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2016, vol. 12, no 1, 125-134

Rebuilding the Pillars of Sustainable Society Index:

a Multivariate Post Hoc I-distance Approach

Kształtowanie wskaźnika Zrównoważonego

Społeczeństwa: analiza wielowariantowa I-distance

Dejan Savić, Veljko Jeremić, Nataša Petrović

Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia

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Sustainable Society Index (SSI) is a composite indicator constructed to measure and describe societal progress
along all three dimensions of sustainable development: human, environmental and economic. In this paper, we
explore possibilities to evaluate and enhance SSI ranking calculation methodology based on the use of an iterative
multivariate post hoc I-distance approach. Based on the assessment on how each indicator contributes to the final
position of different countries and identification of the most influential indicators, we examine possibilities of
reduction of a number of indicators. The goal is to improve the stability of the ranking results and overall quality
of the model, focusing on the analysis of the relative contribution of the indicators in an iterative assessment
process. By this, we provide in-depth analysis and more comprehensive understanding of specific factors that
determines one country ranking position. Thus proposed approach can support policymakers to identify key indi-
cators and focus the priority areas where investment in improvement measures and programs would have the most
efficient impact on the overall positioning of the country.

Key words: sustainable development; Sustainable Society Index; composite indicators; I-distance; relative con-

Indeks Zrównoważonego Społeczeństwa (Sustainable Society Index, SSI) jest zagregowanym wskaźnikiem stwo-
rzonym w celu pomiaru i opisu postępu społecznego w trzech wymiarach rozwoju zrównoważonego: publicznym,
środowiskowym i ekonomicznym. W artykule przeanalizowano możliwości oszacowania i rozszerzenia metodo-
logii SSI w oparciu o wielokrotną analizę wielowariantową I-distance. W oparciu o ocenę, jak każdy wskaźnik
przyczynia się do ostatecznego wyniku osiąganego przez różne kraje i identyfikację wskaźników o największym
znaczeniu, zbadamy możliwość zmniejszenia ilości branych pod uwagę wskaźników. Celem jest poprawa wiary-
godności otrzymywanych wyników i ogólnej jakości modelu, z podkreśleniem znaczenia analizy względnych
udziałów wskaźników w wielokrotnym procesie oceny. Umożliwi to przeprowadzenie szczegółowych badań i
bardziej wszechstronne podejście do poszczególnych czynników które wpływają na miejsce, które dany kraj zaj-
muje w rankingu. Proponowane narzędzie może pomóc decydentom w zidentyfikowaniu kluczowych wskaźników
i wskazać obszary priorytetowe, w ramach których inwestycje i programy modernizacyjne będą miały największy
wpływ na pozycjonowanie danego kraju.

Słowa kluczowe: rozwój zrównoważony wskaźnik Społeczeństwa Zrównoważonego, wskaźniki zagregowane,

analiza wielowariantowa, względny udział

1. Introduction losophy and economics from many centuries ago

(Mebratu, 1998). However, the most common defi-
The roots of sustainability concept could be found in nition of sustainable development was published in
different sources from the sciences of religion, phi- The Brundtland Report (WCED, 1987), where sus-

