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Contemporary Text Analysis

Now that you have successfully determined the characteristics of Asian

literature, in this activity you will analyze a literary text from Vietnam. Read the
text and answer the questions that follow.

By Mong-Lan

& what if hope crashes through the door what if

that lasts a somersault?

hope for serendipity

even if a series of meals were all between us

even if the aeons lined up out

of order

what are years if not measured by trees

Narrative Voice:
1. Who is speaking in this passage?

2. What narrative perspective is being used in this passage?


3. What does the narrative voice tell you?


4. Is the speaker being straightforward, factual, open?

5. Does the voice carry any emotion? Or is it detached from its subject?

6. Do you hear irony (what is said is different from what is meant)? If so, where?

Rhetorical and Literary devices:

7. Do you notice any figurative language, such as metaphors and similes? Specify.

8. Do you observe any imagery? Highlight.


9. Is the sound of the language and sentences important (e.g., rhyme, repetition,
choppy or long sentences)?

10. What is the effect of these devices and techniques? (e.g., do they add emphasis or
connect key ideas?)

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