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The Design Thinking Process

Step 1
Sample :

Figure 2.10: Percentage of the response for question number 10.

The pie chart above shows the agreement of the respondents for the statement “I take the comprehensive exam
seriously”. 52.8 % of the respondents strongly agree with the statement and 47.2% answered agree. With data
gathered, the researchers conclude that all respondents agreed to the statement that they take the comprehensive
exam seriously.
The results from the semi-structured survey questionnaire conclude that respondents took a positive outlook for the
comprehensive exam, willingly participating, allot time for reviewing and taking this exam seriously. However, the
following issues stated: students were not given an early announcement and time to review, students do not know
what was the coverage of the exam, how many test items they had to answer, and how many hours will be given to
them to take the exam- these scenarios/issues do not greatly affect the students’ performance towards taking the
comprehensive exam. Nevertheless, researchers find out that most of the respondents find comprehensive exams

Researchers tabulate the answers from the qualitative questions floated and tallied the top 2 redundant answers
from the respondents.

Figure 3. 1: Result of the Qualitative Survey

The bar graph above is a representation for question number 1. “What are the things you wish to improve with
yourselves when taking a comprehensive exam?” 4 of the respondents answered “Time-management” and 3
answered “Comprehension Skills”. Researchers conclude that these are the things that they wish to improve in
conducting a comprehensive exam.

Figure 3.2: Result of the Qualitative Survey

The bar graph above is a representation for question number 2 .”What are the thing/s that you think are effective

during the review in preparation for the comprehensive exam?” 11 of the respondents answered

“Handouts/Reviewers” and 3 answered “Taking down notes”. Researchers conclude that these are the things that the

respondents think are effective in preparing for the comprehensive exam.

Figure 3.3: Result of the Qualitative Survey

For question number 3. “Do you think conducting a review before taking the comprehensive exam is effective?” All
of the respondents answered “yes”. Researchers conclude that all or a total of 100% of the respondents agree that
conducting a review before taking the comprehensive exam is effective.
Figure 3.4: Result of the Qualitative Survey

The bar graph above is a representation for question number 4 .”What do you like about taking the comprehensive
exam?” 12 of the respondents answered “Review and Recall past knowledge” and 11 answered “Challenging and
measuring knowledge gained”. Researchers conclude that these are the things that the respondents like about
taking a comprehensive exam.
Figure 3.5: Result of the Qualitative Survey

The bar graph above is a representation for question number 5 .”What are the things that you don't like about the
comprehensive exam?” 8 of the respondents answered “Lengthy” and 11 answered “Stressful and Draining”.
Researchers conclude that these are the things that the respondents don't like about taking a comprehensive


Last Tuesday, February 09, 2021, the group had an interview with Dr. Kathleen M. Morales, the Project Head of the
Comprehensive Exam for SOE students. The interview was conducted online through google meet. The group
prepared 6 questions to be answered by the interviewee. Below is the summed up information gathered by the

A Comprehensive Exam in XU-SOE is designed to strengthen the understanding of students especially in the
retention of the foundation course of formation. Dr. Morales also emphasizes that the goal of the comprehensive
exam is to prepare the students for the LET and to have topnotchers and a 100% passing rate in the board exam.
This is an initiative of the researcher/teachers of XU-SOE to engage the students in reviewing the formation courses
for the progressive development of SOE students in preparation for their future LET Exam.

The Comprehensive Exam questions are prepared by the SOE teachers using a multiple-choice item type of exam
with a time limit. The duration of the exam is only 1 hour with 100 items to be answered by the students. Due to a
time constraints exam, students could probably have a poor correlation in understanding the exam, because they
assess their speed, but not with understanding of a stated problem. Moreover, more than half of the population of
those who took the exam last 2018-2019 did not meet the passing rate which is 75%.

Despite the advancement of the technologies in communicating, Education is still facing challenges, for instance,
not all students of SOE have a privilege to join in interactive discussions from the comprehensive exams due to
limited slots of a said video app conference. However, according to Dr. Morales students who missed participating
in a comprehensive exam will not be officially required to reschedule as these topics are already embedded for Ed
19 course. Considering the pandemic, the comprehensive exam will happen once during the Final Exam schedule
and still be taken online. In addition, the exam to be taken should depend on whatever particular subjects students
have taken before or during the semester and apart from adopting the online exams, the department is still hoping
to have a chance to resume the exam on the campus for the next school semesters.

