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Material Specification Tag MS-ACC-008

Slotted Shaft,Cinching System

Industrial Name: Slotted Shaft Code# 3-7-10010

Issue Date: 18-Jan-23 Rev. D

Key Specifications Reference
Measurement As per specification of the design below QCI-92-007
Corrosion test Rust should not be found within 48 hours of test QCI-92-027
Color Raw Steel Color QCI-92-008
1. No burr or sharp edge is allowed
Visual Criteria Visual Test
2. No scratch on surface is acceptable

Reference Specifications
Material 304, Stainless Steel
Moderate Moderate
Inspection Level II
COA Required
Calibrated Master/Standard
Gauge Block, Weight Block

Design/Drawing/Picture of Sample

38.27-38.43 mm

1.10-1.20 mm

Reference Link:
QC must check key specifications
Revision History:

QF-740-05 (F), 05-Jun-21 Prepared By: Selim

Material Specification Tag MS-ACC-008
Slotted Shaft,Cinching System

Corporate Engg.
Rev. Description of Change Rev By: NPD Approval DPO Approval Date
1. QCI reference added
C Selim Ashraaf 07-Dec-19
2. Weight removed

1. Format changed
2. MM unit added with
D Selim 18-Jan-23
3. Visual criteria added
4. Measurements updated
as per new design

QF-740-05 (F), 05-Jun-21 Prepared By: Selim

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