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NOTICE e Employees, who have been allotted READY FLAT on 03.01.2023 (December 2022 Allotment) are requested to collect the Allotment order on 04 & 05.01.2023 between 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p-m. from Allotment Room, ‘0’ floor, South Wing, Vikram Sarabhai Bhavan. Acceptance Form is uploaded & available in DAENIWAS portal/DCSEM website. The same may kindly be printed, filled in and ‘submitted to APO, Allotment Section, while collecting the allotment order. e Further, if no response is received on the aforesaid dates from the employees regarding ready flat allotted on 03.01.2023, it will be considered that the employee is not interested in the allotted flat and the said flat will be cancelled without any further intimation to the employee concerned. e Employees who have been allotted flat_under_maintenance (major/minor repairs) will be dispatched/ mailed the provisional letter through registered email by 25.01.2023. These employees need not visit Allotment Section in connection with the issue of provisional allotment letter. ¢ The movement from transit accommodation to allotted categorized accommodation is compulsory. Therefore, the employees in occupation of any transit accommodation will have to move to the allotted categorized accommodation. e Incase, an employee is not interested in the flat allotted to him/her (other than compulsory movement cases), the same may be intimated through mail to or by a letter addressed to APO, Allotment Section, DCSEM by 13.01.2023. In such cases, one month’s licence fee will be recovered as penalty, for the category of the flat allotted. atk ay wor On Assistant Personnel Officer Allotment Section To all concerned Allotment httpu/ \Woeome AKSHAY RALARAM DESAI LonOst SS DAE ferarmt Employee incon Pry Aelmer Sehesle MortMy Vacancy Alcina Suldng Dtsls Fk Detsie Tels OnineAppestons Password ta Fae Form - *Reauie Lecation” 9a Builcing Type ex Year 202 Building Scheduleld Processed Location S'S Date From Date To View Allotment 978 Y AN et 2eni2reo22 sarr2rz0z2 Result Published List of Alloted Flats Sp ome see |e es rel en anarone [etl] tu emsone Lew. | a + [om [ea fem fw fs [sess [wv [oa [snowrmmcran]ar [2 [ER] snore | som] anne or 03/01/2023 15:49 Allotment 10f2 Employee iiomaton Proriy Alomen! Schedde Mon Vaceney Aloimen! BuléngOelala Fa elas Tools Atciment | Ament Resut | User Chie Ls | Out Tarn Allotment http:/ llcome AKSHAY RAJARAM DESAI Logout DAE ferart Location Bulking Type * Reauived nine eplesions Pasnord a Year ion Schmduletd Processed Location AIG ate From Date To View Aatment ov Y an € zanznoza soriareoz2 (Cue ] Recut Published Listor Alotted Fats & || soon | ines] Sn, | Roser] stron] See |ystyne ansngnene | Fa [ ree] rca Jempone [eve |g cab ‘ype Grae Sno | pe" | suc Po. ror] | Sau" |aee”™ |S ono oe te [ie [er [wf femesh [w [ano umaraars [orl] [Btanor Torna Trees [anc 2 fo [Reap | fa demesne Jw fan Juaavacre so [1 [BOR | PRtouaue | sorer | mane — S| aNUPAMA a fom [ibaa{om Jw a frnes | fsen— onamars — [rsa frs [eamarae] BOM | ey. 