A Comprehensive Exam in XU-SOE is a test on how ready the student is for the next step of their academic career,
in line with this is the plan to review by giving more exposure to other subjects such as ED 60 (Education Courses
Refresher). The SOE has a desire for everyone to succeed and grow with confidence. This initiative is to foresee
students to commit themselves to stay on the right track of their studies and make progress as planned as Dr.
Morales (2021) said during the interview, “as a strategy to review, the best way to really commit themselves and
even to really adopt the culture of understanding the concepts because this will be the guide for your future”.

Moreover, Dr. Kathleen M. Morales stated practical advice in order to succeed in the program; first is to have a
notebook to list or write something sensible during listening to the discussions or while reading because, she said,
it is our guide for any reviews; second is to create a body system to be each other’s keeper's to intentionally give
help because there are many students struggling and encouraging each other to share or review; lastly is to be
disturbed, in a way that to ask questions politely if something is not clear to you. As Dr. Morales also mentioned,
“Being teachers, you can not flourish and grow in isolation, you need people to support you”.

Overall, the interview with Dr. Kathleen M. Morales is a great opportunity to discuss our Design Thinking case
proposal. It was great learning more about conducting a Comprehensive Exam and not just putting the system in
place but also carrying it by heart as a teacher foresees each progress of the learners, despite the challenges of
education during the current pandemic situation.

Morales, Kathleen M., personal communication, (2021, February 9) “Project Head of Comprehensive Exam”. Mis. Or.,
Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan.

II. Define
The problem to be addressed is about the Comprehensive exam that the education students of Xavier University -
Ateneo de Cagayan are taking every after the school year ends. This problem is about the XU-SOE students getting low
scores which may be due to a high level of stress and anxiety generated by the process to the students and the
coverage of the exam is too broad and lengthy and students are having difficulty in recalling the topics per subject due
also to a long period of time having no refresher about the course.

The Comprehensive Exam is very helpful for the students to recall their learning pertaining to the Education courses
that they have already taken in SOE, thus preparing them also for the Licensure Examination for Teachers. However,
the result of the survey points out that 58.3% of the respondents agree, 30.6% answered strongly agree and only
11.1% answered disagree that a comprehensive exam is stressful for them (Figure 2.8). In addition, in (Figure 3.4)
students answered what they don’t like about the comprehensive exam is the factor that it triggers stress and it drains
them emotionally. Academic stress can be conceptualized as a student’s interactions between environmental stressors,
the student’s cognitive appraisal of and coping with the academic-related stressors, and psychological or physiological
response to the stressors (Lee & Larson, 2000; Lou & Chi, 2000). Through this gathered data, stress is one of the factors
why students get low scores in comprehensive exams. One last factor of why XU-SOE students get low scores in the
comprehensive exam is that students are bombarded with information and exams are very lengthy and time-
consuming. In (Figure 3.4) one of the top answers of the students is “Lengthy”. Long or lengthy exams can affect
students' performance in taking it.
Moreover, Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan is a prestigious school that aims to have competent graduates, board
passers, and topnotchers in the near future. The problem mentioned above is a hindrance to achieving the goal of the
Xavier University - School of Education. In addition, comprehensive exams should help students get a high percentage
of passing the LET board examination, even so, it requires more responsibility from the academic support personnel of
the department in order to prepare and unlock the necessary skills for SOE. A constant shallow result of exam (LET) in
succeeding years, could affect the ranking of XU-SOE and the University status
(Article IX University status, Section 41.Accreditation and Section 42.)

Furthermore, the Center for Humane Arts, Letters, and Social Sciences Online in 2012 stated that one way to pass a
comprehensive examination is to focus on what you do know that is needed in the exam so that you will have a clear
vision and study list on what are the things you need to focus on studying before taking the comprehensive
examinations. With that, student orientation about the comprehensive exam and course refreshers are relevant ways
to prepare the students for this yearly examination. This may help them to recall the topics related to education that
they had learned before, thus helping them also to prepare for the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET).

