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US 2002O151646A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2002/0151646A1
Kikukawa et al. (43) Pub. Date: Oct. 17, 2002
(54) THROMBOPLASTIN REAGENT AND (30) Foreign Application Priority Data
SAME Feb. 5, 2001 (JP).................................. HEI 13-028828
Publication Classification
(75) Inventors: Norihiro Kikukawa, Kobe (JP);
Masahiro Okuda, Kobe (JP) (51) Int. Cl." ....................................................... C08H 1100
(52) U.S. Cl. ............................................................ 525/54.1
Correspondence Address: (57) ABSTRACT
2100 PENNSYLVANIAAVENUE, N.W. This invention provides a novel thromboplastin reagent
WASHINGTON, DC 20037 (US) having high measurement Sensitivity. Thus, an effective
amount of amino acid or derivative thereof having Such a
(73) Assignee: INTERNATIONAL REAGENTS function that an ISI (international sensitivity index) of a
CORPORATION composition of thromboplastin showing an ISI of more than
1.0 is made nearer 1.0 is added whereby a thromboplastin
(21) Appl. No.: 10/062,425 having a high measurement Sensitivity is provided. To be
more Specific, Sodium glutamate is added in an effective
(22) Filed: Feb. 5, 2002 amount.
US 2002/0151646 A1 Oct. 17, 2002

