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Patel Niraj 2009CE10319 (Group 5) Saundarya Baghel 2009BB50028 (Group 1)

Assignment on Industrialization
The Estates For the purpose that each member of the society could propose his view and play a role in the
fabrication of government laws and decisions through parliament gatherings, major importance was given to groups of citizensknown as estates.

An estate was a group of people of similar type of occupation and which had to function for the betterment of society. Clerics were those who prayed; Noblemen were those who participated in warfare and who counseled the rulers; Merchants were traders of different goods and Peasants were labourers. Either by birth or by appointment was one admitted to a certain estate and owned rights associated with them. The rights came with certain obligations of the estate. Clergy and the nobles were the first and second estate respectively which had a common haughty viewpoint where as the common people named third estate was the most unshaped and least influential.

The Enclosure Movement Among several agricultural reforms that raised the standards, the central problem that loomed was
the restoration of fertility to the soil.

One fine solution was to leave the land uncultivated after a crop is gained from it, for a certain period of time. But this needed more and specific breeds of animals that could produce the required fertilizers. This method proved a setback to poor farmers who now hardly had any land to raise crops against the earlier method in which landlords gave away parts of lands to various peasants on rotation policy. This was the major factor in the steady shift of population from countryside to the urban, modern and industrial society as the poor now had to sell their unprofitable lands and employ themselves as labourers in other occupations. The rationality of the movement lied in the growth that it brought in the economy, but the human misery reached its peak.

Differentiation In sociological reference, differentiation (a modern society characteristic) is the increased

subdivision into specific units of groups and institutions.

It is an efficient way of dealing with the intricacy of the environment in the modern society. Although differentiation itself increases the complexity in the structure of the institution but relaxes the overall complications. Differentiation is achieved through formation of sub-systems within an existing system. e.g., division of labour in a large factorythat this group would perform these tasks and the other group had its own different tasks to complete; addressing of public matters done by local

government and the central govt. not being dragged into small issues; specialization of banks and markets. Government divided its tasks into separate bureaus like inspections of industry units and education units, tax department, internal security department, etc.

This created more offices and officers on which the governing body now depended, rather than the earlier dependence on a few noblemen and advisors.

Liberalism This was the vision caused by the men of means and educated people. Their confidence was rested
over both political victory and the economic growth.

Liberalism is the faith in liberation of the trappedrelease from denial of equal rights. During the Industrialization period, it was majorly the vision caused by educated people who could clearly see the injustice done to common man. The visionaries confidence boosted high by political victories such as free speech, application of laws equally to all, lesser intervention of the government in the market, and the legislation being left with minimal power to dictate upon the workers and the market place.

Utilitarianism Utilitarianism is the belief that the correct direction of action is the one which leads to the
maximization of the overall good of the society as a whole, i.e., providence of greatest good for the greatest number.

Utility is the appropriate and ethical test for a policy to be casted, rather than natural rights.

Why the industrial revolution started in Britain?

Out of the other continents England was the first to produce the social structure supporting innovation and economic growth. They had excellent balance of resources. Their land was fertile and productive and they had a rich reservoir of coal and iron, moreover their mills had started the efficient use of steams. Being an island, they had the advantage of efficient transportation across the globe. Interconnection between raw materials and finished goods were effectively attained. Britain government was sensitive about the interests of the propertied class and merchants. Trading policies were quite relaxed and equal for all the merchants. British society was innovative and not stratified. They had long tradition of skills and were willing to adopt new measures to fulfill the needs of their family and increase their revenues. The propertied class of the England was very responsive and was eager to investigate new opportunities and cross their class lines as many of the young entrepreneur left the offer of government jobs. They also had a great influence on government. England was in a better situation to exploit their overseas colonies both economically and politically. They were happened to be cheap provider of raw material and huge market for inexpensive goods. This profit promoted the formation of industrial capital. As the process of industrialization increases, it had a great influence on people attitude towards trade and thus it happened to cause widespread effect in all components of trading. Since Britain was the first community to perceive the opportunity of growing huge markets, so they were also the first to initiate it with the great support by the government in terms of policys and laws.

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