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James 1:12-18 (NKJV)

12 Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will
receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.

Remember the test pilot who is honored to try out the latest airplane and test drive it? Very often,
it is one of the most coveted positions in the Air Force. Likewise, we receive a crown of life when
we successfully navigate our tests.

13 Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted
by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone.
14 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.
15 Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown,
brings forth death.

As God cannot be tempted with evil himself, so neither can he be a tempter of others. He
cannot be a promoter of what is repugnant to his nature. Matthew Henry's commentary
Let no one say - quit blaming God for your problems. If we will be honest, most of the messes
we get into in this life are of our own making. If you will find out what God’s nature is – then you
will know what it not His nature. He is not the author of things that are against His nature.

16 Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren.

G4105 – deceived
Πλαναω planaō
Thayer Definition:
1) to cause to stray, to lead astray, lead aside from the right way
1a) to go astray, wander, roam about
2) metaphorically
2a) to lead away from the truth, to lead into error, to deceive
2b) to be led into error
2c) to be led aside from the path of virtue, to go astray, sin
2d) to sever or fall away from the truth
2d1) of heretics
2e) to be led away into error and sin

Evidently, people can be lead astray concerning whether or not God is the author of evil or good.
Imagine that. Do you know someone who is confused about whether good comes from God or
the devil? Do you know someone who blames God for bad things? James warns us not to be
deceived like that. Get it straight in your head once and for all:

God is good and Satan is bad. All good things come from God and all bad things come from the

John 10:10 ESV

(10) The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life
and have it abundantly.

17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father
of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
18 Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of
firstfruits of His creatures.

G3883 - variation
Παραλλαγη parallagē par-al-lag-ay'
From a compound of G3844 and G236; transmutation (of phase or orbit), that is, (figuratively)
fickleness: - variableness.

I want you to notice the definition of the word variation – “fickleness”. God isn’t fickle. He is not
up one day and down the next, answering prayers one day and saying no the next. No, God is
the same yesterday, today and forever – He does not change. If He is Jehovah Rapha – the Lord
that heals us – he cannot be “the lord that makes us sick.” If He is Jehovah Jireh – our Provider –
He cannot be “the lord that makes us bankrupt.”

Malachi 3:6 ESV

(6) "For I the LORD do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not

Those who are disposed to look into these may consult the first book of Irenaeus against
heresies. Let corrupt men run into what notions they will, the truth, as it is in Jesus,
stands thus: That God is not, cannot be, the author and patronizer of any thing that is evil;
but must be acknowledged as the cause and spring of every thing that is good: Every
good and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, v.
17 Matthew Henry's commentary

The general sense is, that God is the author of all good. Every thing that is good on the
earth we are to trace to him; evil has another origin. Barnes

In this respect God is not indeed like the sun. With him there is no variableness, not
even the appearance of turning. He is always the same, at all seasons of the year, and
in all ages; there is no change in his character, his mode of being, his purposes and
plans. What he was millions of ages before the worlds were made, he is now; what he is
now, he will be countless millions of ages hence. We may be sure that whatever
changes there may be in human affairs; whatever reverses we may undergo; whatever
oceans we may cross, or whatever mountains we may climb, or in whatever worlds we
may hereafter take up our abode, God is the same. Barnes

17. Not only are God’s gifts good (useful, practical) and perfect (nothing lacking in
them), but His liberality is wholly consistent. Fickle man may succumb to “lusts,” but He,
the Father of lights, does not embrace the faintest shadow of change. KJV Bible

18. If “justification by works” (2:24) causes one to question James’ soteriology, he

should note here the basis of salvation: Of his own will begat he. The verb, begat (Gr
apokyeō), stems from the same root as “bringeth forth” of verse 15. Sin kills, but God
KJV Bible commentary

This passage has as it’s theme – sin and death vs God and life. The gospel is that God is
a good God who loved us enough to give His only begotten Son, Who died for us and
rose again, to give us eternal life. That is good news.

God is a good God!!

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