III. Ideate

In particular, based on the survey results and information gathered from the interview, the researchers offer the
following recommendations:

● Make the orientation for the review and comprehensive exam a requirement for those who want to join the
review sessions - this will help in making sure that the students will know what these reviews and
comprehensive exams are for. This could also be the perfect time where students will raise their concerns and
questions about the review and for the comprehensive exam.

● Make a calendar - this could be a small handy souvenir for those who joined the orientation and this will help
the students track and monitor the dates for the review and for the comprehensive exam.

● Make printable reviewers/handouts - it would be less hassle for the students to study and make notes for
themselves since they also have other school work to do.

● Assign an information disseminator or representative for each major - this will help disseminate the
information to the students especially the whereabouts of the comprehensive exam including the coverage

and other important information. Have each of the students confirm whether they received the information or


● Give specific lists of coverage per subject - this will help the students focus on the topics that need to be
studied and not to focus or give more time on studying on topics that will not come out in the exam.

● Conduct interactive review - this would help the students to remember their lessons with the help of their
peers. This will not be a pen and paper review, this will include games so that they will not take these reviews
as boring. Considering that we are facing a global pandemic nowadays, the group suggests that the review will
happen online through google meet.

Thus, the group suggests that there will be an online review for all of the ED courses that the SOE has taken in order to
be refreshed of their knowledge and be prepared to take the comprehensive exam. The group called this "XU-SOE
Quarterly Refresher for Education Courses" (XU-SOE QRES).

This online review will be conducted once after every quarter. The table below shows the suggested courses that the
SOE students would review in each quarter.


Year Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Comprehensive

Level Exam

1st Year ED 1 ED 2 & ED 3 ED 4 ED 5 & ED 6 ED 1 - ED 6

2nd Year ED 7 ED 8 ED 9 ED 10 & ED 11 ED 7 - ED 11

3rd Year ED 12 ED 13 ED 14 & ED 15 ED 12 - ED 15

4th Year ED 16 ED 17 ED 18 ED 19 ED 16 - ED 19
Table 1: Quarterly Scheduled Online Course Refresher

The group has also ensured that the students are currently or done taking the suggested subjects before they can join
the said online course refresher. The online course review will happen every Saturday.

Name / Title of the XU - SOE Quarterly Refresher of Education Courses (XU - SOE
Project QRES)

Nature of Activity Interactive Discussion/ Seminar

Project Implementers / Group 3 of ED 15 - Issues and Trends in Education course

Design Thinkers (Student-led project)

Estimated Start Date July 2021

Estimated Finish Date April 2022


A comprehensive exam was implemented by Xavier University - School of Education Faculty headed by Kathleen Mallorca,
Ph. D. starting from the School Year 2018-2019 wherein all Education students in every year level in the university have to
take and pass an exit exam in order to be admitted for the next year level.

This comprehensive examination aims to measure the students’ knowledge and understanding pertaining to the theories,
concepts, and specific topics in the past major courses that they have taken in college. Also, it prepares the pre-service
teachers for the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). However, due to stress and anxiety, and being unprepared for
the said exam, the SOE students got low

scores in the recent (S.Y. 2018-2019) comprehensive examination which may imply that they are not yet ready to
take the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET).

● Academic Excellence
To develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for a solid and interdisciplinary
foundation teaching and learning; and apply these to solve problems, consider and make
new discoveries, verify and expand existing knowledge, and be effective and responsible

● Emotional Wellness
To lessen the stress and anxiety that the students are experiencing during the
comprehensive exams, forming emotionally literate individuals who know how to
respond to the emotional states of himself/herself and of others.

● National Competitiveness
To produce topnotchers and attain a 100% passing rate of the XU-SOE students during
the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET).

DESIRED XU-SOE Quarterly Refresher of Education Courses (XU-SOE QRES) is a review for students in
OUTCOME / the School of Education to prepare them for taking the Comprehensive Exam. The following
are the objectives of the XU-SOE QRES sessions:

● During the first year of the project, the XU-SOE QRES will be delivered, by qualified
teachers (from SOE faculty and alumni), to at least 50% of all SOE students, and pretest
(QRES pretest) versus posttest (Comprehensive Exam) data will indicate a significant
change in their level of understanding of the Education courses.
● At the end of the first year of the XU-SOE QRES Project, the scores of the comprehensive
exam will indicate a 5% increase among the first-year students (of school-year 2021-
2022) who participated in the online review sessions as compared to the first-year
students (of school-year 2018-2019) in the pre-project baseline.

