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Human evolution refers to the
biological and cultural development of
the human species from its earliest
origins to the present day. It is the
study of how humans have evolved
physically, intellectually, and culturally
over time.
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The changes that a species undergoes is
called evolution. Evolution is a result of the
complex interplay between genetic variation,
natural selection, and environmental factors,
and it is the process by which species adapt
and change over time.
Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection proposed that individual organisms

with advantageous traits were more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on

those traits to their offspring. Over time, these advantageous traits became more

common in a population, leading to the evolution of new species. Darwin's theory

also explained the similarities between different species, suggesting that they had

evolved from a common ancestor.


This is the most common type of evolution wherein two

species gradually produce different characteristics from its
parents. Divergent evolution occurs when two or more
populations of a species become isolated from each other
and are exposed to different selective pressures, resulting
in the development of distinct characteristics and the
formation of new species over time.
This takes place when different parents/ancestors
produce offspring that display the same similar
traits due to a shared environment. Convergent
evolution is a type of evolution in which two or
more unrelated species develop similar
characteristics or adaptations in response to
similar selective pressures or ecological niches.
This type of evolution occurs when species
evolves into different independent species
in spite of moving in the same habitat or
sharing the same parent characteristics.
Parallel evolution is a type of evolution in
which two or more unrelated species
independently develop similar
characteristics or adaptations as a result of
being exposed to similar selective
pressures or ecological niches.
Speciation refers to the process by which new
species arise from existing ones. It occurs when a
population of organisms becomes isolated from
the rest of its species, and over time, it evolves
distinct genetic and physical characteristics that
set it apart from the original population.


ALLOPATRIC Allopatric speciation is a type of
speciation that occurs when a
SPECIATION population of organisms becomes
geographically isolated from the
rest of its species and evolves
independently. Geographic
isolation can occur due to a
variety of factors, such as the
formation of a new physical
barrier, the migration of a small
group of individuals to a new
location, or a catastrophic event
that splits a population into two or
more isolated groups.
Parapatric Speciation
Parapatric speciation is a type of
speciation that occurs when a
population of organisms is not fully
geographically isolated, but instead
occupies a continuous range that
includes two or more different
ecological niches or environments. In
parapatric speciation, gene flow
between adjacent populations may be
reduced due to environmental gradients
or other factors that create differences
in selective pressures or reproductive
barriers between the populations.
Peripatric Speciation
Peripatric speciation is a type
of speciation that occurs
when a small group of
individuals from a larger
population become isolated
and form a new population in a
new geographic location. The
new population may
experience different selective
pressures and environmental
conditions than the original
population, leading to the
accumulation of genetic
differences over time.
Sympatric speciation is a
type of speciation that
occurs when a new species
forms within the same
geographic range as its
parent species, without any
physical or geographic
barriers to gene flow. In
sympatric speciation,
reproductive isolation
arises due to factors such
as polyploidy, habitat
differentiation, or sexual
Artificial selection is the
process by which humans
selectively breed plants or
animals to enhance or change
certain desirable traits. This
process involves choosing
individuals with desirable traits,
such as size, color, or behavior,
and allowing them to mate with
each other to produce offspring
with the same desired traits.

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