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Trees, Forests and People 4 (2021) 100076

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Flight activity and spread of Xylosandrus crassiusculus (Motschulsky)

(Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Brazil
Luana de Souza Covre a, Adriano Arrué Melo b, Carlos Alberto Hector Flechtmann a,∗
Department of Plant Protection, FEIS/UNESP Ilha Solteira, São Paulo, Brazil
Department of Health Defense, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: The granulate ambrosia beetle (GAB) Xylosandrus crassiusculus is a polyphagous species with a worldwide distri-
Seasonality bution. The species is considered a serious pest in nursery, landscape and ornamental trees, and fruit orchards.
Voltinism The first specimens reported for Brazil were found along the coastal region in 2012. We report here the spread
inland of GAB based on ethanol-baited flight intercept trap surveys throughout the country. It is now present in
Ambrosia beetle
regions where orchards of several fruit tree species are planted, many of them known hosts of GAB. In this article,
Flight height
we also provide the first information on its flight activity in a subtropical climate in South America. In Barra do
Ribeiro, state of Rio Grande do Sul (southernmost state), GAB showed two flight peaks, both in the warmest
months of the year, while in Rio Branco, state of Acre (northern state), there were no clear peaks; these results
indicate that GAB is multivoltine in both localities. In vertical stratification studies in Tartarugalzinho, northern
state of Amapá, while GAB flew at up to 8 m high, flight was concentrated at ground level.

1. Introduction Premnobius cavipennis Eichhoff, 1878 and Scolytus rugulosus (Müller,

1818), for example, were “older introductions”- introduced in the first
Man has been responsible for disseminating insect species into new half of the 20th century or even before (Wood 1982). However, a num-
localities ever since crops and animals were introduced into new geo- ber of species were reported fairly recently, such as Amasa ‘truncata’
graphical areas (Morstatt 1941). However, the tremendous increase in (Erichson, 1842), Cyrtogenius luteus (Blandford, 1894), and Xylosan-
world trade in the last decades, coupled with difficulties in sampling drus crassiusculus (Motschulsky, 1866) (Flechtmann & Cognato 2011;
imported commodities, has led to a significant increase in the intro- Flechtmann & Atkinson 2016; Flechtmann & Atkinson 2018).
duction of exotic species (Campbell 2001; Work et al. 2005). Many The granulate ambrosia beetle (GAB), X. crassiusculus, was de-
of these exotic species may threaten the native biodiversity by inter- scribed from Sri Lanka, southern Asia (Motschulsky 1866), and is
rupting ecological processes, while a number of them can become im- native to the Oriental region. It has spread worldwide, to North
portant pests (Vitousek et al. 1997; Mack et al. 2000; Roques 2010; (Anderson 1974; Douglas et al. 2013), Central (Kirkendall & Øde-
Liebhold et al. 2017). gaard 2007; Flechtmann & Atkinson 2016; EPPO, 2020) and South
Wooden articles pose a high risk for carrying invasive organisms, America (Flechtmann & Atkinson 2016; Landi et al. 2017; Córdoba
mainly beetles (Campbell 2001; Haack 2006; Meurisse et al. 2019). Al- & Atkinson 2018; Kirkendall 2018), Europe (Pennacchio et al. 2003;
though Brazil is among the largest world wood exporters (Bandara & Nageleisen et al. 2015; Gallego et al. 2017; Kavčič 2018), Africa
Vlosky 2012; ITTO 2019), it has not been spared from the introduction (Schedl 1962; Browne 1963; Wood & Bright 1992; EPPO, 2020;
of exotic beetle species. The main reason is that many of the imported Nel et al. 2020) and Oceania (Brockerhoff et al. 2003; EPPO,
goods use boxes, pallets and other packaging material which is gener- 2020).
ally of low quality and that carries insects within it (Campbell 2001; Xylosandrus crassiusculus is a polyphagous species; more than 200
Haack 2006; Brockerhoff & Liebhold 2017). species of trees and shrubs, in over 60 families, are known as hosts
Many non-indigenous ambrosia and bark beetles (Coleoptera: Cur- (Schedl 1962; Wood & Bright 1992). This species is considered a serious
culionidae: Scolytinae) have been introduced through commercial for- pest in nursery, landscape, ornamental trees, young forest plantations,
eign trade in Brazil. The coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Fer- and fruit orchards (Browne 1963; Mizell et al. 1994; Fulcher et al. 2012;
rari, 1867), the mango bark beetle, Cryphalus mangiferae Stebbing, 1914, Ranger et al. 2016; EPPO, 2020).