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tainable development was defined as development depth analysis of the differences between countries.
that satisfies the needs of the existing, without jeop- SSI methodology has been refined several times to
ardizing possibilities of the future generations to sat- improve conceptual coherence and statistical sound-
isfy their needs. Sustainable development includes ness, with the support of Joint Research Centre
various environmental, economic and social factors, (JRC) (Saisana and Philippas, 2012). In latest fifth
which are stated as the three pillars of the edition, the new SSI-2014 framework has been pre-
sustainability which do not exclude each other, but sented, consisting of 21 indicators, grouped into
even can accent each other (UN, 2005). Rising seven categories and three dimensions (Table 1).
interest for sustainable development is a result of the
perception of current worrying conditions of the Table 1. The SSI-2014 conceptual framework
global human environment. It calls and demands Dimen- Code
Category Indicator
urgent reaction of all members of society, focused on
1. Sufficient Food var1
long-term environment protection and overall Basic
sustainable development of the humanity (Petrovic, 2. Sufficient to Drink var2
2012). 3. Safe Sanitation var3
Sustainable development is a critical and popular 4. Education var4
concept that is open to different approaches and Human
Health 5. Healthy Life var5
interpretations. Naturally a large number of Wellbe-
researchers, organizations, institutions and ing 6. Gender Equality var6
international agencies developed and offered many Personal 7. Income Distribution var7
various methodologies and concepts for measuring & Social
8. Population Growth var8
sustainability. Conceptual approaches to measuring Devel-
sustainable development could be grouped into two opment 9. Good Governance var9
general categories: (1) set of indicators and (2) com- var10
10. Biodiversity
posite indicators. Unlike the sets of indicators, Natural
11. Renewable Water Re- var11
composite indicators have the ability to summarize Re-
complex and sometimes elusive processes into a sources
Environ- 12. Consumption var12
single figure to benchmark a country’s performance mental
in policy consumption (Giovannini et al., 2008). 13. Energy Use var13
Numerous sustainability composite indicators were ing Climate 14. Energy Savings var14
developed and proposed in recent decades. The &
15. Greenhouse Gases var15
following approaches are mostly present and Energy
discussed: Index for Sustainable Economic Welfare 16. Renewable Energy var16
ISEW (Daly and Cobb, 1989), Genuine Progress 17. Organic Farming var17
Indicator GPI (Cobb et al., 1995), Genuine
Econo- omy 18. Genuine Savings var18
Savings/Adjusted Net Savings GS/ANS (Hamilton
et al., 1997), Environmental Sustainability Index ESI mic var19
19. Gross Domestic Product
(Esty et al, 2005), Environmental Performance Index ing
20. Employment var20
EPI (Esty et al, 2006), Ecological Footprint EF tion
21. Public Debt var21
(Ewing et al., 2010), Human Development Index
HDI (UNDP, 2014) and Sustainable Society Index
SSI (van de Kerk and Manuel, 2014). Among all of Because of lack of a scientific basis for the
them, only SSI approach is tending to consider all attribution of different weights to the indicators,
three dimensions of sustainable development every indicator has received the same weight for the
integrally. aggregation into dimensions (SSI, 2014). In the last
The Sustainable Society Index (SSI) has been edition, dimensions are not aggregated into a single
developed since 2006 with the aim to be a value for the overall composite, in view of the
comprehensive quantitative method for negative correlation between Human and
measurement of the health of coupled human- Environmental Wellbeing (SSI, 2014). Composite
environmental systems and to describe societal indicators like SSI are designed to measure a multi-
progress across human, environmental and criteria performance, where is important to avoid
economic dimensions (Saisana and Philippas, 2012). composite indicators to represent unstable
SSI tends to overcome the main noted shortcomings assessments, as their stability ensures the amount of
of previously developed metrics: a limited definition validity of the observed system (Dobrota et al.,
of sustainability, a deficit of transparency and an 2015b). The usefulness of multivariate analysis for
absence of regular updates (van de Kerk and Manuel, the aggregation of individual indicators to a compo-
2008). SSI is calculated for 151 countries accounting site indicator is often emphasized (Saltelli et al.,
for 99% of the world population, with regular two- 2008). As weights are essentially value judgments
year updates that demonstrate developments over (Giovannini et al., 2008), results and values of
time and available underlying data that allow in- composite indicators are significantly influenced by

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the indicator weights and often are the subject of ment, the I-distance between the two entities er =
controversy and debate (Saltelli, 2007). Equal (x1r, x2r, . . . xkr) and es = (x1s, x2s, . . . xks) is given
weighting of indicators implies that all variables are as
d i r , s  i 1

