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36 NUMERICAL CONTROL AND COMPUTER-AIDED MANUFACTURING an electrical pulse is sent to a servomotor which moves the slide by a defi- nite amount. This small movement, in fact, may determine the resolution of the system, If the switch is sequentially opened and closed, diserete pulses he desired number of pulses can thus be generated to attain the desired position, ITAL SIONAL, isl anu suiTen SERVOORIVE Fig. 4.5 Digital signal (o position a machine slide The following sections describe how the above mentioned digital com- mand signal may be obtained from the program by the MCU. 4.4 PART PROGRAM TO COMMAND SIGNAL 4.4.1 Part Program The part program is a set of instructions proposed to get the machined part starting with the desired blank and the NC machine tool. Each line of instruction is capable of specifying dimension and nondimension data and is written in a specific format. Each line (known as NC block), in general, follows the order: ng xyzabf'st meob where n= sequence number preparatory function xyzab = dimension data feed function speed function t= tool function m= miscellancous function cob = end-of-block 4.4.2. Program to Input Media As mentioned carlier, the program is now converted into an input medium acceptable to the machine control unit. The paper tape, which is mostly employed, is described in this section. The information blocks of the pro- gram are converted into a punched tape in which the hole patterns corres- pond to the various characters in the program, The tape is usually one inch AND COMPUTER AIDED MANUFACTURING CONTROL 64 NUMERICAL : i e conventional production where the operator yay, i of : not done in case trolling the depth and that too is not possipj, is is is ; - ime in con’ quite a lot of ti do exactly. ‘TH COMPENSATION he tool to an exact figure is very difficult and time y be convenient to set the tool toan approximate by some external means such i ion and then adjust the difference = dimension a tht ayatem, Thispracic is found very useful when tools nee instructions need not be changed and ‘eplaced and then the machine instruc ; hi ie difference in tool dimensions befed through the switches. Further, this facility can be usefully employed to program a number of tools with the same instruction for tool travel. 6.4 TOOL LENG’ The setting of the depth of tl consuming. Therefore, it ma} 6.5 PART PROGRAMMING As briefly mentioned in Ch. 4, the preparation of a set of instructions to carry out the machining of a work piece is called part programming. This work is carried out by a part programmer. He prepares the planning sheet and writes the instructions in a coded form which is acceptable to the controller of the machine tool. Part Programming is of two types: (i) Manual, and Computer assisted. In the former, the programmer prepares the program and uses the teletype to prepare the punched tape version of the program. In the latter, the tape is produced by the computer after it has been fed simple instructions in proper format, which are different from the one used in manual i : art programming. This has been dealt with in Ch. 7. ce : 6.5.1 Role of a Part Programmer A part programmers a very crucial person in any Ni i On obtaining thecomponent drawing, he ede he Ste ea the speeds and feeds for the various operations and determines the magni tude of various motions desited. Therefore, it is important that he. should be familiar with the various operations and machine tools to be used. He should be able to carry out calculations bused on geometry and trigonomelt. 6.5.2 Data Required for Programming To prepare the manuscript for manual part i Programmi mer needs to collect some data pertaining to the work ay Hera ous PART PRINT This data would be as follows: TONCTAPE 65 @ Machine tool specifications, (ii) specification of all tools, (ii) specification of work material, {iv) speed, feed tables, a 6.5.3 Paper Tape The most common type of tape used in NC i i ; is the paper i pensive. However, mylar plastic tapes of plastic eonei eer being inex- ead in production practice, The standard width of the tape i 254 mm and the number of channels 8. pe is 25.4 mm and 6.54 Binary Code As stated in Ch. 4, the numerical information is provided in binary code. Since the coordinate information will generally be in the order of hundreds of thousand microns, it will not be possible to represent it by using all the channels in a single row. Therefore binary coded decimal (BCD) is used. In this system, each row represents one digit which for its maximum value, (ie. 9) can be easily represented by using only four channels. Thusacoordi- hate value of 876.235 mm can be represented by 6 rows, the first row repre- senting the most significant digit 8 and the sixth row representing the least Sienifieant digit 5. Since the information is in terms of microns, there is no need to incorporate the decimal in program. 