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Test I. Multiple Choices.

Encircle the letter of the correct answer

1 Which branch of philosophy is mainly focused on answering questions related to what is real?

a. Ethics

b. Logic

c. Epistemology

d. Metaphysics

2. What is curiosity?

a. The ability to accept a faulty logical reasoning

b. The desire to learn more information and seek evidence

c. The ability to make a logical decision weighing arguments

d. The branch of philosophy that focuses on determining the beauty of objects

3. To study Socrates' philosophy one must rely on the Writings of______, which makes it challenging.

a. Heraclitus

b. Aristotle

c. Diogenes

d. Plato

4. In philosophy, a _______ is known as a fallacy

a. correct argument

c. faulty argument

b. eloquent discussion

d. speech flaw

5. Plato was a student to which philosopher?

a. Aristotle

b. Socrates

d. Democritus

6. Which of the following questions would a student of aesthetics ask?

a Does God really exist?

b. How do I know that my beliefs are true?

c. Which actions are right, and which ones a wrong?

d. Is this random splash of paint art, or is it just paint?

7 Which of the following comprises the subject matter of epistemology?

a. The nature of God and the soul

b. The nature of existence and reality

c. The nature of and conditions for knowledge

d. The best way to live one's life and the difference between right and wrong

8. Which branch of philosophy deals primarily with the rightness and wrongness of actions?

a. Epistemology



d. Metaphysics

9 This view believes that all organisms have inherent worth and should be valued and protected

a. Anthropocentrism

c. Biocentrism

b. Ecocentrism. d. Environmentalism

10. If somebody says "You're worthless!" it's an insult and attacks your_____.


b. Interiority

c. Free will
d. Transcendence

11. Rejecting a claim by criticizing the person who makes it rather than the claim itself is known as the
fallacy of______.

a Appeal to emotion

c. Appeal to the person

b. Composition

d. Division

12. Which of the following statement can be considered as an example of appeal to emotion?

a. "Do not listen to his opinion, he is fool."

b. Every boy your age already has a girlfriend, you should go find one!

c.Please, let me in. I was just late because I have to attend to my son who is sick."

d. If this peace agreement will not be signed by the govemment, then we will have no recourse but go to

13. It is a perspective that focuses on specific aspects of a situation.

a holistic thinking

c. internal questions

b. partial thinking

d. reflection

14. It is a perspective that considers the "bigger picture" when looking at problems and situations.

a. holistic thinking

c. internal questions

b. partial thinking

d. reflection

15. He was considered the foremost philosopher of ancient times.

a. Aristotle

b. Epicurus
c. Pythagoras

d. Socrates

16. He devoted himself to the study of causes of natural phenomena. He was among the first to propose
that matter is composed of tiny particles called atom.

a. Democritus

b. Epicurus

c. Plato

d. Pythagoras

17. The famous statement "An unexamined life is not worth

living" is attributed to ______.

a. Aristotle

b. Plato

c. John Locke

d. Socrates

18. How do we characterize the study of philosophy?

I. It is considered as a way of examining particular area of knowledge.

II. It is also considered as a way of analyzing ideas and frameworks.

III. Philosophy cannot be considered a reflective and meditative activity.

IV. Use of information gathered from other fields of knowledge and not just its own conclusions.

a. I, II, III and IV

c. I, II, and IV

b. II, III and IV

d. I, II, and III

19. Which of the following statements accurately depicts the distinction between anthropocentric and
biocentric worldviews?

a. Anthropocentrism assumes that it is appropriate for humans to obtain services from non-humans,
while biocentrism assumes that human use of non-humans is never justified.
b. Anthropocentrism assumes that environmental protection should not be considered because human
concerns must come first, whereas biocentrism assumes that environmental concerns must come
before human concerns.

c. Anthropocentrism assumes that humans should be free to mistreat animals and exploit natural
resources, whereas biocentrism assumes that the exploitation of resources can't be justified.

d. Anthropocentrism assumes that the criteria governing the human-environment interactions must
relate to how the environment serves the interests of humanity, whereas biocentrism assumes that
non-humans have intrinsic value. and their interests need to be taken into account.

20. It is the existence above and beyond the limits of material experience.

a. Limitation

c. Transcendence

b. Possibility

d. Extemality

21. Which of the following will not help you to overcome your limitations?

a. Clearly defined goals

b. Competing with others

c. Motivation to rise above challenges

d. Proper mindset

22. Which of the following is an opinion?

a. The sky is blue

b. I think it will rain

c. There are clouds in the sky

d. It has not rained this month.

