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Teaching Common Competencies in HE


List of Modules


1. Developing and updating Industry Knowledge CCHE 323-1

2 Observing Workplace Hygiene Procedures CCHE 323-2

3. Performing Computer Operations CCHE 323-3

4. Performing Workplace and Safety Practice CCHE 323-4

5. Providing Effective Customer Service CCHE 323-5

Bachelor of Technical Bulacan Date Developed:

Teacher-Vocational January 2021
Polytechnic Page 1 of 7
Teaching Common College
Competencies in HE Document No. Developed by:
Arjay C. Castillo Revision # 00
c/o Admin

Bulacan Date Developed:

Bachelor of Technical January 2021
Teacher-Vocational Polytechnic Page 2 of 7
Education College
Teaching Common Document No. Developed by:
Competencies in HE Arjay C. Castillo Revision # 00
c/o Admin

COURSE TITLE: Teaching Common Competencies in Home


MODULE TITLE: Performing Workplace and Safety Practice



At the end of this module you MUST be able to:
1. Identify the task to be undertaken
2. Discuss proper tool selections
3. Explain safe use of tools and environment safety and health
4. Identify the impact of child sexual exploitation on children, communities,
and the hotel and travel industries
5. Discuss actions that can be taken to prevent the CSEC from tourists.
6. Identify the different activities in observing and monitoring people
7. Understand the different ways in responding to unlawful or suspicious
incidents and people.
8. Differentiate the types of emergencies in the industry
9. Discuss the preventions for different types of emergencies in the industry
10. Identify the standards of personal presentation and hygiene
11. Value the importance of maintaining safe personal presentation
12. Discuss the health, safety, and security of all people in the hospitality
and tourism industry.
13. Identify the six steps to creating and maintaining a safe workplace
14. Appreciate the importance of maintaining a safe and secure workplace

1. Following workplace procedures for health, safety, and security practices
2. Performing child protection duties relevant to the tourism industry
3. Observing and monitoring people
4. Dealing with emergencies
5. Maintaining safe personal presentation standards

Bulacan Date Developed:

Bachelor of Technical January 2021
Teacher-Vocational Polytechnic Page 3 of 7
Education College
Teaching Common Document No. Developed by:
Competencies in HE Arjay C. Castillo Revision # 00
c/o Admin
6. Maintain a safe and secure workplace
Written/Oral test
 Ahmad Rasmi AlBattat and Ahmad Puad Mat Som (2013):
Emergency Preparedness for Disasters and Crises in the Hotel

Bulacan Date Developed:

Bachelor of Technical January 2021
Teacher-Vocational Polytechnic Page 4 of 7
Education College
Teaching Common Document No. Developed by:
Competencies in HE Arjay C. Castillo Revision # 00
c/o Admin
Information Sheet CCHE 323-4.1
Following workplace procedures for health, safety, and
security practices

Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
1. Identify the task to be undertaken
2. Discuss proper tool selections
3. Explain safe use of tools and environmental safety and health
Safety and security are not only practical components of a well-
run workplace, many aspects have legal requirements at state and federal
levels. Depending on the type of business and the regional location, you may
be subject to a range of statutory obligations for the health and the security
of your workplace.
Beyond that, it's just good business. Effective health and safety
plans can reduce workplace injuries, which are a source of lost time, lost
money for you and your employees, as well as an administrative drain.
Workplace security can protect your business against theft, while also
guarding the safety of your staff against incursions of violence. Having
effective health and safety programs, and security programs in place meet
statutory requirements; they also have buy-in from management and
workers alike, and these programs don't place a burden on the business or
its efficient operation.

Starting a Health and Safety Plan

The United States Department of Labor's Occupational Safety
and Health Department, commonly known as OSHA, provides its
Recommended Practices for Safety and Health Programs as a guide for
businesses implementing health and safety procedures. Central to their
recommendations is that you don't need to start a program that's completely
envisioned or configured. Instead, introduce core elements and build upon
those. Rather than having just a document or a talking point, effective
health and safety procedures are embedded in the cultural fabric of your
organization and are an essential part of the working environment.

Bulacan Date Developed:

Bachelor of Technical January 2021
Teacher-Vocational Polytechnic Page 5 of 7
Education College
Teaching Common Document No. Developed by:
Competencies in HE Arjay C. Castillo Revision # 00
c/o Admin
Key Components of a Health and Safety Plan
 A reporting system: A simple, clear, well-
communicated procedure to report accidents
(including near misses), injuries, and illness,
as well as potential hazards in the workplace.

 Training programs: Some aspects may be

legal requirements, such as dangerous goods
handling, while other components may deal
with the facility, and specific aspects of the
health and safety plan.

 Inspections: Employee and management

teams regularly inspect the workplace to
identify changing conditions or activities that
may compromise safety.

 Emergency planning: Foreseeable

emergencies such as fires and flooding have
developed action plans that are well-
communicated with all staff through meetings
and workplace postings.

 Continuous improvement: Management seeks staff input before

implementing changes to the workplace, and regular meetings address
not only current health and safety issues, but also improvements to
the health and safety plan.

Bulacan Date Developed:

Bachelor of Technical January 2021
Teacher-Vocational Polytechnic Page 6 of 7
Education College
Teaching Common Document No. Developed by:
Competencies in HE Arjay C. Castillo Revision # 00
c/o Admin
Workplace Security Procedures
Concerns around security are topical, with workplace violence
frequently in the news, but security has other important aspects, such as
protecting assets and inventory and, increasingly, maintaining cybersecurity
of data and client information. Each aspect of security has its challenges
and procedures, so security plans may often be segregated by the outcome.
For example, procedures to secure a facility during a workplace violence
incident may have little in common with the lock-up procedures for raw

Security may also have departmental concerns, just as the shop floor has
different health and safety challenges than the office. Data security is likely
the responsibility of IT staff, whereas a manager may have oversight over
control of office supplies storage and distribution. As with the health and
safety plan, effective workplace security procedures have:

 Commitment by management and adopted by employees.

 A clear defined plan that's well communicated to staff.
 Education and training were provided to all employees affected by the

Bulacan Date Developed:

Bachelor of Technical January 2021
Teacher-Vocational Polytechnic Page 7 of 7
Education College
Teaching Common Document No. Developed by:
Competencies in HE Arjay C. Castillo Revision # 00
c/o Admin

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