 1  r 
worth the same in the composite indicator. However, k

the decision to apply equal weighting could be the D(r , s)   ji.12... j 1

i 1  i j 1
consequence of the absence of a statistical or an
where di(r,s) represent the distance between the
empirical basis or a lack of consensus on the
values of variable Xi for er and es, e.g. the
alternative (Giovannini et al., 2008). Paruolo et al.
discriminate effect,
(2013) noted that in many cases the declared
importance of single indicators and their main effect di(r,s) = xir – xis , i1, ... , k
are very different, and that the data correlation i the standard deviation of Xia and rji.12...j-1 is a
structure often prevents developers from obtaining partial coefficient of the correlation between Xi and
the stated importance. Xj, (ji).
In order to reduce subjectivity, improve stability and The measure of the square I-distance represents a
overall quality of the SSI ranking model, we apply I- solution to the problem of the negative coefficient of
distance methodology on the SSI-2014 values (SSI, partial correlation, which can occur in cases where is
2014). One task is to provide clear understanding of not possible to achieve the same direction of all
how each indicator contributes to the final position variables in all sets. The square I-distance is defined
of different countries, as well as to identify the most as:
d 2 r , s  i 1
 
D 2 r , s    i 2  1  rji2.12... j 1
influential indicators and assess their relative influ-
ence on the overall results. The second goal is to use i 1 i j 1
analysis of the relative contribution of the indicators Based on CIDI approach (Dobrota et al., 2015a), I-
as a tool to examine possibilities for reduction of a distance could be used to determine indicator
number of indicators in iterative assessment process weights based on the empirical Pearson correlations,
focused on gradual improvement of the statistical where values of correlations are divided by the sum
quality of the model. By this, we provide in-depth of correlations:
analysis and more comprehensive understanding of
specific factors that determines one country ranking wi  j
position. It could represent useful signals for  rj
policymakers in which priority areas they should r 1

focus relevant measures and programs to have the where ri (i = 1, . . . k) is a Pearson correlation
most efficient impact on the overall positioning of between i-th input variable and I-distance value and
the country. the final sum of all weights equals 1 (same applies
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 focuses using coefficient of determination, as used in our
on the post hoc I-distance methodology. The results case study).
of the analysis are discussed in Section 3. The last
section provides a summary of the conclusions, in- 3. Results
cluding policy implications.
Our analysis has been performed in several consec-
2. Methodology utive I-distance iterations, starting with the first I-
distance iteration that includes all of the indicators
The often problem with a different composite indi- listed in Table 1, together with calculated coeffi-
cator based ranking and rating methods is that nor- cients of determination. For the following I-distance
mative and subjective model assumptions signifi- iterations, a variable with the smallest coefficient of
cantly affect the results of measurements. This determination in the previous iteration has been ex-
problem can be overcome by the use of the statistical cluded from the further analysis. The analysis of the
I-distance method, which was originally developed relative contribution of the indicators to the score of
by Ivanovic (1973, 1977) and which has been some country has been used to determine the final
recently significantly advanced (Jeremic et al., 2012; number of iterations. This statistical method could
Maricic et al, 2014; Dobrota et al., 2015a,b; provide information if some indicators dominate
Isljamovic et al., 2015). The I-distance measurement over the total scores and what is the level of that in-
is based on calculating the mutual distances between fluence (Saisana and d’Hombres, 2008). The relative
the entities, where I-distance is a metric distance in contributions have been calculated as a proportion of
an n-dimensional space. Any entity with real or fic- an indicator score multiplied by the appropriate
tive minimal, maximal or average values of all its weight (calculated by the CIDI approach) with
variables’ values can be considered as the referent regard to the overall score for each indicator and
entity. The ranking of assessed entities in the set is country. Average relative contributions and standard
based on the calculated distance from the referent en- deviations have been calculated in next step, where
tity. For a designated set of variables XT = (X1, X2, is important to note that higher standard deviation
. . . Xk) that characterize the entities under assess leads to higher level of rank oscillation. Focus is to

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Table 2. Average relative contributions (Me) and related standard deviations (SD) for all variables (Var) comprehended in 14th
and 15th iterations
Var var19 var5 var9 var4 var13 var15 var3 var2 Total
14th iteration Me 0.1432 0.1201 0.1428 0.1481 0.0949 0.1212 0.1162 0.1135 1.0
SD 0.0158 0.0442 0.0189 0.0186 0.0269 0.0664 0.0701 0.0619 0.3228
Var var19 var9 var5 var4 var13 var15 var3 Total
15th iteration Me 0.1295 0.1674 0.1715 0.1156 0.1457 0.1358 0.1344 1.0
SD 0.0487 0.0232 0.0226 0.0329 0.0787 0.0808 0.0741 0.3609