● At the end of the first year of the XU-SOE QRES Project, survey results will indicate a 5%
decrease (statistically significant) in stress and anxiety among the first-year students (of
school-year 2021-2022) who participated in the online review sessions as compared to
the first-year students (of school-year 2018-2019) in the pre-project baseline.

● A two and four year follow-up survey of the SOE graduates who completed the XU-SOE
QRES online sessions will indicate an 8% increase in level of their comprehensive exam
scores above that of their peers who did not complete the program.

PARTICIPANTS Xavier University - School of Education students

(1st year to 4th year)

REVIEW EVERY The review will be conducted once after every quarter. The Education courses that they are
currently taking in that quarter will also be the subjects that they will be reviewing. The group
plans to have this review online, in accordance to the global pandemic that we are facing
nowadays. The table below shows the suggested Education courses that the SOE students
would review for the whole school year.

Year Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Comprehensive Exam


ED 1 ED 2 & ED 4 ED 5 & ED 1 - ED 6
1st Year ED 3 ED 6

ED 7 ED 8 ED 9 ED 10 & ED 7 - ED 11
2nd ED 11

ED 12 ED 13 ED 14 & ED 12 - ED 15
3rd Year ED 15

ED 16 ED 17 ED 18 ED 19 ED 16 - ED 19
4th Year

Table 1: Quarterly Scheduled Online Course Refresher

The group also suggests that the Comprehensive Exam will happen 2 weeks after the finals
week of the 2nd Quarter of the 2nd Semester. With this, the students may have enough time
to rest after their final examinations of the 2nd semester, and they will be more prepared to
take the comprehensive exam. Furthermore, the online sessions will happen every Saturday.

● Zoom
During the review sessions.

● Google Classroom
For posting the links for the QRES pre-test and online review, as well as for further
announcements by the project implementers.

● Printable Handouts/Reviewers
(answered QRES pretest questions)

● Google Form for the Exam and Evaluation

● Google Classroom for the link of the QRES pretest and review session

Year Level Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2

1st Year ED 1 ED 2 ED 4 ED 5
(9:00 - 12:00) (9:00 - 12:00) (9:00 - 12:00) (9:00 - 12:00)

& ED 3 & ED 6
(1:30 - 4:30) (1:30 - 4:30)

2nd Year ED 7 ED 8 ED 9 ED 10
(1:30 - 4:30) (9:00 - 12:00) (9:00 - 12:00) (9:00 - 12:00)

& ED 11
(1:30 - 4:30)

3rd Year ED 12 ED 13 ED 14
(1:30 - 4:30) (1:30 - 4:30) (8:00 -11:00)

& ED 15
(1:30 - 4:30)

4th Year ED 16 ED 17 ED 18 ED 19
(8:00 - 11:00) (8:00 - 11:00) (8:00 - 11:00) (8:00 - 11:00)
Table 2. Projected schedule of the XU-SOE QRES sessions
The table above is about the quarterly scheduled time per year level and course. Every QRES
session, students per year-level were given 3 hours, 1 hour to answer QRES Pretest (50 items)
and 2 hours for the rationalization of the subject. The said rationalization is not only focused on
the teacher explaining the answers per item.
Hence, the rationalization of the subject can be through having FGD, think-pair-share or any
activities that the teacher can think of to make the online session interactive.



Zoom Paid Yearly 1 Php 9,607.39 Php 9,607.39


TOTAL BUDGET Php 9,607.39

Table 3. Projected Budget for the XU-SOE QRES

The total estimated budget for this project is Php 9,607.39.

TG - Department of Academic
Affairs (TG - DACA)

Xavier University - Holistic Union of PROJECT EVALUATION

General Educators (XU - HUGE) TEAM

SOE Faculty and Alumni


Parents-Teachers Association
Table 4. Projected Team and Resource Requirements from Stakeholders

MONITORING A ‘Note-taker’ will be a way for the project implementers and the XU SOE faculty to monitor
MEASUREMENTS the effectiveness of the project as well as the progress of the students. In this ‘Note-taker’, the
EVALUATION SOE students are free to write the topics that they already know and those topics or concepts
that they do not know or understand clearly. This is in the form of an electronic version where
the students can encode their learnings and questions/misconceptions in a tabulated format.
Consequently, the group proposed that this should be a requirement for the SOE students to
create and present to their assigned mentor (SOE teacher) before they can take the
comprehensive exam.