THROMBOPLASTN REAGENT AND METHOD Some cases, that is due to the fact that a Small amount of the
FOR MANUFACTURING THE SAME factor to be measured is brought into the reagent.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 0009 For example, there is a report for a method of
improving the Sensitivity by a Selective inhibition of coagul
0001) 1. Field of the Invention lation factor VII/coagulation factor VIIa remaining in the
thromboplastin reagent (Japanese Patent Laid-Open No.
0002 The present invention relates to a thromboplastin 10/330.400).
reagent used for measurement of a coagulation factor where
a novel reagent having high Sensitivity is provided and also 0010 For the measurement of a more correct coagulation
relates to a method for manufacturing the same. time, standardization of the PT measurement has been
carried out. For Such a purpose, a Standard Sample of a
0003 2. Description of the Related Art thromboplastin reagent is prepared, Sensitivity of each
0004. As a test for screening the defect of coagulation reagent is expressed in terms of international Sensitivity
factors in the blood of patients, Quick’s Prothrombin time index (hereinafter, referred to as “ISI”) on the basis of the
(PT) has been used. PT is also used as a monitor for the above and that is described for each reagent.
therapy by oral anticoagulant therapy. Although measure 0011 When PT is measured using a thromboplastin
ment of the PT varies depending upon the property of the reagent, ISI value becomes low when the difference between
thromboplastin reagent, PT of normal blood donor is 10-14 the PT of normal human plasma and the measured PT of
Seconds and, with regard to the PT of plasma deficient in plasma deficient in coagulation factor is big while, when the
coagulation factors, it is preferred to use a thromboplastin Said different is Small, ISI value becomes high. Accordingly,
reagent which is prepared in Such a manner that the PT can the ISI value of a thromboplastin reagent having high
be prolonged depending upon the degree of defect of the measurement Sensitivity is low and there has been a demand
coagulation factor. for such a reagent. The ISI value of the international
0005 Active thromboplastin induces the coagulation in Standard preparation of thromboplastin is 1.0.
plasma and is composed of a lipid component and a protein 0012 However, as mentioned already, property of a
component. Protein, i.e. the tissue factor, is bonded to thromboplastin reagent varies depending upon the material
membrane and is found in many various tissues. The bond composition therefor. For example, the property differs
between the protein and the lipid is independent on Ca' due when the material is derived from human being, rabbit or
to a hydrophobic interaction. Protein residue comprises bovine. There are many cases where there is prepared a
glycoprotein having a molecular weight of 43-53 kDa. One composition containing a thromboplastin showing an ISI
molecule of the tissue factor is able to bond to one molecule value of more than 1.0.
of a coagulation factor VII or a coagulation factor VIIa. 0013 Further, in some cases, a step of freeze-drying
Bond of the coagulation factor VII/coagulation factor VIIa treatment during the manufacturing Steps of a thromboplas
to the tissue factor is dependent on Ca". A complex tin reagent affects the measurement of the coagulation time.
comprising lipid, tissue factor and coagulation factor VIIa Thus, when the PT is measured using the said freeze-dried
cleaves a coagulation factor X to form a coagulation factor thromboplastin reagent, there are Some cases where it is
Xa whereby blood coagulation by the activated prothrombin longer than 14 Seconds even when normal plasma is used
is finally induced. and Such a phenomenon results from a freeze-drying pro
0006 Initiation of coagulation in plasma after 10-14 ceSS. The use of a thromboplastin reagent showing a value
Seconds from addition of a thromboplastin reagent indicates of longer than 14 Seconds in the case of normal plasma is not
that the coagulation System is unhurt. An increase in the preferred in view of efficiency of the measurement and there
coagulation time causes a certain disorder. The disorder has been also a demand for development of a manufacturing
occurs as a result of too low concentration of one or more method whereby the damage by freeze-drying failure is
coagulation factor(s) excluded.
0007 Thromboplastin can be extracted from many kinds SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
of tissueS of various animal materials. Due to the limited 0014. The matter to be solved by the present invention is
availability, the cost thereof, etc., materials which are gen to provide a novel thromboplastin reagent having high
erally utilized are limited and thromboplastin derived from measurement Sensitivity.
rabbit brain which is the most common material has a
relatively low sensitivity as compared with thromboplastin 0015 The present inventors have carried out an intensive
derived typically from human tissues. Materials, extracting investigation by paying their attention to the ISI value and
method and reagent composition for thromboplastin are have found that, when amino acid or amino acid derivative
important factors for determining the Sensitivity of the is added to a thromboplastin-containing composition having
reagent. Under Such circumstances, in order to improve the an ISI value of more than 1.0, there are some cases where the
Sensitivity of thromboplastin, investigation for extraction ISI value becomes nearer 1.0. The present invention has
using a nonionic detergent or the like has been attempted and been achieved by addition of amino acid or amino acid
reported (Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 03/503534). derivative having Such a function in an effective amount to
thromboplastin. It has been further investigated for the Stage
0008 AS to another method for improving the sensitivity, when Such an amino acid or amino acid derivative is to be
there has been reported a method where a Small amount of added and, as a result, it has been found that a stable
protein is specifically removed. It is often that thromboplas thromboplastin reagent having no reduction in the activity
tins of various origins are different in terms of their Sensi by freeze-drying can be provided whereupon the present
tivity indicating the defect of Specific coagulation factors. In invention has been achieved.
US 2002/0151646 A1 Oct. 17, 2002

