P.R Quantitative Chap1.2

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Online Shopping Habits of Senior High

Students of Sto.Tomas National High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Practical Research 2

(Quantitative Research)


Elida Mae Almagro

Jumeirah Joy Bayotas

Table of Contents

Chapter 1
Background of the study -------------------------------------1
Statement of the problem ------------------------------------
Review of Related Literature -------------------------------
Significance of the study ------------------------------------
Scope and Delimitation--------------------------------------
Theoretical Framework -------------------------------------
Definition of terms ------------------------------------------

Chapter 2
Research Design --------------------------------------------
Research Locale --------------------------------------------
Chapter 1

Background of the Study

Online shopping has recently gained popularity and is quickly assimilating into

peoples’ daily lives. In the internet shopping market since there is no face-to-face

Contact. Online purchasing Of goods, both expensive and cheap, is prevalent to a

much Larger extend in recent years due to convenience, speedy Transactions,

saving time, attractive sales promotional offers. Students groups are the biggest

spenders online And makes some recommendations for how marketers should Be

reaching them. It also shows how shopping choices are Significantly related to

their searches for product information.

Over time, it has become impossible to envision a society in which internet

shopping is still prohibited. For instance, it has grown so commonplace in the

United States that about three-quarters of its consumers have done their shopping

online(Terreni, 2012). additionally, these figures are expected to rise even further

in the future: between 2022 and 2025, retail e-commerce sales in the U.S. and

globally are predicted to rise by roughly 14.6 and 11.4 percent, respectively.

Online buying used to be viewed with dissatisfy by customers all over the world,
but that attitude has changed significantly over time, particularly since the

coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic.

Furthermore,before the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic started

in Philippines, internet shopping was progressively growing. With stay-at-home

orders implemented across the nation, a substantial growth in consumers ordering

groceries, clothing, and household goods online might be anticipated. The inability

to purchase in person and the high number of Filipino homes with access to the

internet would suggest a big growth opportunity for online retailers, despite the

fact that shopping habits are complicated and the demand for particular products

changed with the outbreak(Mohatt, 2019).

Lastly,since humans are tactile beings, sensory experiences play a crucial role in

their shopping behavior. One of the major downsides of internet shopping is

definitely not being able to personally test out and handle a product.In addition,

there was a huge gap between expectations and reality because it appears very

different on you than it did on the model.it will be a Descriptive Study about

Online Shopping Habit.Therefore, this study also aims to examine the Habits of

online shopping among Senior High Students in Sto.Tomas National High School.
Statement of the problem

This present study seeks to examine the online shopping

Habits of Senior High Students. It aims to analyse the extent of online shopping

habits. An attempt is also made to identify the major factors influencing the online

buying habits.

Specifically,this research seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents?

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Education Level

2. What is the level of Online Shopping Habits of Senior High Students in

Sto.Tomas Davao del Norte in terms of:

2.1 Online Shopping Background

2.2 Use of Internet

2.3 Advantages, Disadvantages of Online Shopping

2.4 Financial Aspects

Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the relevant literature and studies that the researcher

considered in strengthening the claim and importance of the study.

Online shopping is defined as electronic commerce where a customer purchases

goods or services from a seller directly over the Internet. The conventional Brick

and Mortar business model has been supplanted by internet-based or Click and

Order company models. More people than ever before are shopping online for

everything from houses to shoes to plane tickets. When shopping online, customers

now have a wide range of options for the goods and services they want.

Also,Online shopping offers distinctive features. (Huseynov & Yldrm, 2014)

underlined that the lack of in-person connection frequently poses the biggest

obstacle to online retail purchases, followed by concerns about the security of

online financial transactions and the privacy of personal data.. (Demangeot &

Broderick, 2013) similarly found that security and privacy concerns had a stronger

influence on behavior in this scenario than perceived ease of use does. Even if a

customer spent hours online, no relationship is established between them and the

online store when there is perceived online risk (Zuroni & Goh, 2012).

According to McKinsey (2012), the Internet contributed 1.6%.