Table 3. List of comprehended variables with their coefficient of determination (r2) and average r2 for initial and final iterations
1st iteration r2 2nd iteration r2 … 13th iteration r2 14th iteration r2
var9 0.7310 var9 0.7396 … var19 0.8911 var19 0.9025
var19 0.6115 var19 0.6448 … var5 0.8082 var5 0.8154
var5 0.5700 var5 0.5929 … var4 0.7039 var9 0.7709
var4 0.5155 var4 0.5655 … var9 0.7022 var4 0.7174
var13 0.4942 var13 0.5027 … var3 0.6889 var13 0.6708
var6 0.4638 var17 0.4998 … var15 0.6773 var15 0.6529
var17 0.4597 var6 0.4651 … var13 0.6773 var3 0.6480
var2 0.4290 var2 0.4529 … var2 0.6529 var2 0.6209
var15 0.4134 var15 0.4316 … var1 0.6384
… … … … …
var11 0.0317 var11 0.0259
var20 0.0066
Average r2 0.3316 0.3665 0.7156 0.7248

Table 4. Changes in rank, median rank and IQR for selected countries
Country Delta Me IQR
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th
Norway 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 6 1 1 0 2 1
Australia 21 24 24 29 27 24 12 13 13 13 12 8 2 2 -19 13 19
Netherlands 12 15 15 11 11 9 10 10 10 10 9 10 3 3 -9 10 7
Denmark 10 10 9 9 10 11 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 -6 5 4
Finland 4 4 4 3 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 5 1 4 3
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
Lebanon 137 132 129 123 116 115 100 82 82 76 77 52 51 53 -84 91 57
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
Sudan 151 151 151 151 151 151 150 150 150 149 149 149 149 147 -4 150 6
Congo DR 147 148 149 149 149 148 149 149 149 151 151 151 151 148 1 149 3
Niger 100 103 110 114 112 121 131 144 145 136 135 131 130 149 49 131 26
Sierra Leone 126 136 137 138 140 143 136 145 146 145 145 143 143 150 24 143 11
Chad 148 147 148 150 150 150 151 151 151 150 150 150 150 151 3 150 0

identify the iteration with the lowest cumulative crease fluctuations of the countries ranks, which
standard deviation of the average relative contribu- would decrease the quality of the model.
tions of each variable. This iteration should be the In our case, calculated values of cumulative standard
final one because following iterations would in- deviation have been continuously lower compared to