0016. Thus, the present invention comprises the follow 0028 rsThe relation between INR and ISI is given by
ings. the following formula.
0.017. 1. A method for the manufacture of a thromboplas INR-PR-(PT of patient plasma)/(PT of normal
tin reagent which is characterized in that, in the manufac
turing Steps of thromboplastin reagent, there is included a 0029 rsThus, when the ISI value is high in a throm
Step where an effective amount of amino acid or derivative boplastin reagent, it is a reagent where the difference
thereof having Such a function that an ISI (international between the PT of normal plasma and the PT of plasma
Sensitivity index) of a thromboplastin-containing composi deficient in a coagulation factor is little while, when the
tion showing an ISI of more than 1.0 is made nearer 1.0 is ISI value therein is low, it is a reagent where the differ
added. ence between the PT of normal plasma and the PT of
plasma deficient in a coagulation factor is large. There
0.018 2. The method according to the above 1, wherein, fore, it is believed that, when the PT changes depending
as the effective amount of amino acid or derivative thereof
mentioned in the above 1, it is added So as to make the final upon the amount of the coagulation factor contained
concentration 0.01-20 w/v. '76. therein, amount of the coagulation factor can be mea
sured with a good precision.
0019. 3. The method according to the above 1 or 2, 0030 rSAt present, various kinds of thromboplastin
wherein the amino acid or derivative thereof mentioned in
the above 1 is glutamic acid, Sodium glutamate or glycine. containing compositions extracted from human placenta,
rabbit brain, bovine brain, etc. are used as bulk mate
0020 4. The method according to any of the above 1 to rials for thromboplastin reagent and most of such com
3, wherein the step of addition of the amino acid or deriva positions show an ISI of more than 1.0. Thus, when the
tive thereof is after the step for the extraction of thrombo ISI is made nearer 1.0, it is possible to provide a throm
plastin from the material composition and is before the boplastin reagent having a suitable sensitivity. Such a
freeze-drying. way of thinking is not limited to a thromboplastin
0021 5. The method according to any of the above 1 to reagent derived from natural substances only but is
3, wherein the step of addition of the amino acid or deriva applicable to thromboplastin reagents prepared by
tive thereof is after the step for the extraction of thrombo means of a recombinant technology as well. In the
plastin from the material composition and for the freeze present invention, a thromboplastin-containing compo
drying. sition may be anything so far as it contains thrombo
plastin and there is no limitation for its source. For
0022 6. A thromboplastin reagent which is manufactured example, thromboplastin (tissue factor)-containing com
by any of the methods mentioned in the above 1 to 5. positions not only derived from natural substances such
0023 7. A thromboplastin reagent, characterized in that, as human placenta, rabbit brain and bovine brain but
there is contained an effective amount of an amino acid or also prepared by means of a recombinant technology, etc.
are included.
derivative thereof which has a function that an ISI (inter
national Sensitivity index) of a thromboplastin-containing 0031 rsAn amino acid or derivative thereof having a
composition showing an ISI of more than 1.0 is made nearer function of making an ISI of a thromboplastin-contain
ing composition which has an ISI of more than 1.0 nearer
0024 8. The thromboplastin reagent according to the 1.0 is a substance which has a function of lowering the
above 7, wherein, as the effective amount of amino acid or ISI value to make nearer 1.0 when an appropriate
derivative thereof mentioned in the above 7, it is added so amount is added to a thromboplastin composition and it
as to make the final concentration 0.01-20 w/v. '76. stands for an amino acid or derivative thereof. Examples
0.025 9. The thromboplastin reagent according to the of the amino acid or derivative thereof having such a
above 7 or 8, wherein the amino acid or derivative thereof function are alanine, aminobutyric acid (hereinafter,
mentioned in the above 7 is glutamic acid, Sodium glutamate referred to as “ABA'), glutamic acid, glutamine, sodium
or glycine. glutamate, glycine, methionine, proline, serine and
tyrosine. Preferably, they are alanine, aminobutyric acid,
0.026 10. A kit for the measurement of coagulation time sodium glutamate, glutamic acid or glycine. And a more
containing the thromboplastin reagent described in any of preferred example is sodium glutamate, glutamic acid or
the above 6 to 9. glycine.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE 0032 rsWith regard to an effective amount of the
PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS amino acid or derivative thereof having the above-men
0027 INR (international normalized ratio) is used as a tioned function, there is no particular limitation so far as
new way of describing a PT. The INR value is calculated by it is an amount achieving a function whereby the ISI
rising to ISI power of a prothrombin ratio (PR) and its value is lowered to make nearer 1.0. For example, in
normal value is 1.0. Here, a prothrombin ratio is the ratio of terms of the final concentration in a thromboplastin
the PT of normal plasma to the PT of patient plasma and is reagent, a range of 0.01-20 w/v %, preferably 0.1-10 w/v.
expressed by PR. % or, more preferably, 0.5-5 w/v 9% may be exemplified.
US 2002/0151646 A1 Oct. 17, 2002

