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One day in a life on the streets

TiP ToP: Time Place Topic Person

Simple plan:
Start with some action, then pause all the action and ask “how did I get here?” then, explain the whole
story (which should be short). Then, make the protagonist continue the story by rising action/tension,
then end it all with a cliffhanger.

Protagonist (Adam Borough): Homeless person who is chosen by the MI6 to go on a mission.
Antagonist (John Cowell): An evil person who wants to destroy the country by flooding it, but he
pretends to be good.
MI6 leader (Richard Moore): Nobody knows his name

On the streets (protagonist’s home is next to a park fence)
Antagonist’s fake company (in the city)
Antagonist’s secret base (underwater)
MI6 secret base

Hook ->A chase scene, where the protagonist is chased by the antagonist.

Rising action/tension ->Something happens to the protagonist/near the protagonist.

Establish characters + setting + details ->The story is that Adam Borough was once a homeless person,
but then suddenly got kidnapped by two strange people. He ends up in the MI6 secret base, and is asked
to go on a mission. He refuses, but when they offered him things he needs, such as food, water, money,
and a place to live, he decides to say yes. He goes on a mission to steal some information from John
Cowell, who is running a company (WatFresh) that is trying to flood the town. He ends up in this chase
scene, which then he escapes, and then the flashback finishes.

Rising action/tension ->Then, he goes on a new mission to enter the underwater base and is planning to
destroy it by exploding it. He disguised himself as a scuba diver and dived into the base.

Climax ->The scuba diver is caught instantly, and is knocked out. When he wakes up, he is tied to a chair.
They interview him, and find out that he works for MI6. They keep him trapped, and he finds out that
destroying the base itself would be the cause of the tsunami. He hears, “T-Minus 1 minute to explosion.”

Adjustment ->He remembers that he has a special tool he got from the MI6 lab, which is acid disguised
as bubble gum He uses it to escape. He leaves the place and enters the beach.

Resolution (cliffhanger) -> Then a huge explosion happens underwater, and a tsunami begins to rise.

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