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Activity A. Determine your core values.

From the list below, choose and encircle down every

core value that resonates with you especially in relation with others such as your family, friends,
professors, future learners, etc. Do not over think your selections. As you read through the list,
simply encircle down the words that you feel like a core value to your personality.
• Abundance • Enthusiasm • Fairness
• Acceptance • Ethics • Family
• Accountability • Excellence • Friendships
• Achievement • Boldness • Flexibility
• Advancement • Brilliance • Freedom
• Adventure • Calmness • Generosity
• Appreciation • Caring • Happiness
• Autonomy • Challenge • Health
• Balance • Charity • Honesty
• Being the best • Cheerfulness • Humor
• Benevolence • Community • Kindness
• Daring • Commitment • Peace
• Decisiveness • Compassion • Knowledge
• Dedication • Cooperation • Perfection
• Dependability • Collaboration • Leadership
• Diversity • Courtesy • Learning
• Empathy • Credibility • Popularity
• Encouragement • Expressiveness • Power
• Intelligence • Inspiration • Love
• Stability • Recognition • Preparedness
• Zeal • Trustworthiness • Loyalty
• Inclusiveness • Relationships • Punctuality
• Innovation • Understanding • Making a difference
• Warmth • Resilience • Self-control
• Security • Uniqueness • Mindfulness
• Wealth • Respect • Selflessness
• Service • Usefulness • Motivation
• Well-being • Responsibility • Stability
• Spirituality • Versatility • Optimism
• Wisdom • Vision • Success
• Thoughtfulness • Risk Taking • Passion
• Quality • Thankfulness • Teamwork
• Traditionalism • Proactive • Professionalism
• Safety

Activity B. Based on the list you made, group all similar values together from the list of values
you just created. Group them in a way that makes sense to you personally. There is no need to
label the groups. Create a minimum of three and a maximum of five groupings.

o Family  Balance  Acceptance

 Encouragement  Dedication  Adventure
 Warmth  Zeal  Spiritually
 Quality  Wisdom  Thoughtfulness
 Caring  Excellence  Enthusiasm
 Cheerfulness  Commitment  Calmness
 Expressiveness  Resilience  Uniqueness
 Inspiration  Proactive  Respect
 Trustworthiness  Courtesy  Usefulness
 Relationships  Flexibility  Responsibility
 Understanding  Learning  Vision
 Love  Knowledge  Risk-taking
 Loyalty  Making a difference  Thankfulness
 Motivation  Success  Fairness
 Passion  Friendships
 Professionalism  Happiness
 Health
 Honesty
 Humor
 Peace
 Self-Control

Activity C. Choose and encircle one word within each grouping that best represents the label for
the entire group. Again, do not overthink your labels. There are no right or wrong answers. You
are defining the answer that is right for you.
o Family  Balance  Acceptance
 Encouragement  Dedication  Adventure
 Warmth  Zeal  Spiritually
 Quality  Wisdom  Thoughtfulness
 Caring  Excellence  Enthusiasm
 Cheerfulness  Commitment  Calmness
 Expressiveness  Resilience  Uniqueness
 Inspiration  Proactive  Respect
 Trustworthiness  Courtesy  Usefulness
 Relationships  Flexibility  Responsibility
 Understanding  Learning  Vision
 Love  Knowledge  Risk-taking
 Loyalty  Making a  Thankfulness
 Motivation difference  Fairness
 Success  Friendships
 Passion  Happiness
 Professionalism  Health
 Honesty
 Humor
 Peace
 Self-Control

Activity D. Answer the following questions based from the Activities A, B, and C.
1. What are the top three or five values that were identified from this exercise?
Dedication, Peace, Making a difference, Happiness and Success
2. Why are these values important to you?
For me this are my top values first is dedication for me it is my top because right now I am very
dedicated to achieve my goals. Second is peace, so adulating hits me that I need peace more than
anything to avoid stress and anxiety. Third is making a difference right now I want to be the best
version of myself that why I need to change my ways, take action and improve myself. Next is
Happiness even though life is hard lately I always choose happiness in my family and with my
studies because life is too short to be sad. Lastly is Success with all this values that I attain I
know someday it will lead me to success.
3. What factors contributed to the choosing and prizing of these values?
In choosing and prizing of these values it influence by my family, culture, society, environment,
religious belief.

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