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Bung Calas Flt Deals Tose Online Aplisions Pareword ‘simon | Aloment Rest | User Chea List | Ou Tum Alert Lecaion ay Buiting Tyee DSFECAL~=~S«Mnth—pecnber Yeer ian Scheduled Processed Location M99 ate From Date ToView ype Aotment 80 y aN D_SPEGIAL 2a/1272022 sa/2roz2 Result Published List of Alloted Flats | FP won| tmnt] on | seer] trent | Cre | pny No usa ne | Pt | "| CALMS capeyeenane | £9 | @ an | asa + [om [ime fr [x fe [ewes [w [nar [aowore oom [rn [eamane]immane Tee [ome 2 [mo [Baler x fe frnesu fw [ince framer [veo fox [oman [agua Yan [ame 2 [mo [Baler fw [a [rncse [Tw [co [amon en | [SINGER ASHOK Tocs50 ane je [om [as for fw [6 [rmesn fw fom femrum foo [a [earl SceuNo | rns] wa [oe [afew fx fs Jrneaw Ju Js Jasowe foan]s [rumor |Sttt |r |rwce ¢ [wo [ale fw fe frnese [wy fine [auminoee [oor]s [ancaoy [SmeSr [eras | won v [mo [Baler fw fr rnese [we fans [oman] ]1 [amcnoy |anomanen Too. 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BdingDetala Fe Detais Tools Onine Appicalons Perea Aone! | AlltmertResat | User Chace et | Ou of Tum Atomest Uocaion usraTiee ica Mont) nee oo Schedule ls Processed Location SNE Date From Date To View ‘Aoinant se y ss D_SPECIAL 2e1saz022 sozroze [uw] Resul Prhed Allotted Flat Details Not Found Undlotted Fats [SeNo.[——Bataing Name | Flat No.__[ Flat Maint Statu [2 [AB ANNEX Dep 2 [C MAJOR REPAIRS 03/01/2023 15:51 Allotment Employeotrmaion Prey Alcinent Senedd only \aeany inet Gung Deals Fat Dies Toole ‘ert | Alain Rest | Use Che Lit | Ot Kim Aen ‘Lecalon a "Bulg Type ‘Schodulelé Processed Location y aN hutp:/ Flats de?alion DAE ferart . 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(03/01/2023 15:53 Auiomment, bnup: is do2allotme, Wlcoe AKSHAY RALARAM DESAI Logout Employee inomaton Prory Alemen! Schedule Monty Vacaney Aloiment Bug Oeals ll Delle Tout Onlin Applcaions Password Alciman | Ament Resa | User Chic ist | Ou Tum Aleent TT eaion a= ert pata eS Scheduleld Processed Location Building Date From Date To View yD Allotment se y car > zerzraze soramo2 (Cue ] Result Pare Let ot Aloe is green] nom ree Sam Sarton. we ee |iSen atoms |e Jum So ss = 2 amnion | ST ok Ee ve [melgy [seme | Poe 1of2 03/01/2023 15:53 Allotment bttp://172.16.34,53/DCSEM_ADMIN/GetAllottedFlats.doallotme: \acotia AKSHAY RAJARAM DESAL —LenOut & DAE ferarr ‘Employes Iiomatin Prony Aliment Schedule Moni Vacancy Alctnent Buldng Deals Fit Detals Teo OnineApleatons Passware Location a | Bailing Type c Year Scheduleld Processed Location yu" Date From Date To View Allotment oes v an c ——zavaroae sorazoaa (Cum) Resut Published List of Aloted Flats | scrive| yg | sterven| On | rome |ateren| Sees | ryan | eugene |i [eee two |ensines ime | on No. [ia Mor | Type ead rN || pe || Ba wes No, | Stans, | Name No. v fos [aa fecrr [w [oar [omwae|y fram famwac [am|s [AMMO |Sennsram [es [sn 2 fos |i, serv [waver Jornce| x —|rzsr — Jccrconna 2 fo [EMAMR}Sarman | ies | parc ana 3 | oes ea» [serv [nw vst | cHange | 1305 “SAHYAOR! poz] 