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1. Group 1 elements exhibit univalent valency. Give reason.

2. Group 17 elements exhibit univalent valency. Give reason.
3. Group 1 elements are strong reducing agents. Give reason.
4. Group 17 elements are strong oxidizing agents. Give reason.
5. Neon has larger atomic radius than other elements present in the same period. Give
6. A cation is smaller in its atomic size than the parent neutral atom. Give reason.
7. Anion will have greater atomic size that the parent neutral atom. Give reason.
8. Across a period the nuclear charge increases. Give reason.
9. For most of the elements the first IP is less than the second IP. Give reason.
10. Metal have low ionization potential compared to non-metals. Give reason.
11. Neon has zero electron affinity. Give reason.
12. Chlorine has more electron affinity than fluorine. Give reason.
13. Across a period the atomic size decreases and down a group atomic size
increases. Give reason.
14. Across a period the ionization potential increases and down a group
ionization potential decreases. Give reason.
15. Across a period the electron affinity increases and down a group electron
affinity decreases. Give reason.
16. Across a period the electronegativity increases and down a group
electronegativity decreases. Give reason.
17. Across a period the metallic character decreases and non-metallic character
increases. Give reason.
18. Down a group metallic character increases. Give reason.
19. Down a group non-metallic character decreases. Give reason.

20. Give an example for an element in group 17 present in gaseous state.

21. Give an example for an element in group 17 present in solid state.
22. Give an example for an element in group 17 present in liquid state.
23. Give two examples for ionic hydrides.
24. Give two examples for covalent hydrides.
25. What does periodicity in properties mean?
26. What is the reason for periodicity in properties?
27. Define atomic size.
28. Define ionization potential.
29. Define electron affinity.
30. Define electronegativity.
31. Name the element that has the highest ionization potential.
32. Name the element that has the least ionization potential.
33. Mention the group of elements which have the highest ionization potential.
34. Mention the group of elements which have the least ionization potential.
35. Elements with low ionization potential are __________ (metals/non-metals).
36. Elements with high electronegativity are __________ (metals/non-metals).
37. Mention the element with the high electronegative value.
38. Mention the element with the least electronegative value.
39. What are the factors that influence the atomic size and how does it affect it?
40. What are the factors that influence the ionization potential and how does it
affect it?
41. What are the factors that influence the electron affinity and how does it affect
42. What are the factors that influence the electronegativity and how does it
affect it?
43. What are the factors that influence the metallic character and how does it
affect it?
44. What are the factors that influence the non-metallic character and how does it
affect it?
45. How does the atomic size vary across a period and why?
46. How does the atomic size vary down a group and why?
47. How does the ionization potential vary across a period and why?
48. How does the ionization potential vary down a group and why?
49. How does the electron affinity vary across a period and why?
50. How does the electron affinity vary down a group and why?
51. How does the electronegativity vary across a period and why?
52. How does the electronegativity vary down a group and why?
1. Define Periodic properties.
2. Define Periodicity in properties.
3. Define Nuclear charge.
4. Define Atomic size.
5. Define Ionization energy.
6. Define Electron affinity.
7. Define Electronegativity.

1. Group 1 elements are electropositive and strong reducing agent. Give reason.
2. Group 17 elements are electronegative and strong oxidizing agent. Give reason.
3. What is the reason for periodicity in properties in periods and groups?
4. Atomic size decreases from left to right across a period. Give reason.
5. Atomic size increases from top to bottom down a group. Give reason.
6. For a metal, first IP is less than the second IP. Give reason.
7. Ionization potential increases from left to right across a period. Give reason.
8. Ionization potential decreases from top to bottom down a group. Give reason.
9. Electron affinity increases from left to right across a period. Give reason.
10. Electron affinity decreases from top to bottom down a group. Give reason.
11. Electronegativity increases from left to right across a period. Give reason.
12. Electronegativity decreases from top to bottom down a group. Give reason.
13. Neon has a larger nuclear size. Give reason.
14. A cation is smaller than the parent neutral atom. Give reason.
15. Neon has zero electron affinity. Give reason.
16. Metallic character decreases from left to right in a period. Give reason.
17. Non-metallic character increases from left to right in a period. Give reason.
18. Metallic character increases from top to bottom in a group. Give reason.
19. Non-metallic character decreases from top to bottom in a group. Give reason.
20. The electron affinity of fluorine is less than that of chlorine. Give reason.


1. Give an example for: (i) Gaseous non-metal (ii) Element with highest ionization
2. Give an example for: (i) Solid non-metal (ii) Element with least ionization potential
3. Give an example for: (i) Liquid non-metal (ii) Element with largest atomic size in
period 2
4. Give an example for: (i) Ionic hydride (ii) Element with smallest atomic size in period
5. Give an example for: (i) Covalent hydride (ii) Elements that have highest electron
6. Give an example for: (i) Element with largest atomic size in period 2 (ii) Most
electronegative element
7. Give an example for: (i) Element with smallest atomic size in period 2 (ii) Least
electronegative element
8. Give an example for: (i) Element with highest ionization potential (ii) Covalent hydride
9. Give an example for: (i) Element with least ionization potential (ii) Ionic hydride
10. Give an example for: (i) Elements that have highest electron affinity (ii) Liquid non-
11. Give an example for: (i) Most electronegative element (ii) Solid non-metal
12. Give an example for: (i) Least electronegative element (ii) Gaseous non-metal

1. Arrange the elements in the increasing order of metallic character: Cs, Na, Li, K, Rb.
2. Arrange the elements in the decreasing order of atomic size: Mg, Cl, Na, S, Si.
3. Arrange the elements in the increasing order of ionization energy: Na, K, Cl, S, Si.
4. Arrange the elements in the increasing order of electron affinity: Cl, F, Br, I.
5. Arrange the elements in the increasing order of the number of electron shells: He, Ar,
6. Arrange the elements in the increasing ionization energy: Na, Li, K.
7. Arrange the elements in the increasing order of electronegativity: F, Cl, Br.
8. Arrange the elements in the increasing order of atomic size: Na, K, Li.
9. Arrange the elements in the decreasing order of ionization potential: Li, K, Na, H.
10. Arrange the elements in the increasing order of electron affinity: F, B, N, O.


The following elements belong to period 2: Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne.
(i) Which element is a metalloid?
(ii) Which element forms trivalent positive ion?
The following elements belong to period 2: Li, Be, B, C, O, F, Ne.
(i) Identify the missing element.
(ii) Which element forms a divalent negative ion?
The following elements belong to period 2: Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne.
(i) Which element forms a monovalent anion?
(ii) Which is an alkali metal?
The following elements belong to period 2: Li, B, C, N, O, F, Ne.
(i) Identify the missing element.
(ii) Which element will forms a trivalent negative ion?
The following elements belong to period 2: Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne.
(i) Which element is a halogen?
(ii) Which element forms a tetravalent ion?
The following elements belong to period 3: Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar.
(i) Which element is a metalloid?
(ii) Which element forms trivalent positive ion?
The following elements belong to period 3: Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Cl, Ar.
(i) Identify the missing element.
(ii) Which element forms a divalent negative ion?
The following elements belong to period 3: Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar.
(i) Which element forms a monovalent anion?
(ii) Which is an alkali metal?
The following elements belong to period 3: Na, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar.
(i) Identify the missing element.
(ii) Which element will forms a trivalent negative ion?
The following elements belong to period 3: Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar.
(i) Which element is a halogen?
(ii) Which element forms a tetravalent ion?

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