Adding $30 billion in GDP and a consumer surplus to India Approximately $9

billion. India increased its e-commerce by 15 million Users. The expansion of e-

commerce in India has also directly Proportionate to India’s Internet adoption

rate.The Y generation is more connected and networked.April 2014, The Financial

Express. In the report, it is shownThe Paradox panel’s indentations, which were

made up of watchmakersTitan to learn more about India’s Gen Y. The research

Suggests that approximately 89 percent of Indian teenagers participate in Prior to

making any purchases, roughly 74%percent conduct online research.Has the power

to influence how people make purchasesvTheir sphere. Individualistic in nature,

Generation Y includes 43% of single-person shoppers and almost a third

underlined the significance of each person's personal pleasure purchasing

choices.There is an intriguing finding in that 90% of shoppers responsibly offer

their feedback following their usage experiences

(International and Local na rrl mao ang isumpay ani)

Significance of the study

This study aims to offer essential knowledge and insight into the online

shopping habits of senior high school students, a topic selected from the
respondents, current studies or theses, and relevant websites for the anticipated

importance to the people as follows:

Students -to be properly informed about one’s online shopping preferences.

Future researchers- will benefit from this study because it will help to guide them

when they develop their research papers about online shopping.

Scope and Delimitations

The general intent of this research is to understand the senior high students’

online shopping habits. The paper only focuses on knowledge and insights into

these habits. The participants are all from Santo Tomas, Davao del Norte. Students

in the senior high school at Sto. Tomas National High School will serve as the

study’s informants in this interview, which will be conducted using a standardized

questionnaire.it is a Descriptive research design since it is a type of research design

that aims to obtain information to systematically describe the online shopping

habits. It limits that the study may not be generalizable to other populations or

youth who no longer attend school.

Theoretical Framework
(Ashcroft, 2001) explored the ways in which promotional activities might be

adjusted to this new medium in their study on how the Internet affects modern

public relations and marketing and the consequences for librarians. In this study,it

proposed and argued that the AIDA model can be applied to Internet services or

any other product or service in terms of the four stages of awareness, interest,

desire and action which a consumer passes through when being exposed to

communication messages.

Furthermore, These writers come to the conclusion that each level of this

paradigm has new prospects as a result of the utilization of new media. Similar

investigations are cited in this particular dissertation. There is a claim that it is

essential to analyze current advertising response models, identify phases from

those models that can be used for the online consumer response process, and

identify additional, distinct phases for the online consumer response.

Another theory that is connected to the study is The theory of reasoned action's

concepts naturally evolved into the Engel Kollat Blackwell (EKB) Model. Input is

the first phase, which is simply the stage when consumers take in the most

marketing materials, whether through billboards, online advertisements, or in-

person displays. Processing information is the second phase, which is simply the

stage when consumers process information. Decision stages and variables in the
decision-making process are the final two phases. They advance to information

processing through the data gathered in these materials, where they mix that input

with prior knowledge and expectations to come to the best judgment possible given

the conditions at hand. Consumers go to the following stage, where they really

make a purchase decision based on the facts, thanks to their rational insight.

Another theory used in this study is Theory of Cognitive Dissonance, which states

that People strive for internal harmony and consistency among their cognitions

(knowledge, attitudes, Beliefs and values) and any inconsistency in these

cognitions causes cognitive dissonance.This further means that a buyer’s feeling

after the sale can influence repeat sales and what The buyer tells others about a


Definition of Terms

Advertising- is a method of reaching customers for a good or service.

Advertisements are messages that are sent and paid for by their senders with the

intention of informing or influencing the receivers ( Richards; & Schmidt, 2012).

Social media- Computer-mediated technologies that make it easier to create and

share content across virtual communities and networks, including information,

ideas, career interests, and other kinds of expression. Currently existing stand-
alone and built-in social networking services present definitional issues, although

there are certain similar traits (Transformative & Vail, 2015)

Online shopping-is the act of buying products and services from vendors who

operate websites. Generally speaking, it is also referred to as electronic shopping,

online shopping, or internet shopping.According to Master Card Worldwide

Insights (2008).