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the previous one for all iterations until the 15 th framework of rules and laws (van de Kerk and
iteration, which have had higher value then in 14th Manuel, 2014).
iteration (Table 2). Therefore, the 14th iteration, Education indicator is calculated based on the
which comprehends eight statistically most im- UNESCO metric of combined gross enrollment ratio
portant indicators, has been defined as the final one. (UNESCO, 2015). This ratio expresses the count of
The in-depth analysis focused on the consistency in students enrolled in primary, secondary and tertiary
the rank and general structure of the performance can levels of education, irrespective of their age and
reveal the sensitivity of the rank of countries in expressed as a percentage of the population of
relation to each indicator included in the analysis. official school age for the all three levels. Outputs of
Table 3 provides a review of comprehended varia- our study are in alignment with the opinions that
bles, their coefficient of determination and appropri- education plays crucial role in adaptation towards
ate average coefficient of determination calculated sustainable development (Svanstrom et al., 2008)
for initial and final iterations. The table with full re- and that it is essential for the change in social
sults for all iterations is available with authors on re- attitudes that will be needed to protect the welfare of
quest. future generations (Chalkley et al., 2013).
The average coefficient of determination continu- “Energy Use is calculated based on IEA measure of
ously rises through all iterations, confirming the energy consumption in tons oil equivalents (toe) per
increase of the quality of the model (Markovic et al., person, where energy use higher than 5 toe per
2015). The results of the final 14th iteration are capita is penalized with a zero value of the Energy
pointing out the significant importance of eight Use indicator (SSI, 2014). Energy is not only a key
indicators out of initially considered 21 indicators, requirement for economic progress, but also it causes
which represent essential elements for utilization of significant pressures on the environment, both by
the I-distance framework in an evaluation of SSI depletion of the resources and by the creation of the
results and methodology. These most important pollution. Results of our analysis confirm relevance
variables are: Gross Domestic Product (var19), and importance of the ability of this variable to
Healthy Life (var5), Good Governance (var9), reflect the energy-use patterns and aggregate energy
Education (var4), Energy Use (var13), Greenhouse intensity of a society (IAEA, 2005).
Gases (var15), Safe Sanitation (var3) and Sufficient Calculation formula for Greenhouse Gases as a
to Drink (var2). It can be noted that indicators from measure of main human contribution to climate
all three dimensions are present in the final set, with change is based on IEA metric of CO2 emissions per
the highest share of indicators of human wellbeing capita per year, with zero-score penalization of the
(5 indicators) compared to environmental (2 emissions higher than 10 (SSI, 2014). As the latest
indicators) and economic wellbeing (1 indicator). carbon dioxide emissions continue to track the top
First ranked Gross Domestic Product is calculated end of emission scenarios (Piters et al., 2013), the
on GDP per capita PPP basis. GDP has been main focus in climate change battle is moving
qualified as a poor indicator of economic well-being towards economy-wide emission reduction targets
(Pissourios, 2013) which cannot be used alone to (Olivier et al., 2013).
describe the broader quality of life (Caminada et al., Safe Sanitation variable is related to WHO
2010). However, the results of our analysis confirm estimation of the share of total population with
that GDP remains a very important indicator for sustainable access to improved sanitation,
measuring the economic performance of countries, considering connection to facilities like public
which is a fundamental driver of well-being (Borini, sewer, septic tank, pour-flush latrine, etc. (WHO,
2012). 2015). Accessibility to adequate sanitation facilities
Health-adjusted life expectancy (HALE) at birth is fundamental to decrease the risk and the frequency
represent a basis for the calculation of Healthy Life of associated diseases.
variable. It represents a number of years that a Sufficient to Drink variable is based on another
newborn is expected to live, reduced by the number WHO measure of the number of people as share of
of years spent in poor health. WHO introduced this the total population with sustainable access to an
metric with the goal to take into account not only the improved water source like household connections,
average life expectancy of people but also their public standpipes, protected wells, springs,
health (Mathers et al., 2010). rainwater collection, etc. (WHO, 2015). The ability
Good Governance variable represents the average of of the latest two variables to describe general
values of the six World Bank’s Governance hygiene and quality of life and their easy association
Indicators: Voice and Accountability, Political with other socioeconomic characteristics (like
Stability, Government Effectiveness, Regulatory education and income) make them useful indicators
Quality, Rule of Law and Control of Corruption of human development (UNDESA, 2007).
(WGI, 2015). It is founded on the rationale that good Table 4 provides changes in ranks of countries
governance represents condition for the development between the first and the final iteration (Delta),
of all people in freedom and harmony, within the together with related median ranking position (Me)