1 | CMAIOR| WADAWALE | ao6e2 | pane Bisa ‘ema | i _ vs7 | CHANGE |W 1320 RNATH so} 1 | SMAIOR | Smt Soumya | 125 | aeRB. is =. ze | SERV - ™ REPAIRS | Varghese 3 [oss [iba [scm [w [rer Jounoc]w [ram [srsin [cos] aneaoy [SEAN [aon [ane 2 G-masor | SHFH JOSH oer [ize [sew [ufo [rnesu [uv rte fuvnsnn — [aze|2 | SNR) pttesn” Jao | ate 7 oor [zee [sew [uw [rr Jewwoe|n usr Joonseanan [so |r | S248] yun Jarre | are 2, fee |w [arm fownce]y [ram [rnsa fere}e [omnor| agi Jase |aces [oes [iap [sew [nw [arse [rmesw fw [rset femommannan is [2 [EMA] muon | rors [arc foe [alee |v [ow [resn |v [axe [ommmana [ar [2 [aneaor|Sunne |>naee] nrce foe [2,,]ecnv fx [seo onance] fase fonmana fir Jr |EARNOR Juesree | aees~ fare Sanat va [oes [ida [scm [w [ire Joumoc]w rom [omarana fas a [ancaorowovy |zamo [ame foes [ida [sew [wire [oumce]w [rom [samane — [aio]s [MAR] nara |zan0 [omc ta foos |B, [sev |v |rre0 Jonmce]n [rare framnn — arse [a |ancaow |SaRvERAR | ose | sane velo [2 [scm |w frre [rnesn |w frses [wows for [2 [anenov[aumgar |zser [aanc velo [afew [w [rm fommce|n from farnonarw [oo [1 [aneaoy| Suaene® [orrees| wor Jie [ous [San [oew [wr [nee foresn [w [rer [unasanowe|aieo [ancaor|raursn [rom [anne safer [zp four [wv [oma |racsn |u nor fonnsnn Jone} games Btn, | Jawar mare fos [alec |v [om [reese [wv [ure [armor fo [« [pumee|ruomasx |i [eae ro fess |e, |semv fw [ims [rmesw Jw |e surname nza]> | eamnrr accra” ano | ame bi a on oor [zee fee [x [ore rnesu |v edo Jorma —foae|s | amen | en | ara | ore mle [® [sw [wom [rneen fw [rw [evaamon far |e OUNERonswan [aaor [amc 10f2 03/01/2023 15:5 Anioument hitp: lottedats.do2alloune |g | wean | ter] Ors | pnt | some | Se | sy no | aang nae fata |emsenee [eee |g Noir" | Mon) Type | Umass | Seno" | toe” | Bact Ne} Butang Saux | Nowe” nm onan a 7 eras 2 foes | an [serv Jw [amo [enesw [w [oa [arnoamn [ai iter [mci Toa [amr me [ie [sew [ow [ore [rneon [w [uur [orowaan [as fo [anenoy| S858" [arm [aces [oes [ie [sew [w [ror [omesn [w[rcr amasncornfons]|2 |eauen [owe Trae lomo a7 | 905 Zz ev |N sm |presn |W 1453, ‘YAIQUNA 408 JAneaoy | STSUSAN | 1274 | parc ee | $6 * *AO¥ | OANEL we foes | Rap |serv |w ara |enesw fu fra farm — far pamon fstama | avai | name vane [eV | [ame Jrresu fw [ass fyawuna [cae] feamnon [umraame | | v0 [os [im [ser [wares Yenesn |v [ure [aamaw |e acne [20880 assr7 [sane a ez [see [w [ame [mesh [w [ora framne [ross [aneaor [sm nomev [rs Tow Se se fees [ibe few fw fom feness Jw |aeo Jamo foam] e [emnior rrois aw |e | sarc 3 | 905 tne {SERV |W we |rresn |W 1505 ‘YAMUNA waa ‘ereaoy | St ‘9134209 | nec, fea Sana foes Yio [serv |e form Frmesn [wv Jace Jenunn —|aon 2 Janeane | Se705%, |oeor [occu siosen a fom |tbee [8 [|v forean [nv [ow fromm [owe ]s S30R9% feaumeeo fawn owe Jom [ran [ser |v [ver [ones [w fiom [oma [owls JEMB8Toamevw Jane ome ” Hae | ser i SH a1 YAMUNA owe Bauon | ea BARC fa rune | fan sme [ies [sew [wre [ones [wv foo fama [owls [amon Prownnitn a anac 20f2 03/01/2023 15:54 Allotment htp:172.16.34,53/DCSEM_ADMIN/GetAllotted Flats d2allotme. Wiscome AKSHAY RAIARAM OESAI