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In selecting food sources for vitamins, keep in mind the following:

a. the quantity of a given food;

b. the frequency during which the food is eaten; and
c. the stability of vitamin content of certain food after it has been processed or

Vitamins are found in almost all food sources, including fruits, vegetables,
grains, legumes, meat and poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy. Oils and fats are also
good sources of vitamins. No single food, however, is a source of all vitamins, so
it is wise to eat as many of these food sources on a daily basis. Appendix A-2
provides information on the Recommended Daily Intakes for Other Minerals and

I. Objectives

A primary vitamin deficiency develops when vitamins are not taken in

required amounts to meet the body’s needs. A secondary deficiency occurs
when there is impaired absorption or when there is excess excretion of

At the end of the 3-hour laboratory session, you should be able to:

1. identify the importance of the different fat-and water-soluble vitamins

to the body;

2. prepare, serve, and evaluate meals for people with vitamin

deficiency; and

3. apply the principles of diet modification.

II. Procedures

B. Group 3 and 4: Case # 5. A man suffering from dehydration

resulting from diarrhea and vomiting

1. Prepare a normal diet and modify it into a diet for an individual

suffering from dehydration. Prepare a sample menu plan for lunch.

Table 3 - 3. Modification of the Normal Diet

Normal Diet Diet for Individual Suffering from Dehydration
Lunch Cucumber Salad
• 1 cup of white rice • 1 cup of cottage cheese
• 1 quarter leg fried chicken • 1 cup chopped cucumber
• 1 bowl of Bulalo • ¼ cup sliced radishes
• 1 tbsp diced red onion and dash pepper
• 1 cup of fried dilis fish Fruit Bowl
• 1 cup of blueberries
Beverage • 1 cup of cantaloupe chunks
• 1 full glass of regular coke • 2 oz of vanilla Greek yogurt

Dessert Beverage
• 1 cup of fruit salad • 1 glass of Coconut Water
• ¼ cup of leche flan

2. Discuss the following and write the answers in Table 3-4.

2.1 Vitamin - and mineral - related diseases

2.2 Symptoms
2.3 Causes
2.4 Prevalence
2.5 Dietary changes
Table 3 - 4. Worksheet for Vitamin - and Mineral - related Diseases

Diseases Symptoms Causes Prevalence Dietary Changes

• Swelling of • Occurs when Out of the If goiter is caused by
the Neck, the thyroid 8.53% thyroid diet:
just below gland failed to function
the Adam’s produce abnormalities in Goiter is
Apple enough the Philippines, commonly caused
hormones 10.12% is the by iodine deficiency
• Hoarseness need due to prevalence rate which is why iodized
iodine of goiter. This salts in meals are
• Feeling in the deficiency. percentage is advised.
Throat Area only among the
• It can also be adult population. Include food rich in
• Neck Vein caused by iodine such as dairy
Swelling excessive products, seafoods,
production of meats, bread, and
• Dizziness thyroid eggs.
when Arms hormones
Goiter are Raised from
Above the consuming
Head too much
• Weight Gain

• Fatigue

Less common:
• Shortness of

• Coughing

• Difficulty

• Swollen, • The main Still occurs in Though the

Bleeding cause is an developed symptoms can be
Gums insufficient countries despite severe, scurvy is
(Sometimes intake ofthe widespread fairly simple to treat
Teeth can Fall vitamin C, or availability of such us:
Out) ascorbic acid. vitamins and
Scurvy fortified foods. :by including
• Poor Wound • Lacking in a The vitamin C foods high in vitamin
Healing variety of deficiency C such as citrus
fresh fruits prevalence of 10 fruits, especially
to 14% in adults grapefruits and
• Fatigue, and was reported in lemons; berries and
Depressions vegetable. the national cantaloupe; and
health nutrition vegetables,
• Weight Loss • Poorly examinations including broccoli,
balanced and survey spinach, green
• Irritability, and inadequate (NHANES). peppers, tomatoes,
Lethargy diets can lead potatoes,
malnutrition. cauliflower, and
• Loss of cabbage.
Appetite • Mostly often
found in :by taking vitamin
• Joint and Body alcoholic C supplements also
aches people. called ascorbic acid.