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and interquartile range (IQR) values, for the selected and drinking water, Norway have impressive
countries. The full list of values for all countries is combined gross enrolment ratio of 98.1% and life
available with authors on request. The interquartile expectancy at birth equal to 74 years of healthy life
range is a robust measure of statistical dispersion that years (SSI, 2014). Although health care expenditure
represents the middle 50 percent of the distribution participates in GDP with 9.4%, due to Norway’s
of an ordered range of data. Being equal to the very high value of GDP per capita, its average health
difference between the upper and lower quartiles, expenditure is among the highest on a global level
IQR is not affected by extreme values. Median pre- (Ringard et al., 2013). Finally, the traditions and
sents the average value that falls in a middle of the institutions by which authority in a Norway is
set of an ordered range of data. exercised are perceived as among the best on global
In total, there are nine countries with a change of level, which is illustrated by very high values of the
rank for 50 or more places, which implies that these six Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI, 2015).
countries are the most sensitive to excluding varia- At the same time, Norway has good performances in
bles through iterations. The largest change in rank many other variables that have been gradually
occurs with Lebanon for 84 places. On the other excluded, which explains the low level of rank oscil-
hand, small changes of the rank (max. 5 places) are lations through iterations indicated by IQR value
noted for 40 countries, including four of them (Nor- equal to 1.
way, New Zealand, Kenya, Guinea) without any Dispersion of the rank measured by IQR for the most
change. of these top-ranked countries is reasonably low, ex-
Figure 1 shows the oscillation in the ranks of the five cept for Australia (IQR=19). Australia is the only
top-ranked countries. Obviously, all of them are de- one with a significant change of the rank by improv-
mocracies with the highly developed economies. ing its position for 19 places, mainly in the 7th itera-
Interestingly, Norway does not change its first tion, where variable Biodiversity has been excluded.
position between initial and last iteration, which can There are almost 3000 threatened ecosystems and
be explained with very good scores in terms of the ecological communities in Australia while 94% of
elaborated most significant indicators: Safe the bioregions have at least one or more threatened
Sanitation, Sufficient to Drink (all 10/10), GDP ecosystems (Randall, 2008). At the same time, the
(9.89/10), Education (9.81/10), Healthy life imposingly negative trend in forest area noticed for
(8.99/10) and Good Governance (8.56/10). an extended period (Bradshaw, 2012). All together it
could explain Australia’s poor SSI score (4.9) and a
very low 112th ranking position for Biodiversity
variable. On the other hand, Australia has quite good
scores in terms of Education, Safe Sanitation, Su-
fficient to Drink (all 10), GDP (9.61), Healthy Life
(9.12) and Good Governance (8.21). It implies that
good performances of Australia in previously elabo-
rated most significant indicators have been shado-
wed by the influence of less significant indicators
where Australia do not have impressing results.
Thus, reduction of the number of indicators provided
Figure 1. Overview of the fluctuations in the ranks of the more transparent insight and enabled Australia to
five top-ranked countries improve its rank significantly through proposed iter-
ative procedure to the remarkable second overall po-
The fluctuations in the ranks of the five bottom-
ranked countries are illustrated in Figure 2. Chad is
a country in the last 151st position with a very small
change in rank (3 places) compared to the initial
iteration, mainly due to its quite poor scores for the
majority of the most significant indicators: Safe
Sanitation (1.19), GDP (1.73), Good Governance
(2.44) and Healthy Life (3.65).
Figure 2. Overview of the fluctuations in the ranks of the
Indeed, Chad is a poor country with weak
five bottom-ranked countries
institutional and policy capacity, limited progress in
Indeed, being one of the most developed countries poverty reduction, fragile economy facing a trend
with very stable and prosperous mixed economy, decline in oil revenues and vulnerable to oil price
with both large state sector and a vibrant private and regional security shocks (IMF, 2014). Chad was
sector (NEP, 2014), Norway has very high value of ranked in 184th place out of 187 countries on the
GDP per capita PPP of $65.640 (WB, 2015). In UN‘s 2014 HDI list (UNDP, 2014). Being one of the
addition to the best performance in area of sanitation poorest and most corrupted countries, it is noted that

