Current and Future Trends of Media and Information

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(Current and future Trends

of Media and Information)

Submitted by:

Katelyn P. Rellita
Allysa Mae M. Reoyan
Arianne Jane M. Comonical
STEM 12B Student

Submitted to:


MIL Teacher

March 29, 2023

“The future depends on
what we do in the present.”
36% of the journalists recognize mobile as the most important trend of the
year. Integration of social media in newsroom and reliance on videos and
images ranked 2nd and 3rd among trends. 49% believe native advertising will be
the top revenue source for their respective media outlets.

a. Massive open online content
b. Wearable technology (i.e. Google glass, iPhone watch, etc.)
c. 3D Environment ( i.e. 3D printer, 3D films, holograms, etc.)
d. Ubiquitous Learning
e. Others

Massive Open Online Courses ( MOOCs)

is a model for providing learning material online to everyone who wants to take courses with no
attendance restrictions. This is a web-based courses geared toward enrolling hundreds or
thousands of students at a time. It delivers content via video lectures, online readings, and online
assessments, as well as various degree of students-student and students’ interaction. Massive
Open Online Courses are online courses available for anyone to enrol. It provides an affordable
and flexible way to learn new skills, advance your career and deliver quality educational
experiences at scale.
a. Physical setting to virtual setup
b. Learning is facilitated online.
c. Utilizes information technologies to evaluate learning.
d. Self-paced learning
e. Flexible learning

Massive Open Online Courses Platforms:

a. Coursera
b. Khan Academy
c. Canvas
d. Udacity

Ubiquitous Learning
Labelled as u-learning, takes advantage of digital content, physical surroundings, mobile devices,
pervasive components, and wireless communication to deliver teaching-learning experiences to
users at anytime, anywhere, and anyway.
this is familiar right because during the covid19 pandemic students experienced distance learning
using mobile technologies and away from the classroom settings so in many ways you had the
experience already.
For example you are having an online class while you were at the beach, which maybe you already
did. In other words, this is the idea that learning can happen anywhere and anytime.

Characteristics of Ubiquitous Learning

1. Adaptability
2. Permanency
3. Accessibility
4. Immediacy
5. Interactivity
6. Situating of Instructional activities
You are able to adjust, especially on how you can get information and
knowledge without the walls of the classroom and strict scheduling. The
learning process is recorded so it’s continuous, you have to access data anytime
and anywhere you want, and you can interact with other people as well to

( wearable gadgets) is a category of technology devices that can be worn by a
costumer often include tracking information related to health and fitness. Other
wearable technology gadget include devices that have small motion sensors to
take photo and sync with your mobile devices.
Is a gadgets worn on the wrist that attach to your smartphone. This
technology makes it simple to search your smartphone to text
messages, email and other updates on a regular basic. It’s also capable
to tracking your physical activity.
For example: Apple watch
Can connect to your phone, monitor your music volume, and even
takes photo ( Stevens, 2018 ). In 2013 google glass was first to
introduce this technology. Essentially, Its integrates wireless
networking and imaging into your eyewear’s frames and lenses,
allowing us to monitor our eyewear from our smartphones and

3D Printer
Are the best way of presenting creative ideas from various fields and
industries. The latest tools and gadgets for visualization enabled and
even better user experience.
3D Environment
A computer-controlled digital. The concept of 3D environment
explored to mimic the physical media films are among the common
media offering incorporate 3D.

A three- dimensional image formed by the interference of light beams
form laser and other coherent lights sources.
Multiple choices: Answer the question that follows. Choose the best
answer from among the given choices.
1. It is an open access and interactive way to facilitate student’s
online study.
a. Massive Open Online Courses
b. Holography
c. 4G
d. Fitbit charge
2. A form of technology-mediated communication that enables the
user of mobile devices to communicate with someone in a
different location.
a. Telephone b. Laptop c. Mobile phone d. Mobile
3. A technology that will calculate and monitor your heart rate.
a. Misfit Phase Hybrid
b. Heart Rate Monitor Device
c. Fitbit Charge 2
d. Avatar
4. The letter M in MOOCs stand for?
a. Media
b. Massive
c. Market
d. Non of the Above
5. Which of the following is not an example of modern wearable
a. Smart Watches b. Fitness trackers c. Smartphones d. Headset
6. Refers to a type of learning that happens anytime, anywhere and
with anyone.
a. Ubiquitous Learning b. Global Learning c. Wide Learning
d. None of the Above
7. The unabbreviated term for a model delivering learning content
to any online person who wants to take any course, with no limit
on attendance.
a. Online Learning b. MOOCs c. Ubiquitous learning d. Canvas
8. A kind of technology that brings digital data and design to the
physical world.
a. 3D printing b. Wearable technology c. Ubiquitous Learning
d. All of the above
9. Broadly defined as any gadgets that is worn instead of being
a. Wearable technology
b. 3D Technology
c. Ubiquitous Learning
d. MOOCs
10. An example of a wearable technology that tracks your
wellness and physical technology.
a. Smart watch
b. Smart glasses
c. Smartphones
d. Hearables

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