Chapter 2

Research Design

The study utilized quantitative methodology. It used survey questionnaire as the

research instrument. It also employed a descriptive cross-sectional study, which is

an observational method for gathering data on a variety of specific factors at a

specific point in time. These variables included senior high students financial

circumstances, internet usage, and online shopping history.

Research Locale

This study is conducted at Santo Tomas National High School, especially in

senior high students. The researchers let the respondents answer the standardized
survey questionnaire relevant to online shopping habits. This respondent gave

sufficient data to the study for the result. It will be conduct on the second semester

of the academic year 2022-2023

Research Respondents

The researchers gathered data from the Grade 11 and 12 students of Santo

Tomas National High School for they can provide the data needed by the
Figure 1.Location where the study will be conducted
researchers to Come up with true results. The researchers selected students through

stratified Random sampling which involves random collection of data from a

population for it Occur equally and the Slovin’s formula to get the total number of

the needed Population (Hayes, 2019). The respondents fall under the age group 16-

19 years old.

Table 1.Distribution of Questionnaires

Strands Number of Participants


GAS 13


ABM 25


H.E 10
CSS 15

EIM 10

Automotive 5

Total 123

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers asked permission to conduct this study from grade 11 and 12

Students. The questionnaire distributed to the respondents after the responses had

Been carefully explained in order to determine: 1.Online Shopping History ; 2.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Shopping ; 3.Financial Circumstances.

In addition, request for cooperation and insurance that all collected data hanndled

with strict confidentiality.

Research Instrument

The researchers employed standardized Goldberg questionnaires in this

investigation(Fallon, 2012). Using survey questionnaires as a way to get data Of

consumers’ internet shopping behaviors.12-question survey on internet purchasing

preferences using a score system Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (2), Indifferent

(3), Agree(4), and Strongly Agree (5) and with the indicators such Online

Shopping Background (Q1,Q2,Q3),Internet Use (Q4,Q5,Q6,Q7,Q8) Online

Shopping Pros (Q9) Online Shopping Cons(Q10)Financial situations (Q11,Q12)

Additionally, the questions are standardized so that they are asked by Everyone

(Orodho, 2014.

Data Analysis

The researchers will be analyzing data through the use of descriptive statistics

according to (Hayes, 2022), descriptive statistics are brief informational

coefficients that summarizes a given dataset which you can be either our

presentation of the entire population or a sample of population descriptive statistics

are broken down into measures of central tendency and measure of variability


Statistical Treatment:

Frequency and Percentage.To define and evaluate the demographic

profile of the respondents (Senior High Students)

Mean.To interpret the survey participant’s responses

Step-by-step Procedure of Data Analysis:

The researchers would first separate data into nine (9) consecutive tables based

on certain problems listed in the questionnaire.Tables 1-4 are for the demographic
profile of the respondents’ gender, grade level, strand, and source of Income/funds.

The data will be analyzed by dividing the frequency by the total number of results

and multiplying by 100 to get a percentage of each data.

The data will be spread out on tables 5-9 in terms of the respondents dealing

with Online Shopping Background, Use of the Internet, Advantages of Online

Shopping, Disadvantages of Online Shopping, and Financial Stability for the next

problem in the questionnaire regarding the level of online shopping habits of senior

high students in Sto.Tomas DDN. It will then be analysed through computing for

the weighted mean by multiplying the numbers in the data set by the weights then


For the purpose arriving at the defenite interpretation of findings, the researchers

score and mean ranges for scale:

Scale Ranges Qualitative Description Descriptive

3.26-4.00 Very High means that the senior
high students conform to
the given statement all
the time
2.51-3.25 High Means that the senior
high students conform to
the given statement as
many times on different
1.76-2.50 Low Means that the senior
high students conform to
the given statement on
some occasions but not
1.00-1.75 Very Low Means that the senior
high students do not
conform to the given

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Environments: A Gestalt Approach. Retrieved October 24,2022 from



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Transformative & Vail (2015). Social Media Definition and the Governance Challenge:

An Introduction to the Special Issue. Retrieved October 16,2022 from



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Zuroni & Goh (2012).Consumer buying behavior towards online shopping: An empirical

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