To measure the project performance and to demonstrate the achievements of the project, the
group plans to let the participants have an evaluation after every session using a semi-
structured survey questionnaire. Evaluation questions will be asked to the students through
google forms. The group plans to float a survey questionnaire online typically because it is
inexpensive, can be completed anonymously, are easy to compare and analyse, and possible to
involve many respondents.

A project proposal was created by the group as a suggested solution to the problem which is based on the results that
they have gathered in their semi-structured survey and interview. This project proposal is the tangible solution that the
group offers to the stakeholders or educational partners. It contains the name or title of the project, nature of activity,
project implementers or design thinkers, estimated start and finish date, introduction, goals, desired outcomes or
objectives, participants, courses to review every quarter, venue, materials, projected schedule, projected budget, team
and resource requirements from stakeholders, and monitoring measurements of success and evaluation.

The name or title of the project is XU - SOE Quarterly Refresher of Education Courses (XU - SOE QRES). The group used
‘QRES’ which was taken from the word ‘Queries’ means an inquiry or asking a question about something, especially in
order to express one's doubts about it or to check its validity or accuracy. Therefore, the QRES review sessions are
about students’ asking the facilitator (the more knowledgeable other) about his/her uncertainties and doubts related
to the Educational concepts, theories, and principles. It is an interactive discussion between the facilitator and the

Moreover, the Group 3 of ED 15 - Issues and Trends in Education course are the design thinkers of this project, thus
this is a student-led activity intended to help the SOE students get a higher score in their comprehensive exams. The
estimated start date for this project is in August 2021 and finish date is in April 2022. The orientation for this project,
attended by the students with their parents, is in August 2021. This will be held online via google meet. Students who
would like to join the online review sessions of XU-SOE QRES are required to attend in the said orientation. The first
review session will happen in September 2021, second is in November 2021, third in February 2022, and final review
session is in April 2022.

Although this is a 1-year project led by students and aided or supported by the SOE faculty, alumni, and PTA, the group
hopes that this would still continue for the next years to come as they see this as a big opportunity for the students to
improve their performance in taking the comprehensive exam, and in the long run for passing and topping in the LET

The goals for this project are to have: (1) Academic Excellence - To develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes
required for a solid and interdisciplinary foundation teaching and learning; and apply these to solve problems, consider
and make new discoveries, verify and expand existing knowledge, and be effective and responsible professional; (2)
Emotional Wellness - To lessen the stress and anxiety that the students are experiencing during the comprehensive
exams, forming emotionally literate individuals who know how to respond to the emotional states of himself/herself
and of others; and (3) National Competitiveness - To produce topnotchers and attain a 100% passing rate of the XU-
SOE students during the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET).

In addition, the group identifies the project’s desired outcomes or objectives:

● During the first year of the project, the XU-SOE QRES will be delivered, by qualified teachers (from SOE faculty
and alumni), to at least 50% of all SOE students, and pretest (QRES pretest) versus posttest (Comprehensive
Exam) data will indicate a significant change in their level of understanding of the Education courses.

XU-SOE QRES is a student-led project, therefore SOE students are not required to join the online review
sessions. Nevertheless, SOE students are highly encouraged to attend the sessions since it will help them
review the topics that they already discuss in their Education courses. Additionally, to measure the
effectiveness of the project, the group plans to compare the total average rate of scores of the students in
their QRES pretest versus the rating that they will get in their comprehensive exam.
● At the end of the first year of the XU-SOE QRES Project, the scores of the comprehensive exam will indicate a
5% increase among the first-year students (of school-year 2021-2022) who participated in the online review
sessions as compared to the first-year students (of school-year 2018-2019) in the pre-project baseline.

Additionally, the scores in the comprehensive exam among the first-year students (of school-year 2021-2022)
who participated in the online review sessions should indicate a 5% increase compared to the scores of the
first-year students (of school-year 2018-2019). A significant increase of scores may show that the review
sessions in the QRES are effective for the SOE students to prepare themselves for the comprehensive exam.

