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‘Why we travel’ - Pico lyer finds travelling as a

Beauty. He believes that people travel for learning
about the world and also open our hearths and eyes
to see things as a beauty. He then mentions people’s
forgiveness about the difference between ‘travel’ and
‘travail’. Travel is that sense which guides us
towards a better balance of wisdom and compassion.
He gives some examples of places like when we go
to North Korea , we feel like we have landed on a
different planet  and North Koreans doubtless feel
they have been visited by extra terrestrial.

Travelling for Pico lyer enables to bring new eyes to

the people with whom you might encounter with.
Pico lyer travels in search of an innocent eye that can
return him to a more innocent self. 
Travelling is just a quick way to keeing our minds
mobile and awake and learn new things which
surrounds us ..
It enable us to get to a better understanding of
ourselves, and understand the people and the cultural
variances and places

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