Logout & DAE ferart Employee ineamsion Ply Aleimen Senedue Vonthy Vacaney lltmert uldng Ostale Fal Osils. Tels OnineAspestone Password Atciment | AlxmentResut | User Chic st | Ou Tum Asean! Location cea Bulling Tyee c Schedule Id Processed Location SHl4i9G. Date From Date To View Year (022 ‘Type Alloment 987 y cor c zayi27022 sorzre0ze Result Published sto Altod Fats se | sease] sae [ammo] rose] stmat]Seare| pry no) aura — rat [reer] ft, enaree Yer. |e fo. ]is "|e | Sipe | te | Seno" | Type [ace | PMNS Tame” Ye, |e [MEH | Nae ne on oo 2 ‘saunor | SPs BANE voor [dey fae fu for |reesn |v |r Jonenaunc ase] zamiee|iamit® | ae | enc 2 [ow [ian [sem |w [re frnesn [w [a [orenmuncc|ors [gy [amon] Smee, || eae 10f2 03/01/2023 15 Allotment butp://172,16.34,53/DCSEM_ADMIN/GetAllottedFlats.doallotme Viscome AKSHAY RAJARAM OESAI — LenOut SS DAE feraRt Employee lnemaon Phory Aleman Schedule Worthy Vacancy Acimort Bulking Deale FlsiDels Tod's OnineAeplesons Password Aon! | AlltmentResut | User Chie Ut | Out Tum Atoront Same Eh eee | Seaduold Processed Location SMO ua rom ate To Vow ‘torent ms ’ wn —tynatee sonzrenee fast Ribs Lio ond Pl | green |sooe|s|chseeSon.] mes ft Roe] ems | |e = Tew Tee few fw om woe fe [Pw fa. [EB [emmewor [me awe 1of2 (03/01/2023 15:55 Allotment http:/172.16.34,53/DCSEM_ADMIN/GetAllottedFlats.doallotme: Wieore AKSHAY RAJARAM DESAI LouOut Empoyeeormaton Pfoity Alltment Scheie Monty Vcarey Aliment Bulng Oetale Pl Deals Too Onin Aplcaions Pesowand ‘Aliment | Alen Res | User Chie Uist | Ou of Ten Atent Location ay Bulling Type 1p ‘Month | pecamber | Scheduleld Processed Location Date From DateTo View Aotment 988 y an 8 arr2022 sort2/2002 Resut Punishes List of Aloted Flats [Se nn stoma] | at | tre Ey aig rane | |e] rt Lenya nan] ae we i Thpe | rina |A0" | pe" | er] 9-8] Basra rae ||] Eee | empyemas | oan oe + Joo Yrmoze {82 Jw fos frmesu Jy [ose ferns x | fameaoy | 880% sors |eaee Eitan E Rv | yen | cHance |W ‘971 sANDAKI ae ||) | Savor | cuneer 25332 | BARC 2 [one jaoze | SEF ie REPAIRS | RAKESH ' a sfoatl}2 | CMmioR| sen _202se | arc 3 fre [maa [sew [wien founce|w [rom | romain ae | cn coon | AAAS 4 [me [iar [serv [ude Jenance|n fae ouecnma an ]> [canon sigan [ae | nese 2 ‘c-anasor | SHANKAR s }oe lian |serv [w Jn force] Jar [rarsrasuas feor]a fesmor| Bet [ser [ocsem Sone noRare - at tance | n me TAKSHASIA 41 | EMMOR I awienora | 26320] aac 6 foe |, foc fu fae few msnusurc |. eae | a c 7 | eee tan [serv |W yor | cance |W m9 vaxstasia.s |e20/1 |EMAOR | pwicuarsx | 25516] anne Boa : fenans 8 [se [fee [serv [wren [ounce |n [amo [onan oo [> [encaor| mance [oxen] oane © [ome [ibas [sem [yen [once |v faow — renan [ovule [Sane] BO Toes anne foe [Fee [se [wren [ownce|w [aor [ucreann fas |i [SSA] Sumnon [asco eane i" aa |serv |w tei | chance | w 2049 GAUTAM 28 }+ | aneany | SURINDER asia | pane ze ores = we [o |eemser | eno Toe Toane v3 [om [ae [serv [wow [rresw [wv [aoe lemon aon |S Ho 1¢ | 906 Mae | serv |W vei | pResH |W are GANDAK as [Smee [erson 26385 | BARC fea Rete | Cones eNAH sa fom [ibaa [sew [x [iste [eumice]w from [rrainsnas [oslo |anenor [SQ%°"500% as oxo * fina |se~ [x [re [owe] [2 feconam [ar fe /eaamel aera | wane [ose [ibaa [sew [wfinte [ren [nv freee [amsanvrna) oes]s | 2808 Trorauurn [ours eane Sera fom [ax [se | fine fener | fas fawonan [ove]e [gmnon| REA Yao ae 10 [soe [Re [sew [uw fren [mesh [w fame [oooman [ze [a [arcuor| mum suman [oar Jeane 2 ae wwe [2 Jocw [wf [ones fw [amo ~ |e J ]0 |aneaoy | youre | ara | pane Senate 2 [oo [foe [see [w [ue fonnce|w [aoe [amon [zo [1 fancaor|eaceew |raaleme a foe | haa [seev [w ]wie [rnesu [w= [aoe |ooommm far [2 [anesor|BNTARS™ |seun| nae a FResH |w 168 ana 1a Jo | CMAIOR) CHHOTIRAM J 1266 | peseM foe [Bale |e frm ow cuboe/ anon 1of2 03/01/2023 15:56 Allotment hutp:// Flats do?allotme. 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Bung Calas Flt Deals Toss Onin Apliaions Parsword ‘cine | Aloment Resa | Usr Chica List | Ou Tum Ament coe Uscsion cae ~The or Schedule Id Processed Location - Date From DateTo View oe Allotment me se Y OlsMardsia = aertanuze sorrznoze Resut = Ss [ereme] em [amen] Bate] ame] Seman] pte frm free tnt ervne || eo = + fee |tbee sew [w [ces fresh [fas [umwonrae|sce]s [SHOT venncovar | ra focsen 1 of2 03/01/2023 15:56 Allotment bhp! loPalloune \Weome AKSHAY RAIARAM DESAI LosOut DAE ferart Empoyesinerton Pry Aotment Schedule Monthy Vecaney Aleinen! Bing Dale Fe etals Tics Cnine Appicaons Paracel Aciment | AlltmertResat | Usor Chale Us | Oo Tum Attest Location Tay Building Type a Year jazz Building Schedule rocesse cation rom DateTo View weduleld Processed —_Locati Type Date From DateTo Vi ‘Allotment 880 Y AN A 2enizra022 sortarz022 Result Publshea List of Allotted Flats ee a tamet| eae no} aatee | rat | ree] exnan [erperee Jere. | yy No. | ie Type ee] | ae HNO | Name No, |No. | Siatus. | Name No. + Jom [Rae [sew [w [su fonmice|w fea [ramon ozo] | Sa608 [RADE Tare | once 2 fom |Zap|senv fw fare Jennie] [ras uarnnonlaae]s [oaminn |e" | zs [ors tones 3 [om [zo [serv [w [su foumos]w [rae fesoam [eoelo [eneanr [ane |e anne + [re [ea [ser [wow [emesn fw fre [wanna [ose]s -|SamuR| secant Tones] annc = [em [anf [nw [sw [enesw fv fre [wana [oar[s [ancaor| 208%, [ares] mmc . 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Logout Sp DAE ferarr Employee infomation Paty Alc Schedule Mowty Vacancy Alcimenl Guling Dealt Flat Deals Tous Online Appleatons Password ‘Atoiment |_Alltment Resi _| User Chic is | Ou of Tum Aland ote ate Form + Reawired Location ay ‘ueing Type Scheduled Processed Location S09 OgteFrom Date To View Aton 9 Y an Ta raromaze sorazoca (Cee ] Resut Prbted List of alloted Flats | soa | aan | ssimen| Gm |rose| sre] See ry no | susng nana | | ex] rato mpiree | mm | yy No. | id Type | Limited | Seo | Type | Back a ne No. | No. | Status, | Name No. eae oe ee Ee eee 2 er [aa few | fa fonesu Jw for Jernnonesnaca|ace| » [paenoe ]iiuse | san | eare UnAliotted Flats ScNo. [Building Name FlatNo. [Flat Maint Status | 1 CHANDRASHAGA 20 MINOR 2 BHEEMA Ae BynOR 1of2 03/01/2023 15:58

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