0033 rsThe amino acid or derivative thereof having activity by freeze-drying can be prevented whereby it is
the above-mentioned function may be added at any stage possible to provide a reagent having a high Stability.
during the manufacturing steps and there is no particu
lar limitation therefor. It is also possible that, after being 0042. In the case of a calibration plasma (AK-D), PT was
prepared as a reagent composition, the above-mentioned prolonged except the case where 1% alanine was added. It
effective amount is added. Especially when the amino Suggests that PT is elongated depending upon a reduction in
acid or derivative thereof having the above-mentioned the content of the coagulation factor contained in the cali
function is added with an object of preventing the reduc bration plasmas (AK-A-D) and accordingly that measure
tion of activity caused by the so-called freeze-drying, it is ment with better sensitivity is possible.
preferred to add prior to the freeze-drying during the 0043. The ISI value of each thromboplastin reagent was
manufacturing steps. smaller in all cases than the ISI value of a thromboplastin to
0034) rsIn addition to the freeze-dried product, the which no additive was added.
thromboplastin reagent of the present invention may be
in a form of a liquid product or a frozen product. TABLE 1.

EXAMPLES Prothrombin Time (PT) and ISI Values

when Various Additives were Added
0035) rsThe present invention will now be further (PT: seconds)
illustrated by way of the following Examples although
Nothing 1% Glu . 2%. Glu . 3%. Glu .
the present invention is not limited thereto. INR Added Na Na Na

Example 1. AK-A 1.04 14.3 13.6 13.5 13.9

AK-B 1.92 20.4 20.8 21.7 23.4
0036) rsPT values when various concentrations of AK-C 3.07 27.1 28.4 30.1 33.5
various kinds of amino acid or derivatives thereof were
AK-D 4.37 33.3 35.8 37.6 41.5
added to thromboplastin bulk solution (derived from ISI = 1.69 148 1.4 1.3
rabbit brain) prepared by a method described in Japa
nese Patent Laid-OpenNo. 05/60,762 were measured and Nothing
then ISI value for each of the sample was determined on INR Added 1%. Ala 2%. Ala 3%. Ala
the basis of calibration plasma where an INR was pre
viously regulated. AK-A 1.04 14.3 13.5 13.9 13.6
AK-B 1.92 20.4 19.9 20.9 20.6
0037 rsMeasurement of the PT was carried out AK-C 3.07 27.1 27.1 28.2 28.3
according to a known measuring method. AK-D 4.37 33.3 33.1 34.8 35.3
ISI = 1.69 1.59 1.56 1.5
0.038 rsTo be more specific, measurement was con
ducted by the following method. Thus, each of various
amino acids or amino acid derivatives was added to a Nothing
thromboplastin bulk solution so as to make its final INR Added 1% ABA 2% ABA 3% ABA
concentration 1, 2 or 3 w/v. '76, then a calcium salt was AK-A 1.04 14.3 13.5 13.6 13.5
added thereto to make its final concentration 10 mM and
the mixture was freeze-dried to give a thromboplastin AK-B 1.92 20.4 20.3 2O.9 21.0
sample. Calibration plasma (0.05 ml) was pipeted and AK-C 3.07 27.1 27.4 27.8 28.4
incubated at 37° C. for about 1 minute. To this was added AK-D 4.37 33.3 34.2 34.6 35.3
0.1 ml of a thromboplastin reagent solution which was ISI = 1.69 1.54 1.54 1.49
previously reconstituted in pure water and mixed with
calcium in a concentration of 10 mM incubated at 37° C.
and then PT was measured using a Coagrex-700 (an 0044. Each of AK-A, B, C and D is calibration plasma
automated coagulation analyzer; manufactured by Shi and has an intrinsic INR value.
0039) rSAn ISI value of each thromboplastin sample 0045 ISI value for each sample was calculated from the
solution was determined from the measured PT value measured PT value and the calibration plasma INR value for
and the INR value of the calibration plasma and influ each Sample.
ence of each additive on ISI was tested.
Example 2.
0040. The result was shown in Table 1.
0041 As a result, with regard to a calibration plasma 0046 PT was measured for the case where sodium
(AK-A), PT was shortened in all cases where a thrombo glutamate was added as an additive to a thromboplastin bulk
plastin reagent to which amino acid or derivative thereof Solution to Such an extent that its final concentration was 1,
was added was used as compared with the case of the use of 2, 3, 4 or 5 w/v. '76 and then an ISI value was determined.
thromboplastin reagent to which no additive was added.
Thus, it is likely that, when various additives are added to a 0047. Measurement of PT and calculation of ISI value
thromboplastin bulk reagent, the So-called reduction in the were carried out in the same manner as in Example 1.
US 2002/0151646 A1 Oct. 17, 2002