6.5.5 EIA/ISO Code For coding on the tape, EI. tally equipped to handle codes are used. The information gi numerical information is distinguishes alphabetical characters are distinguished by on channel 8 refer to parity. As per ISO code, ( holes in a row should be an even number. That is, to express 4, holes need to be punched in channels 3, 4, 5 and 8, However holes would only be in channels 1, 4,5 and 6. followed, NC machines are gene- ion. Nowadays mostly ISO tains to this code only. The .d by holes in channels 5 and 6, while holes in channel 7. Holes punched refer Ch. 4), the number of numerical value for valuc 9, A or ISO codes ar: both types of informati ven here per .ssary to be con- 6.5.6 Tape Formats tof the The information about an operat veyed to the controller for the mac following: (i) Operation number, (ii) operation code, (iii) coordinates for position | uld be neces ion which wo! 0 ration would consis ine tool ope! ¢ motion, 2a i information (iv) tool int ee feed for operation, hee ie See information like on/off, spindler clockwise/anticlock. misc ow wise rotation, constant off/on etc. e information is called block. There are 3 types of is entire ; cei teen the block in punched tape, mentioned in brief in Ch. 4, viz. (i) Fixed sequential format, (ii) word address format, and (iii) tab sequential format, Fixed Sequential Format , In this format the information is given in a particular sequence which can- not be changed. In this format if any information remains the same as in the previous block, then to maintain the sequence it is necessary that it should be repeated. An example of this format is as follows: 37 81 235000 115000 128000 1700 0080 005 03 where the first two digits refer to operation number, next two digits refer to operation code, next three sets of six numbers refer to X,Y and Z coordi- nates respectively, next four digits refer to speed, then next four to feed and then next three tool number and the last two digits for miscellaneous infor- mation. This type of format is quite difficult to work on because of the likelihocd of mistakes in writing the program and subsequent interpretation by the controller. Word Address Format N37G81 XOYOZ50000 R3000085000 F100 M03* N38 X100 Y100* Tab Sequential Format Inthis format all the information has to be in @ particular sequence but vario' clements of information are separated by the code TAB, In case the informa on remains the same as in the earlier block, then it need not be repe: i but the code TAB is used in succession. For examples oe 37TAB 8ITAB 235000 TAN Va PE 38TAB 300000 TAN VAN. This means that operation code &I anu voontinats VT Ladd aye WO De Pepe ted in the second step. This format is comparative eanvenwat than the first format but the second formal in obviowily suitable ai Bh Fi ind as such is used in all manual par programming pracuices. ly mane the one which is more 6.5.7 Symbols As mentioned ii aoe ea in Ch, 4 for the word address format, an alphabet is used as eee i information. This acts as an address that enables the Se, © allot it a specific location in the control system. . wing are the letter addresses used in programming: Operation sequence number address Preparatory function address ¥, Z, A, B,C... . Dimension address Spindle speed address Feed rate address Tool address M_ Miscellancous function address ymax az 6.5.8 Preparatory Function This information is given by a word which is prefixed by the let lowed by the numerical code for the operation for which eens is to instruct the machine tool. For example, G81 means that pe a is to drill. The other parameters necessary for carrying out Ae would follow. The word G ... will not be able to operate the eT fill all the relevant information, which follows is processed, A list of few preparatory function codes is given at the end of this chapter. ofa few Absolute and Incremental Preparatory Functions nctions G90 and G9! are used for specifying that the data in is in absolute mode (relative t0 a common datum) or position) respectively. G90 can be Preparatory fu the following bloc incremental mode (relative to curren cancelled by G9I or vice versa. 