Au L 1648904247 Hobbies Reading Comprehension - Ver - 1

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Hi, my name is Sally! My favourite thing to do is play soccer. I started

playing when I was four years old and I love it so much that I play
three times a week. In winter, when the weather is cold, I play
indoor soccer. That means I can play my favourite sport all
year round. It is great exercise and a good way to stay fit and
healthy. Playing in a team is really fun and you get to learn
lots of valuable skills about working together, communicating and
being there for each other.

My best friend Tina loves baking. She makes a new recipe every
week and she always brings a cake to school whenever it is
someone’s birthday. I love to go to her house and eat all of the
yummy food she has made. She lets me lick the bowl
and I help her with the dishes!

My brother’s favourite hobby is horse riding and he even

has his own horse, Clancy, who lives on our grandparents’
farm. You have to be very dedicated when you ride
horses because so much of what you do is about
being connected with your horse. Some days, my
brother just spends time with Clancy without even
riding him. He brushes his mane, feeds him apples and talks to
him. When he rides, he has to wear a lot of special clothing, like
riding pants, gloves and a helmet.

My teacher, Mrs Peterson, loves photography. On the weekends,

she goes bushwalking and takes lots of photos of the things she sees. She
always brings them into school to show us and she has even printed out some
of her photos which are hanging up around the classroom. My favourite one
is a photo she took of our whole class the day we got back from camp. We’re
not wearing school uniforms and we all look so tired. She managed to capture
the perfect moment as we saw our families again after a whole week away,
with our beaming faces as we hugged them hello. One
time, Mrs Peterson even had one of her photographs
displayed in an exhibition in the city!

Hobbies Reading
Comprehension Questions

1. What is Sally's hobby?

2. According to Sally, what are the benefits of playing a team sport?

3. What is Tina's hobby?

4. What does Tina do when it's someone's birthday?

5. What does Sally's brother like to do?

6. Besides riding, what are some other things that Sally's brother does with his horse?

7. What is Mrs Peterson's hobby?

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Hobbies Reading
Comprehension Questions

8. Where does Mrs Paterson go on the weekends to take photos?

9. Draw a picture of your favourite hobbies.

10. What are your hobbies?

11. Do you prefer indoor hobbies or outdoor hobbies?

12. What is a hobby you would like to try?

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