23, Persons are embodied spirits because:

a. We are purely material beings

b. We are not limited by time and space

c. Our spirits are more important than our body

d. The basic constitutive elements of our being humans are the physical body and the immaterial spint

24. This is the moral approach in analyzing the relationship between humans and the environments.

a. Environmental aesthetics

b. Environmental justice

c. Environmental ethics

d. Environmental philosophy

25. The perspective advocates action to address environmental problems.

a. Anthropocentrism

b. Biocentrism

c. Ecocentrism

d. Environmentalism

26. This is the branch of philosophy that is concerned with natural environment and humanity's place in

a Environmental aesthetics

b. Environmental justice

c. Environmental ethics

d. Environmental philosophy

27. This principle of sustainability refers to maintaining the state of the environment.

a. economic efficiency. c. equity

b. environmental integrity. d. prudence

28. The view considers man the most species in the planet.

a. Anthropocentrism

b. Ecocentrism

c. Biocentrism

d. Environmentalism
29. Another principle of sustainability demands that we use our natural resources in such manner that
these are conserved so that the next generation will be able to use them.

a. efficiency

b. frugality

c. equity

d. prudence

30. Which of these statements does not reflect environmental ethics?

a. Man must take action to solve environmental problems

b. Natural disasters are unrelated to human activities.

c. We should reflect on how actions show regard for nature

d. We must uphold the welfare of the environment and everything in it.

31. Which of these statements is not related to sustainable development?

a. Resources must be conserved for other people.

b. Humankind must use up all natural resources.

c. Natural resources must be used wisely and efficiently

d. Human activities must not negatively impact the environment.

32. Analyze the following situations and determine which of them show the right and moral choice with
regard to the environment.

a. An animal welfare partnered with the local govemment to conduct massive killing of dogs due to over
population in shelter.

b. A local official led a campaign to set aside several hectares of forested land in their city as a watershed
area. This area was declared off-limits to loggers and miners.

c. A business bought a large piece of farmland and decided to convert it into a subdivision. During
construction, hundreds of trees were uprooted and streams were covered in cement.

d. A mining corporation decided to save costs and did not construct an effective storing facility for
mining waste. The improperly stored waste leaked and polluted the nearby river, poisoned marine life,
and caused people in the nearby village to get sick.

33. How are the body and the spirit related?

a. The person experiences the physical world only.

b. The person experiences the spiritual world only.

c. Whatever happens to the body, it doesn't affect the spirit.

d. The body and spirit united and integrated with each other.

34. Determine which is not correct in the following philosophical views regarding truth.

a. It is believed that truth is a product of agreement or consensus.

b. Claims are considered truthful if these can be tested and verified.

c. Philosophers consider something as truth if it is corresponding with an observable fact or reality.

d. Philosophers consider something as truth if it can be unjustified through experience and the use of
one's senses.

35. These are series of statements that provide explanations to convince the listener or viewer that the
opinion is truthful.

a. argument b. conclusion c. bias d. explanation

Test II. Identification. Identify whether the statement is a fallacy or a bias. Write your answer on the
space provided before each number.

__________36. "I do not agree with this Western practice of placing aged parents in retirements home.
We Filipinos take care of our family members. What kind of this statement?"

__________37. "How can I accept his view that there is no God? I am a Christian!"

__________38. "have a right to free speech; therefore you cannot stop me from talking!"

__________39. You come from a family of doctors and intellectuals! Surely you can do better in this

__________40. In motorcycle accident yesterday, it is altogether a fault of the driver for reckless

Test III. True or False. Write T if the statement is True and F if it is false.

______ 41. Humankind is part of the world, and we significantly affect the environment in the same way
how the environment affects us.

______ 42. Free will is the capacity to choose a course of action without regards to the possible
______43.Metaphysical approach answers the "how" of a person and how the human person is made

______ 44. Plato believes that the body's existence is dependent on the soul while the soul's existence is
independent of the body.

______ 45. Spiritual soul enables the human person to think, reflect and comprehend.

______ 46.Our limitations as a human being may also serve as our advantage as well.

______ 47. We can make e of our facticity as an excuse for our difficulties and failures.

______ 48. Anthropocentrism considers humans as the least significant species on the planet.

______ 49. Human actions will always bring negative effects on the environment.

______ 50. Prudence is the ability to regulate one's actions and behaviour.

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