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Calcium comes from food like

Calcium help make sure

Calcium helps strengthen

milk, fish, and other dairy

bones and teeth blood clots normally.


Calcium helps normalize

Calcium helps with muscle

your heartbeat contraction.

Element: Calcium Family: Alkaline Earth Metals
Symbol: Ca Atomic Number: 20 Atomic Mass: 40.78
No. of protons: 20 No. of neutrons: 20 No. of electrons: 20

Melting Point: 842 C Boiling Point: 1,484 C Phase at room temp.


Classification: Metal: Non Metal: Metalloid:

Origin of name: Latin - Calx
Discovered by: Humphry Davy
Extra Facts
1. The average human contains about 1kg of calcium, and 99% is stored

in our bones.
2. It is the 5th most abundant element in the earth's crust.
3. Calcium helps in regulating muscle contractions.

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