• Hypotension

• Dyspnea

• Rough, Dry
• Increased
to Infection

• Easy Bruising

• Dry Splitting

• Anemia

• Exhaustion

• Shortness of
• Bone Pain or Rickets is caused One out of 10 Encourage them
Tenderness by a lack of or 10.3 percent to consume food
vitamin D. A of Filipino products high in
• Bowed person might not children aged 6 vitamin D, such as
(Curved) Legs get enough to 12 had vitamin fish, liver, milk, and
vitamin D if he or D deficiency, eggs.
• Large she: with highest
Rickets Forehead • Has dark skin. prevalence Calcium and
recorded in the vitamin D
• Stunted • Spends too National Capital supplements can
Growth little time Region (NCR), also be used to treat
outside. based on the rickets. Ask your
2018 Expanded doctor about the
National Nutrition correct dosage, as it
• Abnormally • Has on Survey (ENNS) can vary based on
Curved Spine sunscreen all of the the size of your
the time when Department of child. Too much
• Large out of doors. Science and vitamin D or calcium
Abdomen Technology- can be unsafe.
• Doesn't eat Food and
• Abnormally foods Nutrition
Shaped Ribs containing Research
and vitamin D Institute’s
Breastbone because of (DOST-FNRI).
• Wide Wrist intolerance or a
and Elbow strict
Joints vegetarian diet.

• Is breastfed
• Teeth without
Abnormalities receiving
vitamin D

• Can't make or
use vitamin D
because of a
disorder such
as celiac

• Has an
disorder that
affects vitamin
D levels.

• Delusions or Inadequate Pellagra is A protein-rich

Mental consumption of common in poor diet with adequate
Confusion the B vitamin countries where calories is
niacin is the most corn (or maize) is prescribed. Niacin
• Diarrhea common cause a main crop, intake can be
of pellagra such as Africa increased by
• Weakness (primary and India. Corn including meats,
Pellagra pellagra). The is a poor source milk, peanuts, leafy
most common of tryptophan green vegetables,
• Loss of cause of primary and niacin. whole or enriched
Appetite pellagra is a lack Pellagra was grains, and brewer's
of green common in the dry yeast.
• Pain in vegetables, fish, early 1900s in
Abdomen meat, and eggs in the United
the diet. States,
• Inflamed Alcoholism is especially in the
Mucous frequently linked South, where
Membrane to pellagra, which corn was a big
is caused by part of the diet.
• Scaly Skin
Sores, Secondary
especially in pellagra is mainly
Sun- caused by
Exposed gastrointestinal
Areas of the problems that
Skin. prevent niacin
from being
absorbed. Low
amounts of
tryptophan can
cause pellagra
tryptophan is
required for the
production of

DRY BERIBERI Beriberi refers Beriberi is Food that are

• Difficulty to the lack of observed in prescribed for
Walking thiamine developed thiamine deficiency
pyrophosphate, nations in are as follows:
• Loss of the active form of persons with • Whole-Grain
Sensation in the vitamin alcoholism, Foods
Hands and known as people on fad
Feet thiamine. diets, persons on • Meat/Fish/Poultry
long-term /Eggs
Persons may peritoneal
Beriberi • Loss of Muscle become deficient dialysis without • Milk and Milk
(Dry Function or in thiamine by not thiamine Products
and Paralysis of ingesting enough replacement,
the Lower vitamin B-1 persons • Vegetables (i.e.,
Wet) Legs through the diet undergoing long- Green, Leafy
or may become term starvation, Vegetables;
• Mental deficient through or persons Beets; Potatoes)
Confusion/ excess use; the receiving
Speech latter may result intravenous • Legumes (i.e.,
Difficulties from fluids with high Lentils,
hyperthyroidism, glucose Soybeans, Nuts,
• Pain pregnancy, concentration. Seeds)
lactation, or No accurate
• Strange Eye fever. Prolonged statistics are • Orange and
Movements diarrhea may available on the Tomato Juices
(Nystagmus) impair the body's
ability to absorb incidence of this
• Tingling vitamin B-1, and condition.
severe liver
• Vomiting disease impairs Developing
its use. countries are
known to have
more vitamin
WET BERIBERI deficiency
• Awakening at problems in
Night Short of general, but
Breath there has been a
lack of accurate
• Increased statistics for
Heart Rate thiamine
• Shortness of Beriberi has
Breath with been reported
Activity among refugees
who are relying
• Swelling of the on emergency
Lower Legs food aid. This is
due to the lack of