● At the end of the first year of the XU-SOE QRES Project, survey results will indicate a 5% decrease (statistically
significant) in stress and anxiety among the first-year students (of school-year 2021-2022) who participated in
the online review sessions as compared to the first-year students (of school-year 2018-2019) in the pre-project

Similarly, the affective domain of the SOE students after taking the comprehensive exam will also be measured
in order to evaluate its effectiveness. At the end of the first year of the XU-SOE QRES Project, a survey will be
conducted among the first-year students (of school-year 2021-2022) who participated in the online review
sessions and to first-year students (of school-year 2018-2019) in the pre-project baseline who will be fourth-
year students in that time. The semi-structured survey will consist of affective questions measuring the stress
and anxiety they feel before, during, and after they take the comprehensive exam. A 5% decrease of stress and
anxiety to the freshmen of school-year 2021-2022 will possibly indicate that the XU-SOE QRES sessions help
them to be emotionally prepared before taking the exam.

● A two and four year follow-up survey of the SOE graduates who completed the XU-SOE QRES online sessions
will indicate an 8% increase in the level of their comprehensive exam scores above that of their peers who did
not complete the program.

Furthermore, there will be a follow-up survey after the first batch who completed the XU-SOE QRES online
sessions graduate with their degree. To assess the effectiveness of the project, there should be an 8% increase
in the level of their comprehensive exam scores above that of other SOE students who did not complete the
XU-SOE QRES project.

Again, the Xavier University - School of Education students (1st year to 4th year) are the participants of the XU-SOE
QRES online review sessions. The review will be conducted once after every quarter.and plans to have this project
conducted online, in accordance to the global pandemic that we are facing nowadays.

A Zoom Paid Account (year/license) will be utilized for the 2-hour review sessions, and google forms for the QRES
pretest and project evaluation. Consequently, the Google Classroom will be the virtual classroom of the XU-SOE QRES
participants for easy communication and access to the links of the pretest and review sessions.

Furthermore, the group suggests that the link for the 2-hour online review will be the same throughout the sessions for
the whole school year so that the facilitators and the students will not have a hard time searching for the link. Printable
handouts/reviewers, which is an answered QRES pretest, will also be given to the students in the google classroom so
that they will be focusing into participating and listening during the review sessions. This handout is also helpful for the
students since they have said, according to the result of the survey (Figure 3.2), that a handout is effective for
reviewing the Education courses in preparation for the comprehensive exam.

In every QRES session, students per year-level were given 3 hours, 1 hour to answer QRES Pretest (50 items) and 2
hours for the rationalization of the subject. The said rationalization is not only focused on the teacher explaining the
answers per item.

Hence, the rationalization of the subject can be through having FGD, think-pair-share or any activities that the teacher
can think of to make the online session interactive.

The expenses for the project is only the Zoom Paid Account which is paid yearly. The group plans to use only one paid
account for all of the sessions in XU-SOE QRES. The payment for one licensed zoom account is Php 9,607.39, which is
why they planned to send a letter to the SOE faculty to have financial support from the Parents and Teachers
Association (PTA). Furthermore, the group also plans to have team or committees in the said project, these are: the (1)
Teacher’s Guild (TG) as Technical Team; (2) TG - Department of Academic Affairs (TG - DACA) as Communications
Team; (3) Xavier University - Holistic Union of General Educators (XU - HUGE) as Project Evaluation Team; and SOE
faculty and Alumni as Facilitators and Monitoring Team.

Moreover, a ‘Note-taker’ shall be presented and submitted by the students to their assigned mentors (SOE Faculty
Teacher) during their mentoring session, as a requirement before they can take the comprehensive exam. The students
shall present this once every semester, as practiced by the School of Education currently. In this, ‘Note-taker’, the
students can write the facts or concepts that they have learned and the questions that they still have about the course.
Through this, the project implementers as well as the facilitators, SOE faculty, and the Professional Education
Coordinator in the School of Education, can monitor and track the progress of the students pertaining to their
knowledge about the Education Courses.

Additionally, a semi-structured (evaluation) survey in every XU-SOE QRES session shall be floated online through google
forms. The participants who attended the session are highly encouraged to answer the survey within that day for their
feedback and suggestions to improve their experience during the online review sessions.

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