installation, and the
from the World Bank reports have a range of 1638 to 1702 kWh/ food versus energy conflict is also eliminated as there is no land
kWp, to get the efficiency of the PV modules when sited on the requirement since the solar modules are installed on the dam
dam’s surface, the upper limit values are used, and the efficiency surface.
is calculated from those values. The temperature at the sites ranges from 20.80 °C to 24.20 °C
FSPVaverage = 1772 with a mean temperature of 22.37 °C, which is within the standard
GMPVaverage = 1702 test condition temperature of 25 °C. It means that the solar mod-
1772 - 1702 = 0.0411  100 = 4.11% ules shall operate well to produce the intended power output.
1702 The country’s average daily PV electricity output ranges
between 4.54 and 4.85 kWh/kWp, equating to average annual
totals of 1658 to 17172 kWh/kWp from the country’s six hydro-
power reservoirs. Indeed, Zambia is one of the countries with a
high potential for photovoltaic energy generation; the following
In this study, six hydropower reservoirs were evaluated for FSPV
have been noted:
potential; the maximum FSPV resource potential at 100% coverage is
estimated to be 254.083 GW which translates to 84 times the cumu-
 The research findings’ daily average energy output is higher
lative installed capacity (3.011 GW) of Zambia at the end of 2020.
than the results reported in the World Bank report. It ranges
While it is impossible to deploy the entire FSPV technical capability,
from 4.54 to 4.85 kWh/kWp as compared to 4.49 to 4.66
it does provide insight into the full potential of FSPV installation in
Zambia in terms of dam surface areas that are potentially accessible
 The research findings show that the annual average energy out-
for FSPV installation. Considering the total surface area at 10 % cov-
put is higher than the values stated in the World Bank report.
erage, as this is the most conservative case, the total power and
Compared to 1638 to 1702 kWh/kWp, it ranges from 1658 to
energy generated from FSPV in Zambia on the six big hydro reser-
1772 kWh/kWp.
voirs are 25.408 GW and 43,448.122 GWh, respectively.

Table 4.4
World Bank Results for Solar PV Potential at a fixed optimum angle.

Performance Metric Lusaka Mount Makulu Mochipapa Longe Misamfu Mutanda

PVOUT - Average daily total [kWh/kWp] 4.56 4.52 4.63 4.66 4.52 4.49
PVOUT - Yearly total [kWh/kWp] 1665 1649 1689 1702 1651 1638
Performance ratio (year 1) 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.78 0.79 0.79

D. Chirwa, R. Goyal and E. Mulenga Renewable Energy Focus 44 (2023) 344–356

 The performance ratio (PR) tells the plant owner about the PV times greater than the current installed capacity and 4 times
facility’s energy efficiency and reliability. The research findings greater than the projected hydro potential.
show that the PR for FSPV technology ranges from 81% to 85%,
while GM-PV ranges from 77.8% to 79%. Further research can be considered in the following areas
The site with the highest PV output energy was ITT, with 1772
kWh/kWp, followed by Kariba, Mulungushi, KGU, and Mita Hills,  Zambia has many big lakes, such as Lake Tanganyika, with a
and the least is KGL, with 1658 kWh/kWp. ITT also has the least surface area of 32 900 km2; from the data in this research, the
Levelized energy cost of 6.15¢/kWh while KGL has the highest PV potential for FSPV on the lakes can be determined.
6.57¢/kWh. ITT is the most suitable site for FSPV installation since  Benefits of increased power generation by co-locating FSPV
it has the highest PV output power and the least cost in electricity with hydropower. It means that the transmission lines have to
production. Otherwise, all six hydropower sites are viable for FSPV be updated to accommodate increased generation.
deployment. Based on these two locations, the country’s average  Predicting the environmental impact of FSPV on rivers, lakes,
PV electricity daily output shall be determined; it is in the range ponds, and dams.
of 4.54 to 4.85 kWh/kWp, corresponding to an average yearly  Other areas of future research include electrical safety since
energy yield of 1658 to 1772 kWh/kWp) for FSPV in Zambia. floating solar involves both water and electricity, cable manage-
Estimates of total water loss due to evaporation in the six reser- ment and insulation testing, and anchoring and mooring issues,
voirs studied to result in significant savings when FSPV technology which must be given more thought.
is used. The Penman formula for determining the evaporation rate
was used, and the results obtained differ from the measured values Data availability
by about 1.7 mm day-1. [28] The Kariba dam has the highest water
loss of 12.77 billion m3/year compared to other sites because it has The data that has been used is confidential.
a larger surface area. The total amount of water lost on all six sites
was found to be 16.51 billion m3/year. Arising from the application Declaration of Competing Interest
of FSPV by installing solar modules on the dam surfaces for the six
sites, 1155.50 x 106 m3/year (1155.5 mcm) of water is saved. This The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
amount of water does not pass through the turbines as it is lost due cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
to evaporation; therefore, once the application of FSPV saves it, it to influence the work reported in this paper.
remains in the dam and can be used for power generation.
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ules increases with the application of FSPV technology. [30, 14].
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