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (L.d.S. Covre), (A.A. Melo), (C.A.H. Flechtmann).
Received 7 January 2021; Received in revised form 23 February 2021; Accepted 24 February 2021
Available online 27 February 2021
2666-7193/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
L.d.S. Covre, A.A. Melo and C.A.H. Flechtmann Trees, Forests and People 4 (2021) 100076

We report here the spread of X. crassiusculus in Brazil after its original 3. Results
detection in coastal areas of the country, and provide the first informa-
tion on its flight activity in a subtropical climate in South America. 3.1. New records

ACRE: Rio Branco, Parque Zoobotânico da Universidade Federal do

2. Materials and methods
Acre, bamboo-suppressed open ombrophilous forest (open terra firme
forest), 9°56′57.93"S 67°52′12.29"W, ethanol-baited FIT, 12-V-2020, 19-
2.1. New Xylosandrus crassiusculus records in Brazil
VI-2020, 3-VII-2020, 5-VIII-2020, 14-III-2020, F.W.S. Silva (MEFEIS,
20); same except open ombrophilous forest (open terra firme forest)
For over two decades one of the junior authors (CAHF, alone or
with palms, 9°57′00.30′’S 67°52′45.14′’W, ethanol-baited FIT, 17-IV-
with collaborators) has been collecting bark and ambrosia beetles (Cur-
2020,30-VII-2020 (MEFEIS, 4).
culionidae, Scolytinae) throughout Brazil, with ethanol-baited traps, in
AMAPÁ: Tartarugalzinho, Retiro Paraíba, terra firme om-
various vegetation types. This ongoing study is entitled “Nationwide
brophilous forest fragment, 1°07′30.5′’N 51°18′32.5′’W, 2-m high
Survey of Brazilian Bark and Ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera, Curculion-
ethanol-baited FIT, 12-XI-2016, 1-IV-2017, 4-VIII-2018, W.R. Silva
idae, Scolytinae and Platypodinae)” (NWS for short). General method-
(MEFEIS, 3); same except 6-m high ethanol-baited FIT, 25-VII-
ology information regarding trap type, lure, trapping frequency and re-
2015 (MEFEIS, 1); same except 8-m high, 24-XII-2016, 7-I-2017
lated information employed at the NWS are as described below. The
(MEFEIS, 2).
vast majority of the new records reported here originated from the
ESPÍRITO SANTO: Venda Nova do Imigrante, Fazenda Alto Viçosa,
Pinus elliottii stand planted Sep 2000, 20°24′59.9"S 41°07′07.4"W,
We superimposed these new localities with maps showing the coun-
ethanol-baited FIT, 30-XI-2016, 7-XII-2016, 15-II-2017, 21-IV-2017, 26-
try distribution of (1) avocado (Persea americana Mill.) orchards and (2)
IV-2017, 01-VI-2017, 7-VI-2017, 17-XI-2017, D.S. Martins (MEFEIS, 8).
orchards of the temperate crops Japanese persimmon (Diospyros kaki
GOIÁS: Aporé, Fazenda Barra, stand of a hybrid of Euca-
L.f.) and various species of Rosaceae (apple (Malus domestica Borkh.),
lyptus grandis x E. urophylla planted Feb 2011, 19°4′51.50"S
nectarine (Prunus persica (L.) var. nucipersica (Suckow.)), peach (Prunus
51°44′17.90"W, ethanol-baited FIT, 24-IX-2018, A.C. Menis
persica (L.)), pear (Pyrus communis L.) and plum (Prunus domestica L.)).
(MEFEIS, 3).
We chose these orchards based on reports from the literature that GAB
PARÁ: Paragominas, Mineração Paragominas - Norsk Hydro, post-
attacks these fruit tree species (Fraser 2014; CAB International, 2020;
mining reforested area, 3°13′36.94"S 47°43′14.93"W, yellow tray, 8-V-
DEFRA 2020; EPPO, 2020), and hence might become a pest of them in
2018, 3-VI-2018, F.R.A. Almeida (MEFEIS, 2); Santa Isabel do Pará, So-
coco Agroindústrias da Amazônia, Cocos nucifera var. anão-verde stand
planted 2012, 1°13′14.62"S 48° 5′38.78"W, pitall trap with ethanol, IV-
2.2. Xylosandrus crassiusculus flight and seasonality 2018, L.L.B. Carvalho (MEFEIS, 3); same except riparian forest fragment,
