Chinese Paper Cutting Work Sheet

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ⅥsualArt√Ws肽 WChhesepapercut/p.

TWGHs WoⅡ g FutNa1n CoⅡ ege

Form2 V心 ualArts
Toph2:Chhese paper cut“ th AnⅡ
l【 加ersary,

Class: E2 ” (2冫 ) Marks:

Name: Fnz口

ExercIse A
W钏 1refcrcnce from the readings,pleasc硒 titc down伍 e coⅡ ect answer on the space

1. In China,paper-cuts in par吐 Gular were popular alnong ordinary people in the past.
They∞me丘 om 叫廿、
thc fo烙
ad!tion ofm饪 ng paperto make de∞ r甜 ons for
盯e;碥 。
刀⒛d FFr南 凵1。
2. Nowadays,paper-cuts ε
re sti11popular deGOra吐 ons for Chinese Ne、 v Yea△
weddngs and o山 er celebratons。 The thcmes and su刂 ects fro paper-cuts arc
diferent indifFerent regions。 They ε
rc'closely related to local traditions.Adists
use special tech匝 qucs tO crcate papc⒈ Guts。

3.Tools for Paperˉ cut伍 ig廴 广

FrJ, and
are the tools uscd to make paper-cuts.

Yos:p。 凹⒈。
uts are且 oral designs, 旒
.Diferent s〃 lcs ofpaper-cuts are produced】 or
山fcrent occasions。

5. RouⅡ d FIoraI Patterns∶ These types ofdesign is usually a circular pattem whoch
somd血 es has″ 丬IW Floral-design paper-cuts are large。 They are
usuol1y stuck on thc Gei dtIring weddings or ceremo血 es.

∵ l【 ;1茁 ;;h嚣 庀
荏絮;端筢 1∶J|#t午 廴
⒊n吖 i∶
looks very rnuGh lie a curtain blowIng in the wlnd。 Pcoplc hope thatthese door
decor耐 ons wm bring good luck and happ1ness。
ⅥsualAds/Wsh/Chhesep即 er澜、~2

7. Window Decoradons∶ These paper-cuts are pastcd onto wIndows。 Thcy are
usually sma11诫 th cut-伍rough pattems so曲 ey do not block outthc5阴 r’ 。
They have nee f。 msand dⅢ hentsu凵 ec“ .These papc⒈ cuts are usually

dCGoFativc patterns,bkd,丘 gwes plants nowers,etc.

∶∶ g:∶ i【 ‰
9. Making Pape⒈ cuts∶ Pape⒈ cuts are natimages.The patterns and de蚯 gns are

pap∶ l∶陛
and-笠 Ⅰ


孓 F。 u° w these guidehnes!o1nakc your own

or radiating pattems,you rnust

fold伍 e paper as show11below

感 嗡渖 Fin沁 hed a曲 ″ork

- VisualArts/ws/ky/Chinesepapercut/p.3

11.Drafting Choose the㈤ 哟ect ofyow papepcut。 Next,&aws the arcas you诵
to cut out wi伍 a feltto m盯 kCL For posⅡ vc o砀 ects,the lines must comcct诵

each othe⒈ The tkaft design should be simple so itis easy to cut.

urnt :::【 l:b珀 m咖 nect唧

淝i烈 扌
1混 糕猡
;・ ∶

12. Cu臼 反Ⅱg:For noral designs,you1nay cut or s⒒ ce single lines into your pattem。
For iⅡ egular nnages,you can use a Gutter to create thc pattems。
You should start
by cutting out detl:1jiIs。

13. PeeⅡng o⒒ After cu缸 ng the paper,peel⒒ back。

⑶ Collect s。 me photos and paper~cut which are related to your suuect and stick伍
photos and paper-cut on the below spacc pro呐 ded。 @o markθ
Ⅵ sualAns/Ws/ky/Ch沆 sepapercut/p彳

Exeroise C:Draw and attach yo刂 dran。 fyow pape⒈ cut。 ←0marks)

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