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1 You add when you have to find the total or sum. E.g.: You have 5 apples & bought 3 more, how many total apples do you have?
Multiple ways to do this,
Method 1: = number1 + number2 + number3
Method 2: ƩAuto sum (Use from Editing ribbon under Home Tab)
Method 3: =Sum(Cell range)

2 Exercise Find the sum of the number sets below

Set 1 5 3 2
Find sum in F9, use method 1

Set 2 Rama wrote her board exams, marks in each subject are given below. Find total marks she scored. Use Method 3
Math 78
English 86 Points to remember
Social 84
Science 83 - All formulae must start with "="
- You can revisit 'Range' in Lesson 2
Sanskrit 95
Telugu 81
Find sum in D23, use method 3
Subtraction, Multiplication, Division
1 Subtraction: When you want to find the difference between two numbers, how much one number is more than
Difference between A & B: =A-B
Multiplication: When you add one number repeatedly. For example adding 5 three times 5+5+5 is similar to multi
price = 2+2+...15 times or 2multiplied by 15
Symbolized as =A*B i.e. =2*15
Division: The reverse of multiplication, it breaks a total into parts. If there are 25 books to be divided equally amo
Symbolized as =A/B i.e. =25/5

2 Exercise By how much is 25 more than 13

25 13
Find the answer in F11

What is the difference between 8675 and 2397

Find the answer in C15

What is the product of (multiplication) of 235 & 9317

Find the answer in C18

The unit price of ABC shares is Rs. 42.5. If I want to buy 123 shares, how much money do I need?
Find the answer in C21

What is 1279 divided by 13?

Find the answer in C24, show only 2 decimals

The total amount paid by Tanvi for 37 party hats is Rs. 7435. How much does each hat cost?
Find the answer in C27, show only 2 decimals
one number is more than another

es 5+5+5 is similar to multiplying 5 with three. Example, unit price of a pencil is Rs. 2, if I buy 15, total

to be divided equally among 5 people, you divide 25 by 5

Points to remember

- All formulae must start with "="

or "+"

h money do I need?

Points to remember

You can review lesson 3 if you

forgot how to change decimals
s each hat cost?
Subject Vijay Vineet
Math 23 24
English 17 16
Science 27 28
Social 26 25

Q1. Find the total marks Vijay & Vineet scored in all exams in B7 & C7 respectively
Q2. How much more did Vijay score than Vineet in Math, find in cell D3
Q3. What is the total marks scored by Vijay & Vineet in English, find in H4
Q4. What is the difference between Vijay's & Vineet's scores in Social. Find in D6
Part 1
Tom & his friend John went to a stationary, Tom made a few purchases for his company Q1. Cell D2 should have 'Total' written
Items Unit Price Quantity Q2. In cells D3:D10, find total price for each item (g
Pencil 13.5 7 Q3. In cell D11 find the total amount to be paid by
Q4. In E5 find how much one book costs more than
Pen 5 12 Q5. In E10 find how much more one binder costs th
Book 27.3 17 Q6. If John's friend Tom paid Rs. 29.75 for erasers. H
Eraser 1.75 27
Ruler 3.5 23
File 16 15 Part 2
Stapler 21 53 Q1. All column headers must be in Bold
Q2. Change font of A3:A10 to 'Times New Roman'
Binders 37.3 26 Q3. Highlight all your answers in Yellow (cell color t
Q4. Insert a table for A2:D10
Q5. Insert a row above Row2 i.e. row contains Item
Q6. In this new row, merge & center the range A2:D

have 'Total' written
0, find total price for each item (given the unit price)
d the total amount to be paid by Tom (use AutoSum)
much one book costs more than one File
w much more one binder costs than one pencil
d Tom paid Rs. 29.75 for erasers. How many did he buy? Find in H6

aders must be in Bold

f A3:A10 to 'Times New Roman'
our answers in Yellow (cell color to yellow)
for A2:D10
bove Row2 i.e. row contains Items, Unit Price & Quantity)
w, merge & center the range A2:D2, write "Stationary for Tom"

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