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AMA1130 2020/21 Semester 2 Assignment 1

AMA1130 Calculus for Engineers

Assignment 1

Due Date: Monday February 22, 2020, before 11:59pm. Submit online via

Please complete the following questions. Your answer should be presented in a clear,
decent, formal, precise, and concise mathematical way in English.

1. Consider the function f (x) = x and g(x) = arccos( x4 ).

(a) Find the largest possible domain of f and g.

(b) Show that f is one-to-one on (0, 2). Then find the inverse function of f .
(c) Find expression for the function f g.
(d) Find expression for the function .
(e) Find explicit expressions for the functions f ◦ g and g ◦ f .
[10 marks]

2. Without using any calculator to evaluate sin(2 arctan(3/5)). [10 marks]

3. Prove that cos(sin−1 y)= 1 − y 2 . [10 marks]

4. Suppose f (x) = cos(x2 ), prove

f (x + h) − f (x)
lim = −2x sin(x2 )
h→0 h
without the aid of differentiation. [10 marks]

5. Evaluate the following limits (L’Hopital’s rule is prohibited)

x2 +5x+4
(a) lim 2 ; (c) lim( t√1t+1 − 1t );
x→−4 x +3x−4 t→0
x x3 −1
(b) lim √
; (d) lim sin(x−1) .
x→0 x→1

[10 marks]

6. Let 
 if x ≤ 1,
3x3 −3
f (x) = x2 −1
if 1 < x ≤ 2,
 x2 +2ax+b

x−2 if x > 2,
where a and b are real numbers.

(a) Find f (1).

(b) Find lim f (x) if it exists, otherwise explain your result.
(c) Find a and b so that lim f (x) exists.

[10 marks]

AMA1130 2020/21 Semester 2 Assignment 1

7. Solve equations for x

(a) ln(5x − 1) = 2 + ln(x − 2) [5 marks]

(b) log9(2x+3) + log9(x+5) = log3 x. [5 marks]

8. Use the intermediate value theorem (IVT) to show that the equation

arctan(x) = sin(x) + cos(2x)

has a solution in the interval (0, π/2). Justify your steps and answer. [10 marks]

9. Evaluate the following limits (L’Hopital’s rule is prohibited)

r r
(a) lim tan(x − x + 1) cot ; 1 1
x→2 1 − x2 (c) lim − − 1130 ;
x→0+ x x
x2 sin x p 
(b) lim ; (d) lim 4x 6 − 3x3 + 1 + 2x3 .
x→∞ (x2 + 1)(x − 2) x→−∞

[10 marks]

10. Let

 , x ≤ −2,

 3

2 sin 5x

− , −2 < x < 0,

 5 25x
f (x) =
 1
√ , 0 ≤ x ≤ 3,


 25 − x

 7 − sin(2x − 6) , x > 3.

12 x2 − 9
Find the values x for which the function is not continuous. [10 marks]

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