0048. The result was shown in Table 2.

Prothrombin Time (PT) and ISI Values when Various
Concentrations of Sodium Glutamate were Added
PT: seconds

INR Added 1% Glu Na 2%. Glu . Na 3% Glu . Na 4% Glu Na 5% Glu . Na
AK-A 1.04 14.7 14.3 14.O 14.O 14.8 15.5
AK-B 1.92 20.5 21.6 22.4 24.7 25.9 28.7
AK-C 3.07 28.0 30.2 31.5 35.5 38.8 4.1.8
AK-D 4.37 35.2 38.6 41.2 46.4 SO4 57.5
ISI = 1.64 1.44 1.33 1.2 1.16 1.1

0049. Each of AK-A, B, C and D is calibration plasma tioned in the above 1, it is added So as to make the final
and has an intrinsic INR value. concentration 0.01-20 w/v. '76.
0050 ISI value for each sample was calculated from the 3. The method according to claim 1 or 2, wherein the
measured PT value and the calibration plasma INR value for amino acid or derivative thereof mentioned in claim 1 is
each Sample. glutamic acid, Sodium glutamate or glycine.
0051. The ISI value for each thromboplastin sample 4. The method according to any of claims 1 to 3, wherein
became Small depending upon the concentration of Sodium the step of addition of the amino acid or derivative thereof
glutamate and an improvement in the Sensitivity of each is after the step for the extraction of thromboplastin from the
thromboplastin Sample was noted. material composition and is before the freeze-drying.
0.052 On the other hand, the PT for the amended plasma 5. The method according to any of claims 1 to 3, wherein
(AK-A) was shortest when 2 w/v % or 3 w/v % of sodium the step of addition of the amino acid or derivative thereof
glutamate was added to give a thromboplastin reagent is after the step for the extraction of thromboplastin from the
having a high stability. material composition and for the freeze-drying.
0.053 As fully illustrated hereinabove, it is now possible 6. A thromboplastin reagent which is manufactured by
to provide a thromboplastin reagent having a high measure any of the methods mentioned in any of claims 1 to 5.
ment Sensitivity and a high Stability when, in the manufac 7. A thromboplastin reagent, characterized in that, there is
turing Steps of thromboplastin reagent, there is included a contained an effective amount of an amino acid or derivative
Step where an effective amount of amino acid or derivative thereof which has a function that an ISI (international
thereof having Such a function that an ISI (international Sensitivity index) of a thromboplastin-containing composi
Sensitivity index) of a composition of thromboplastin show tion showing an ISI of more than 1.0 is made nearer 1.0.
ing an ISI of more than 1.0 is made nearer 1.0 is added. 8. The thromboplastin reagent according to claim 7,
What is claimed is: wherein, as the effective amount of amino acid or derivative
thereof mentioned in claim 7, it is added So as to make the
1. A method for the manufacture of a thromboplastin final concentration 0.01-20 w/v. '76.
reagent which is characterized in that, in the manufacturing 9. The thromboplastin reagent according to claim 7 or 8,
Steps of thromboplastin reagent, there is included a step wherein the amino acid or derivative thereof mentioned in
where an effective amount of amino acid or derivative
thereof having Such a function that an ISI (international claim 7 is glutamic acid, Sodium glutamate or glycine.
Sensitivity index) of a thromboplastin-containing composi 10. A kit for the measurement of coagulation time con
tion showing an ISI of more than 1.0 is made nearer 1.0 is taining the thromboplastin reagent described in any of
added. claims 6 to 9.
2. The method according to claim 1, wherein, as the
effective amount of amino acid or derivative thereof men

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