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Chad failed to utilize recently emerged oil export In this paper, we explore possibilities to evaluate and
revenues to boost development and reduce poverty enhance SSI ranking calculation methodology based
due to three major factors: institutional capacity on the use of an iterative multivariate post hoc I-dis-
constraints, socio-political incompatibilities and tance approach. The I-distance method can synthe-
subversive interactions with external factors size many different indicators into a single numerical
(Kojucharov, 2007). value that represents the basis for ranking observed
On the other hand closely positioned Niger has no- entities. The proposed approach could provide not
ticed one of the biggest increases in rank, which has only more comprehensive and detailed under-
significantly worsened its position through iterations standing of differences between countries but also a
for 49 places. With the negative shift of 19 places deeper insight into the relative statistical importance
and high level of dispersion of the ranking results of selected indicators. This post hoc approach can be
confirmed by IQR value equal to 26, the last iteration a solid ground not only for gradual exclusion of the
appeared to be the most influential one, in which less significant existing indicators but also for
variable Sufficient Food has been excluded from the inclusion of additional new variables in a process of
analysis. Obviously, Niger has good results in this evaluation and improvement of the considered
variable (9.36), and when its effect has been measurement framework. The main idea behind pro-
neutralized, the final rank has been swiftly adjusted posed approach is to improve the stability of the
in accordance with generally poor achievement in ranking results and overall quality of the model, fo-
the most of remaining variables. Niger is least- cusing on the analysis of the relative contribution of
developed, low-income country with desert counting the indicators in an iterative assessment process. By
for two-thirds of its land and dominantly agricultural this, we provide in-depth analysis and more compre-
population that is doubling every 18 years, which all hensive understanding of specific factors that deter-
together represent a real challenge for food security, mines one country ranking position.
healthcare, family planning, social protection, As sustainability metrics are used as quantitative
education and employment growth (AEO, 2015). information base and foundation for creation of
The biggest change of rank for 84 places occurs with appropriate sustainable development policies, this
Lebanon, causing improvement of its rank from proposal has important policy implications related to
137th to 53rd position, and with the highest level of improvement of objectiveness of sustainability
dispersion of the result (IQR=57) measured in our metrics used in processes of sustainable develop-
research. Its economy was hard-hit by the 15-years ment policy making on all levels. Improved reliabil-
civil war (1975–1990) and still occasionally suffers ity and accuracy of the sustainability metrics com-
from economic downturns caused by local and bined with an analytical framework for exhaustive
regional political instabilities. At the same time, the understanding of the most significant factors influ-
Lebanese real GDP has grown at a faster pace than encing one’s country positioning is of the highest im-
the regional real GDP since 2007 (Dagher and portance for sustainability policy making processes.
Yacoubian, 2012). It can be noted that effects of It is noted that statistical analysis of composite
generally solid performances in the final set of indicators is essential to prevent media and
significant variables, which all have been better or stakeholders taking them at face value possibly
close to average values, have been extenuated with leading to questionable policy choices (Paruolo et
relatively lower results in many of the other al., 2013). More transparent and robust underpinning
variables. Among them following ones have had the statistical framework of composite indicators would
biggest negative impact: Biodiversity (score 3.85 reduce perceived disproportion between strong com-
compared to average per country 6.18; excluded in municative power and reliability of sustainability
7th iteration), Genuine Savings (score 3.66 compared indexes (Luzzati and Gucciardi, 2015). It would
to average per country 6.57; excluded in 8th iteration) simplify communication tasks of policymakers and
and Gender Equality score 6.03 compared to average make sustainable development policies more
per country 6.8; excluded in 12th iteration). credible.
The proposed post hoc I-distance approach is able to
4. Conclusion reveal specific priority areas for each country so that
policymakers could focus their attention on the areas
The rising popularity and importance of the sustain- where relevant policies, programs and action plans
able development concept induced development of would have the most significant impact on the
numerous measurement approach and methodolo- overall relative position of the country. It could be
gies in the related area. Among them, the Sustainable used to assess sustainable development in one coun-
Society Index is currently the only one that attempts try by the specific statistically-determined im-
to comprehend all three dimensions of sustainable portance level. Clear identification and focus on
development integrally. This composite indicator is those priority areas can represent a solid background
constructed to be able to measure progress along all in planning and regular monitoring of progress to-
three dimensions of sustainable development: hu- wards the strategic objectives of sustainable devel-
man, environmental and economic. opment. It can provide significant inputs for policy

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132 Savić et al./Problemy Ekorozwoju/Problems of Sustainable Development 1/2016, 125-134

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ios on the country’s position relative to others. most efficient impact on the overall positioning of
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