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Affiliated to University of Mumbai, Approved by A.I.C.T.E. , New Delhi
KonkanGyanpeethShaikshanikSankul, Vengaon Road, Dahivali, Karjat, Dist:
Raigad 410201


Experiment 3
AIM:- study of Yagi Uda antenna .

Software :version Scilab 5.5.2

Yagi-Uda antennas are directional along the axis perpendicular to the dipole in the plane
of the elements, from the reflector through the driven element and out via the director(s).
Typically all elements are spaced about a quarter-wavelength apart.. All elements
usually lie in the same plane, supported on a single boom or crossbar; however,
they do not have to assume this coplanar arrangement: for example, some
commercially available Yagi-Uda antennas for television reception have several reflectors
arranged to form a corner reflector behind the dipole.
Affiliated to University of Mumbai, Approved by A.I.C.T.E. , New Delhi
KonkanGyanpeethShaikshanikSankul, Vengaon Road, Dahivali, Karjat, Dist:
Raigad 410201

The bandwidth of a Yagi-Uda antenna, which is usually defined as the

frequency range for which the antenna provides a good match to the
transmission line to which it is attached, is determined by the length, diameter and
spacing of the elements. For most designs bandwidth is typically only a few percent
of the design frequency. Yagi-Uda antennas can be designed to operate on
multiple bands. Such designs are more complicated, using pairs of resonant
parallel coil and capacitor combinations (called a "trap" or LC) in the elements.
The trap serves to isolate the outer portion of an element from the inner
portion at the trapdesign frequency. In practice the higher frequency traps
are located closest to the boom of the antenna. Typically, a triband beam will
have two pairs of traps per element. For example, a triband design covering the
10, 15 and 20 meter bands would have traps for the 10 and 15 meter bands.
The use of traps is notwithout disadvantages, as they reduce the bandwidth
of the antenna on each band and reduce its overall efficiency. In order to
understand the operation of a Yagi-Uda, a simple antenna consisting of a reflector,
driven element and a single director as discussed in the previous section
will be studied. The driven element is typically a λ/2 dipole and is the only
member of the structure that is excited. With all the other elements being parasitic,
the antenna can be thought.

The reflector being longer than λ/2 has an inductive reactance which means the
current phase lags that of the voltage. The directors on the other hand, being
shorter than λ/2 has a capacitive reactance with the voltage phase lagging
that of the current. With the voltage across the driven element being in phase with
the induced voltages across the parasitic elements, the current in the reflector lags
the current in the driven element which in turn lags the current in the director. The
antenna can therefore be thought of as a phased array with each of the elements
being excited by a current with a progressive phase shift, starting from the
reflector. By tuning the lengths of the reflector and directors and the
distance between the elements, the
Affiliated to University of Mumbai, Approved by A.I.C.T.E. , New Delhi
KonkanGyanpeethShaikshanikSankul, Vengaon Road, Dahivali, Karjat, Dist:
Raigad 410201

antenna beam is directed towards one angle increasing the gain.

Affiliated to University of Mumbai, Approved by A.I.C.T.E. , New Delhi
KonkanGyanpeethShaikshanikSankul, Vengaon Road, Dahivali, Karjat, Dist:
Raigad 410201

To design a 6-element
Yagi-Udaantenna operating
at 500 MHz
1 //AIM : To design —e le me nt −Uda antenna o perati
n gat 500 MHz Ya

2 // So f tw a r e v e r s i o n S c i l a b 5 . 5 . 2
3 //OS windows 7
4 clc;
5 c lear ;
6 frequency =500; // in MHz
7 lam =(3 * 10 ^ 8 ) /(50 0 * 1 0 ^ 6 ) ; // Computing t h e w ave l e ng th
8 disp ( ’m ’ , lam , ” V a lu e o f t h e w a v e l e n g t h ( lambda ) = ” );
9 //To c a l c u l a t e l e n g t h o f d i r e c t o r and r e f l e c
fromd i p o l e
10 Lr = 0 .47 5 * lam ; // Computing t h e l e n g t h o f
the r e f l e c t o
11 disp ( ’m ’ ,Lr , ” L e n g t h of the r e f l e c t o r = ” );
12 La = 0.46 * lam ; // Computing t h e l e n g t h o f t h e d i p o l e
13 disp ( ’m ’ ,La , ” L e n g t h of the d i p o l e = ” );
14 Ld1 = 0 .44 * lam ; // Computing t h e lengths of
the d i r e c t o r s Ld1 and Ld2
15 disp ( ’m ’ , Ld1 , ” L e n g t h s of the d i r e c t o r s Ld1
and Ld2 =
Affiliated to University of Mumbai, Approved by A.I.C.T.E. , New Delhi
KonkanGyanpeethShaikshanikSankul, Vengaon Road, Dahivali, Karjat, Dist:
Raigad 410201

16 Ld3 = 0 .43 * lam ; // Computing t h e l e n g t h o f t h e d i r e c t o r Ld3
17 disp ( ’m ’ , Ld3 , ” L e n g t h of the d i r e c t o rLd3 = ” );
18 Ld4 = 0 .40 * lam ; // Computing t h e l e n g t h o f t h e d i r e c t o r Ld4
19 disp ( ’m ’ , Ld4 , ” L e n g t h of the d i r e c t o rLd4=” );
21 Sr = 0 .25 * lam ; // Computing t h es e p e r a t i o n b e t w e e n t he r e f l
e c to r and the d i p o l e
22 disp ( ’m ’ ,Sr , ” S e p e r a t i o n be twe e n the r
eflector and the d i p o l e ”);
24 Sd1 = 0 .31 * lam ; // Computing t h e seperation
b e t w e e n t he d i r e c t o r and the d i p o l e
25 disp ( ’m ’ , Sd1 , ” S e p e r a t i o n be twe e n the
director and the d i p o l e
27 //To c a l c u l a t e l e n g t h of the Yagi−Uda antenna
28 L en =1.5 * lam ;
29 disp ( ’m ’ , Len , ” L e n g t h of t h e Yagi−Uda a n t e nn a = ” );

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