6.5.9 Miscellaneous Functions out some operation, it may be desir clockwise or anticlockwise. Words used for such ins~ cc termed as miscellenous functions. Similarly, starting or stop~ ant also fall under this category. These instructions are not per- mensions of the work but arc required for carrying out the ¢ machine tool responds immediately as soon as the miscellane- struction is processed. This information is prefixed by the For carrying ‘able to. start the spindle and have its rotation tructions ar ping the cool taining to di operation. Th ous function i PART PRINT 10 NC TAPE TI 45.18 Canned Cycles ‘iL be noticed in some machining operat ca have to take place before the actual machen me preliminary move- txample, in the operation of drilling, the tool has to hy coon te For * fionof actual drilling since invariably the tool will be at sone ee oe POs before the drilling operation, So the required motions would ae ka ment of the work piece in the XY plane til the oi Paes Plan int has beer and then the tool will move down till itis in the proximity of the wortpien and then moves further at the desired feed rate, After the drilling ‘operation is over, the tool retracts well above the workpiece and if another hole i t be drilled, instructions described earlier will berepeated, In case of NC wre. gramming, these operations can be grouped and made available by use of preparatory functions called canned cycles or fixed cycles. Similar facilities are also available for the operation of milling, tapping and boring. A typical assigning of the codes for these cycles are as follows: G78, G79—Mill G81--Drill G82—Drill Dwell G84—Tap G85—Ream G86—Bore G78 and G79 for milling, operate in the following way: The table feed in the X and/or Y direction till thestart point of the milling profile is approached. Then the tool moves rapidly in the Z direction upto a plane called R plane at the fastest feed rate. Then the remaining travel, in the Z axis at the appropriate feed rate, takes place till the total depth is milled. G81 for drilling cycle starts with rapid movement in the X and/or ¥ direc- tion. After positioning in the XY plane, rapid movement in the Z direction up toR plane takes place followed by further motion at appropriate feed rate till the required depth is obtained, then the tool rapidly retracts to theR plane. G82 for dwell cycle is similar to G81 except that the tool dwells foran amount of time pre-selected when full Z depth is achieved. G84 for tap cycle is also similar to G81 except that spindle direction reverses when the tool retracts, : ie for ream cycle is identical to G81 except that the return is at the feed ate, G86 for bore cycle is similar to G81 except that there is a dwell for 2s when ou epth is reached and the spindle stops rotating and then rapid return to Pane and the spindle starts rotating again. ced Pate refers to the rapid plane which is kept | to 2 mm above ie reaching R ual since all the operations prior to actua a eae take place Hi ane and also tool retraction (after the operation) upto te a cycle time ia nan uehest feed rate possible on the machine, a large se Possible when cutting is taking place in air (idle operation). 12. NUMERICAL CO! PA MANUFACTURING INTROL AND COMPUTER AIDED = id cont; All the cycles described above woul j newer coordinate positions given, This Saves : d reading of the ta reparation an z : ramming, tape pI inated then a prepay tot of time in the jalein operation has to be terminate ram for ae However if the cssary to be given. The statement, in program, Same code G80 is necess lling cycle 0 for cancel hf ' are place again and again al would read as follows: N—G80Z0FOMOS * EXERCISE I Conventional Practice ; : Fone as to what information will be required - viata NC, let us consider following example (Fig. 6.1) and see how conventionally. Workpiece=16 mm | thick Ms ‘| Fig. 6.1 Exercise on part Programming. Positioning control ) The perpendicular edges at A are taken as references, (b) Position of holes B and C are marked as ‘ ely: The centres are punched," 25) and (50, 40) respect. (©) Drill of 10 diameter js put in the spindle, (d) The point B of the work is Positioned under the drill, (©) The drill rotation is started and feed is given, (f) The operation is continued till the hole is drilled to full depth. (g) The drill is retracted. ¥ (h) The drill is taken out and replaced by anothe (i) Steps (d) to (g) are repeated, (j) The job is removed from the table, T drill of 20 diameter, It will be noted that substantial time is taken in step(b). This also ce Z . Tequi: uficent skill. Depending upon accuracy required, Step (4) will need time sy we, APPENDIX 6A List of a few Preparatory and Miscellenous Functions Gl7 GIs Glo G40 G41 G42 G78) oot G30 GBI G82 GBs G86 G90 G91 G92 M00 Mol M02 M03 M04 M05 M30 The complete list of coding of Positioning, Linear Interpolation Clockwise Circular Interpolation (CW) Counterclock wise Circular Interpolation (CCW) : Program dwell using F23 format (e.g. F58290 means dwell for 58.290 seconds) with no axis commands XY Plane XZ Plane YZ Plane Cancel Cutter radius correction Overshoot " Cutt Undershootf “Y"'* comers Milling Cancel cycle Drill Dwell Spot facing Counter boring Ream Bore Absolute data Incremental Absolute preset Program stop Optional stop End of program Clockwise Counter clockwise ¢ Spindle Stop End of program rewind preparatory and miscellancous functions as per ISO is given in Appendix Cc. APPENDIX C CODING OF PREPARATORY FUNCTIONS G CODE G00 GOL G02 G03 G04 G05 G08 G09 Glo Gil Gi2 G13 to GIl6 GI7 GI8 G19 G20 G2l G30 G3I G33 G34 G35 G40 G4l GA2 G43 G44 FUNCTION Point to Point Positioning ' Linear Interpolation (Normal Dimensions) Circular Interpolation Are CW 4 (Normal Dimensions) Circular Interpolation Are CCW t (Normal Dimensions) Dwell Hold Acceleration Deceleration Linear Interpolation (Long Dimensions) Linear Interpolation (Short Dimensions) 3 D-Interpolation Axis Selection XY Plane Selection ZX Plane Selection YZ Plane Selection Circular Interpolation Are CW (Long Dimensions) Circular Interpolation Arc CW (Short Dimensions) Circular Interpolation Are CCW (Long Dimensions) Circular Interpolation Arc CCW (Short Dimensions) Thread Cutting. Decreasing Lead Cutter Compensation Cancel Cutter Compensation Left Cutter Compensation Right Cutter Compensation Positive Cutter Compensation Negative APPENDIX C185 G33 Linear Shift Cancel 5 Gs4 Linear Shift X | G55 Linear Shift Y G36 Linear Shift Z G57 Linear Shift XY | G58 Linear Shift XZ G59 Linear Shift YZ G62 Positioning Fast G63 Tapping G64 Change of Rate G80 Fixed Cycle Cancel GBI to Fixed Cycles G89 CODING MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTIONS M 4 CODE FUNCTION Moo Programme Stop Mol Optional (Planned) Stop M02 End of Programme Mos Spindle CW M04 Spindle CCW Mos Spindle OFF M06 Tool Change M07 Coolant No. 2 ON Mos Coolant No. 1 ON Mog Coolant OFF MIO Clamp Mil Unclamp MI3. Spindle CW and Coolant ON MI4 Spindle CCW and Coolant ON MIS Motion+ MI6 Motion - MI9 Oriented Spindle Stop M30 End of Tape M3I Interlock By-Pass M32 to | Constant Cutting Speed M35 M36 Feed Range I M37 Feed Range 2 M38 Spindle Speed Range 1 M39 Spindle Speed Range 2 186 APPENDIX G MSO MSI MS55 M56 M60 Mé6l M62 M68 M69 M71 M72 M78 M79 Coolant No, 3 ON Coolant No. 4 ON Linear Tool Shift Position I Linear Tool Shift Position 2 Workpiece Change Linear Workpicce Shift Position 1 Linear Workpiece Shift Position 2 Clamp Workpiece Unclamp Workpiece Angular Workpicce Shift Position 1 Angular Workpicce Shift Position 2 Clamp Slide Unclamp Slide ‘Adv. Manufacturin, 9 Processes (Dj i i Pitomay a of Part Programming Tool Magazine : — ame ae 8.5 (i) @ 2 ag 4 (o} i should fll allowing requiceme nt (Easier and safer manual exehn unloading should be faciiine nge of tools in the tool m; 2) All necessary prep; agazine during loading and ara es Hons OF tool exchange should be ma (4) Tool magazing ca fe located outside the working spa complete operations © O° SPable of holding sufiient For photograph refer appendix Part Programming : (3) Tool magazine shy ide during machining, \ce of the machine tool tools needed for performing [Asked in Exam : S 1 aoe chine tool about the processing steps to be generating CNC instman ponent. The distinct techniques are used for (i) Manual CNC part Programming (ii) Computer assisted Part programming (iii) Cad-cam based Programming system (iv) CNC programming based on modeling. Manual part Programming : * — This technique is suitable for a work picce having simple geometry, Part Programmer has to establish the optimal sequence of operation to be performed Each line of manuscript contains the required data for transferring the cutting tool from one point to another point, including all the machining instructions that should be executed in this path ° For example a typical full line format is N100 G01 X364 Y600 F310 $840 65432 M03 (EB). Sequence number (N) : The first word in every block is the sequence number, and it is of three digits. It is written as N00], NO02 etc. Preparatory function (G word) : The preparatory word prepares the control unit to execute the instructions that are to follow. It is represented in two digits. Dimension word: : ; / These words give the final co-ordinate positions for x, y, 2 motions. It is expressed in 5 digits. function word (F) : . ; eee to specify the feed rate in the machining operation. It is expressed in 3 digits. is i -d function (S): pate i cee is specified either in revolutions per minute (r.p.m.) or as meters per 1¢ spindle » = minute. It is expressed in 3 digits. 6-10 Fundamentals of Part Programm 60 ___— eg Adv, Manufacturing Processes (Qiploma) Adv, Manufacturing Processes (Diploma)_ © Tool function (1) : . The (T) word in the part program specifies which tool is to be used in the operation, 1, expressed in 5 digits. © Miscellaneous function (M) : . . It is used to specify certain miscellaneous or auxiliary functions which do not relate tg the dimensional movements of the machine. It is expressed in two digits. (8) End of block (EB) : It is used to indicate the end of each block. Table 8.5.1: Preparatory Function (G words) Code Functions G00 | Rapid traverse G01 _| Linear interpolation G02__ | Circular interpolation (clockwise) G03 _| Circular interpolation (Counter clockwise) G04 | Dwell G05 | Hold/delay G17 _| XY plane designation G18 __| ZX plane designation G19 _| YZ plane designation G33__| Thread cutting G40__| Cutter compensation cancel G41__| Cutter compensation left : G42_| Cutter compensation right G63 _| Thread cutting cycle G70 Dimensions in inch units G71 Dimensions in metric unit G80 _| Canned cycle cancel ; G81-G89 | Canned cycles G90_- | Absolute dimensioning G91__| Incremental dimensioning G92 Zero preset G94 _| Feedrate mm/min G95 Feedrate mm/rev Ady. Manufacturing py 8.5.1 (a) (b) (c) tocosses — Fundamental art Programming 8.5.2: My iscetlancous Functions (M word) n£ start (counter clockwise) _| Spindle stop 6 | Too! change Coolant on Coolant off {/——" Program stop and tape rewind Part Programmi i / Sramming Using Subroutines, Do Loops and Canned Cycles : \/ — LAsked in Exam : S - 04, W-04 II] This is suitable where some repatitive features, or dental seams apahegtoaeam wa have to be Fepeated to produce the same featur techniques used for repetitive Programming are : (a) Subroutines , (b) Do loops (©) Fixed cycles or canned eycles. Subroutines : lentical sections of the program will re at different point, The common * These are powerful time saving technique. It provides the capability of Programming certain fixed sequence. These are independent programs with all the features of a usual part program. These are stored in the memory under separate program numbers. Whenever particular feature is required within the program, the associated subroutine is called for execution. Do loops : ° The programmer can instruct the control unit to jump back to an earlier part of the program and execute the intervening program blocks a specified number of times. It is used for repetitive programming. Do loop statement is given in the main program and it is necessary to give the information like start of the loop, number of repeats and end of loop. Canned cycles : | © To save the repetation of programming of common operations, the cycle is used is andardized fixed cycle or canned cycle. The sequence of events for a as sti B si mi cycle of operations is stored in the memory of the computer. When that inform ion is required at the time of machining is called up from memory, by informa using an appropriate G-code. 1 Rapid to hole 5 Rapid to next Center oosition position zg : & BL | cesee ae R 3 Y Yj; TG Fig. 8.5.1(a) : Canned drilling cycle (G81) Tool path Rapid to position 1 Fig. 8.5.1(b) : Canned pocket milling cycle (G78) One of the most frequently used canned cycles is the drilling, cycles. The cycle is shown in Fig. 8.5.1(a) and (b) called up using G 81. The cycle of events for Fig. 8.5.1(a) is as follows I. Rapid traverse to centre of first hole. Rapid traverse to clearance plane. iam 3. Feed to complete depth of hole. 4. Rapid up to clearance plane. 5. Rapid traverse to centre of the next hole. Repeat the same procedure for as many holes as required

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