III. Evaluation
1. Group 4: Present in class the dietary plan for Case # 5 and discuss
your answer to question # 2.

2. Group 3: Evaluate the case presented by Group 4 based on

2.1 suitability of food served to specific disease conditions;
2.2 modification of the normal diet into a therapeutic diet; and
2.3 how the diet can promote good health.

3. Submit the individual worksheets at the end of the laboratory


4. Group 3: Submit the peer evaluation using the scorecard below.

Peer Evaluation of Group 4

5 - Very Satisfactory 4 - Satisfactory 3 - Good 2 - Fair 1 - Poor

Participation Participation
Participation in Meal in Group Overall
Group Members in Diet Planning Discussion Score
Computation and Tray of Disease
Preparation Conditions
Sunga, Mariane G.

Tamorite, Elreen Kate C.

Tan, Alyssa Kim C.

Tizon, Mc Vincent T.

Untalan, Anya Mye Margaret A.

Uy, Paul Ericson M.
Valdez, Jayrell Christian E.

Verdaluza, Gwen Marie M.

Villajuan, Precious Noelyn C.
Villalobos, Neil Gabriel R.

IV. Questions for Discussion

1. Enumerate the ways in which vitamins can be preserved in food.

The methods in which we store, prepare, and cook our foods can affect
the level of vitamins available to our bodies. In dealing with fruits and
vegetables, vitamins can be preserved due to the freezing process. Canning
procedures have also become much more efficient in recent years, and a higher
percentage of nutrients are now retained. Then, for dairy products, especially
milk, it is essential to avoid sun exposure, as sunlight destroys the B vitamin
riboflavin. In terms of preparation, avoid allowing cut vegetables to be exposed
to air, heat, or light for an extended period and do not soak them before cooking,
as water may leach essential vitamins and minerals. Certainly, it is best to cook
vegetables for the minimum amount of time required to reduce the number of
nutrients lost. Steaming, stir-frying, and microwaving are all excellent cooking
methods, which are used to retain vitamins. If you are boiling vegetables, use
the minimum amount of water possible and introduce the vegetables straight to
the hot water, using a tight-fitting lid to cover them. Once the food is cooked,
try to eat it as soon as possible (without leaving it sitting on the burner for too
long), as excessive heat may also damage the nutritional quality of food.

2. How are vitamins destroyed?

Indeed, vitamins are a group of organic compounds that are essential
micronutrients for average growth and nutrition. They play numerous crucial
roles in bodily functions such as metabolism, immunity, and digestion.
However, in diet, vitamins are required in small quantities as the body cannot
synthesize them. Knowing that vitamins are organic, they are said to be
susceptible to destruction and left unstable to function. Truly, various vitamins
are sensitive and easily destroyed when exposed to heat, light (ultraviolet),
oxygen, some water-soluble, and fats (cooking oil). During food storage and
preparation, water-soluble and some fat-soluble vitamins are destroyed due to
exposure to oxygen. Because of that, it is good to note that proper storage and
preparation of food must be considered. It is also vital to keep airtight. In
addition, Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Beta-carotene, and Vitamin C are vitamins
that are easily destroyed because of exposure to Ultraviolet Light. Therefore,
there is a need for such vitamins to be stored in opaque containers. Besides,
vitamins can also be altered through preparation as most water-soluble
vitamins leach into the water, Thiamin and Vitamin changes in pH, and water-
soluble vitamins and Vitamin C are affected by heat. With all of these, to reduce
vitamin loss and destruction, let us always take into consideration of the above-
mentioned vitamin preservation in food that may include refrigerating fresh
products, keeping milk and grains away from strong light, and avoiding
overcooking of foods and vegetables.

V. References

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