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1. Two charged spheres separated at a distance d exert a force F on each other.

If they are immersed in a liquid of

dielectric constant 2, then what is the force (if all conditions are same) [AIIMS 1997; MH CET 2003]
(a) 2 (b) F

(c) 2F (d) 4 F

2. Equal charges q are placed at the four corners

A , B, C , D of a square of length a . The magnitude of the force on the
charge at B will be [MP PMT 1994; DPMT 2001]
2 2
3q 4q
4 πε 0 a2 4 πε 0 a2
(a) (b)

( )
1+2 √ 2
( )
q 1 q
2 4 πε 0 a2 √2 4 πε 0 a2
(c) (d)

1. Two equal charges q are placed at a distance of 2a and a third charge

−2q is placed at the midpoint. The potential
energy of the system is [MP PMT 1997]
2 2
q 6q
8 πε 0 a 8 πε 0 a
(a) (b)
7q 9 q2

8πε 0 a 8 πε 0 a
(c) (d)

2. A charge of
is given a displacement of
0.5 m
. The work done in the process is
10 J . The potential difference
between the two points will be [MP PET 1999]

2V (b)
0.25 V
1V (d)
25 V
ε E ( ε0
3. The dimension of (1/2) 0 : permittivity of free space; E : electric field) is [IIT-JEE (Screening) 2000; KCET
2 −2
(a) MLT (b) ML T
−1 −2 2 −1
(c) ML T (d) ML T

4. A charged particle of mass m and charge q is released from rest in a uniform electric field E . Neglecting the effect
of gravity, the kinetic energy of the charged particle after ‘t’ second is [KCET 2003]
2 2 2
Eq m 2E t
(a) 2t 2 (b) mq
2 2 2
E q t Eqm
(c) 2m (d) t

5. The electric potential V is given as a function of distance x (metre) by

V =(5x 2 +10 x−9) volt . Value of electric
field at x=1 is [MP PET 1999]

20 V /m (b)
6 V /m
11 V /m (d)
−23 V /m
1. An electric dipole consisting of two opposite charges of 2×10
C each separated by a distance of 3 cm is placed in
an electric field of 2×10 N/C. The maximum torque on the dipole will be [MP PMT
−1 −3
(a) 12×10 N m (b) 12×10 N m
−1 −3
24×10 N m (d)
24×10 N m
1. The inward and outward electric flux for a closed surface in units of N−m /C are respectively 8×103
3 ε = permittivity constant]
and 4×10 . Then the total charge inside the surface is [where 0
[KCET 2003; MP PMT 2002]
(a) 4×103 C (b) −4×103 C
(−4×103 )
(c) ε C (d)
−4×10 ε 0 C
1. 1000 small water drops each of radius r and charge q coalesce together to form one spherical drop. The
potential of the big drop is larger than that of the smaller drop by a factor of
(a) 1000 (b) 100
(c) 10 (d) 1

2. Force of attraction between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor is [AFMC 1998]
2 2
q q
2 ε 0 AK ε 0 AK
(a) (b)
q q2
2ε0 A 2 ε 0 A2 K
(c) (d)
3. A parallel plate capacitor is charged and the charging battery is then disconnected. If the plates of the
capacitor are moved further apart by means of insulating handles, then
[IIT 1987; MP PET 1992;
Manipal MEE 1995; MP PMT 1996]
(a) The charge on the capacitor increases
(b) The voltage across the plates decreases
(c) The capacitance increases
(d) The electrostatic energy stored in the capacitor increases
1. Four plates of equal area A are separated by equal distances d and are arranged as shown in the figure.
The equivalent capacity is


2ε0 A 3 ε0 A
(a) d (b) d
3 ε0 A ε0 A
(c) d (d) d
2. In the circuit shown in the figure, the potential difference across the 4.5F capacitor is
[MP PET 1992; RPET 2001; BVP 2003]
volts 4.5F
(b) 4 volts

(c) 6 volts
(d) 8 volts

1. The potential difference between points A and B of adjoining figure is [CPMT 1991]
(a) 3 5 5
(b) 9
5 5
(c) 3 D
5 5
(d) 2V

2. The resistance between the terminal points A and B of the given infinitely long circuit will be
1 1 1

1 1 Upto

1 1 1

(a) ( √3−1) (b) (1−√ 3)

(c) (1+ √3) (d) (2+√3)

1. Two batteries of e.m.f. 4V and 8 V with internal resistances 1  and 2  are connected in a circuit with a resistance of
9  as shown in figure. The current and potential difference between the points P and Q are
[AFMC 1999]
A and 3 V
(a) 3
1 4V 8V 2
1 P Q
A and 4 V r1 r2
(b) 6
A and 9 V
(c) 9 9
A and 12 V
(d) 2
2. The magnitude of i in ampere unit is [KCET 2005]
(a) 0.1
(b) 0.3
15 5
(c) 0.6
1A 1A
(d) None of these

20 cm
1. A concave mirror gives an image three times as large as the object placed at a distance of from it. For the
image to be real, the focal length should be
[SCRA 1998; JIPMER 2000]
10 cm 15 cm
(a) (b)
20 cm 30 cm
(c) (d)
1. An under water swimmer is at a depth of 12 m below the surface of water. A bird is at a height of 18 m from the
surface of water, directly above his eyes. For the swimmer the bird appears to be at a distance from the surface of
water equal to (Refractive Index of water is 4/3)
[KCET (Engg.) 2001]
(a) 24 m (b) 12 m
(c) 18 m (d) 9 m
1. If the critical angle for total internal reflection from a medium to vacuum is 30°, the velocity of light in the medium is
[CPMT 1972; MH CET 2000;
KCET 2000; BCECE 2003; RPMT 2003]
8 8
(a) 3×10 m/s (b) 1. 5×10 m/s

6×10 m/s (d) √ 3×108 m/s
R1 R2
1. In the figure, an air lens of radii of curvature 10 cm ( = = 10 cm) is cut in a cylinder of glass (μ=1 .5 ) . The
focal length and the nature of the lens is
[MP PET 1995; Pb. PET 2000]

Air Glass

(a) 15 cm, concave

(b) 15 cm, convex
(c) ∞ , neither concave nor convex
(d) 0, concave

2. The relation between n1 and n2, if behaviour of light rays is as shown in figure is [KCET 2000]
n1 >> n2
n2 >n1 n1 n2
n1 >n2
n1 =n2 Lens

3. A point object O is placed in front of a glass rod having spherical end of radius of curvature 30 cm. The image would
be formed at [Orissa JEE 2002]
(a) 30 cm left
(b) Infinity O Air Glass
(c) 1 cm to the right
30 cm
(d) 18 cm to the left 15 cm

1. The refractive index of a prism for a monochromatic wave is √2 and its refracting angle is 60°. For minimum
deviation, the angle of incidence will be
[MNR 1998; MP PMT 1989, 92, 2002; CPMT 1993, 2004]
(a) 30° (b) 45°
(c) 60° (d) 75°

2. A thin prism P1 with angle 4° and made from glass of refractive index 1.54 is combined with another thin prism P2
made from glass of refractive index 1.72 to produce dispersion without deviation. The angle of prism P2 is
[MP PMT 1991, 92; IIT-JEE 1990; MP PET 1995, 99;
UPSEAT 2001; RPMT 2004]
(a) 2.6° (b) 3°
(c) 4° (d) 5.33°

→ →
^ N
F =(2 ^i −3 ^j +4 k) r =(3 ^i +2 ^j +3 k^ ) m
1. What is the torque of the force acting at the pt. about the origin
(a) −17 { ^i+6 ^j+13 { k^ ¿¿ (b) −6 ^i+6 ^j−12 { k^ ¿ (c)
17 { ^i−6 ^j−13 { k¿¿ (d)
6 ^i−6 ^j+12 { k^ ¿
2. The moment of inertia of a sphere (mass M and radius R) about it's diameter is . Four such spheres are arranged as
XX '
shown in the figure. The moment of inertia of the system about axis will be
(a) 3I
(b) 5 I
(c) 7 I
(d) 9 I

3. A thin circular ring of mass

M and radius r is rotating about its axis with a constant angular velocity ω . Two

objects each of mass m are attached gently to the opposite ends of a diameter of the ring. The ring will now rotate
with an angular velocity [IIT-JEE 1983; MP PMT 1994, 97, 98; CBSE PMT 1998; BHU 1998; MP PET
1998, 99]
ω( M−2 m) ωM ωM
(a) M +2 m (b)
M +2 m (c)
M +m (d)
ω( M +2 m)
4. A solid sphere is moving on a horizontal plane. Ratio of its transitional Kinetic energy and rotational energy is
[CPMT 1994]
(a) 1/5 (b) 5/2 (c) 3/5 (d) 5/7
5. A solid cylinder of mass M and radius R rolls down an inclined plane without slipping. The speed of its centre of
mass when it reaches the bottom is
[MP PET 1985]

(a) √ 2gh (b) √ 4

(c) √ 3

√ 4

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