1°13′44.80"S 48°3′6.66"W, IV-2018 (MEFEIS, 1).
Study sites were a stand of Eucalyptus saligna Smith planted in May RIO GRANDE DO SUL: Barra do Ribeiro, CMPC Celulose Ri-
2013 (30°22′56.46"S 51°8′6.15"W) and a semideciduous seasonal forest ograndense, Eucalyptus saligna stand planted May 2013, 30°22′56.46"S
fragment (30°25′45.37"S 51°8′28.84"W), both as part of the Horto Flore- 51°8′6.15"W, ethanol-baited FIT, 17-VIII-2018, 21-VIII-2018, 24-IX-
stal Barba Negra, owned by CMPC Celulose Riograndense, and located 2018, 1-X-2018, 12-XI-2018, 3-XII-2018, 2-I-2019, 4-II-2019, 15-
in Barra do Ribeiro, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. IV-2019 A.A. Melo (MEFEIS, 13); Pinheiro Machado, Fazenda
As established in the NWS protocol, in the center of each site we Guarda Velha, Olea europaea stand planted Oct2010, 31°29′58.70"S
deployed five flight intercept traps (modified from Berti Filho & Flecht- 53°30′31.50"W, ethanol-baited FIT, 14-II-2019, T. Scheunemann
mann 1986), placed at 1.5 m above ground and 25 m apart in a single (MEFEIS, 1).
transect. Ethanol concentration was 96%, and its release rate was 870 SÃO PAULO: Garça, Fazenda Enseada, ex trunk of diseased/dying
mg/d at 20°C. The trapping frequency was weekly from 2 July 2018 un- Khaya senegalensis planted Mar 2014, 22°15′38.58"S 49°40′41.40"W, 07-
til 24 June 2019, equalling 52 trapping weeks. Voucher specimens are VI-2018, L.A. Benso (MEFEIS, 1).
deposited in the Museu de Entomologia da FEIS/UNESP (MEFEIS), Ilha Except for the record for São Paulo, all others were obtained through
Solteira, state of São Paulo, Brazil. the NWS study.
Daily air temperature (maximum, minimum and mean), mean air
relative humidity and rainfall were obtained from the Meteorological
Station "Viveiro" (30°20′34.18"S 51°14′49.42"W), owned by CMPC, and 3.2. Flight and seasonal variation
distant less than 14 km from the sampling sites.
In most regions of Brazil, the seasons can be classified into two peri- Values for maximum (F1,49 = 19.74, P < 0.0001), minimum
ods, a “hot season”, with higher temperatures, normally associated with (F1,49 = 18.37, P < 0.0001) and mean (F1,49 = 21.75, P < 0.0001) air
more rainfall, and a “cold season”, with colder temperatures and usually temperatures, plus air relative humidity (F1,49 = 23.42, P < 0.0001),
less precipitation (Flechtmann et al. 1995). Here we divided the collect- were significantly higher during the “hot season” when compared to
ing period into a “hot season”, comprehending the period between 31 the “cold season”, while for rainfall there were no statistically dif-
Aug 2018 until 18 Mar 2019, and the remaining period into a “cold sea- ferences between “seasons” (F1,49 = 0.06, P = 0.8049). These results
son”. Meteorological values and GAB catches were compared between legitimate the division of the trapping period into “hot” and “cold”
“seasons” using generalized linear models (Proc GLM) and treatment seasons.
means were separated by the Tukey test ( SAS Institute, 1990). GAB was trapped significantly more often in Barra do Ribeiro during
Additional collecting sites from which data were here used and dis- the “hot season” than during the “cold season” (F1,259 = 20.90, P <
cussed were Aporé (state of Goiás), Garça (state of São Paulo), Paragomi- 0.0001). The first peak of GAB coincided with rising air temperatures
nas, Santa Isabel do Pará (state of Pará), Pinheiro Machado (state of Rio in mid-September. This small peak was followed by a much higher peak
Grande do Sul), Rio Branco (state of Acre), Tartarugalzinho (state of that matched a period after rainfall receded, and lasted for five weeks,
Amapá) and Venda Nova do Imigrante (state of Espírito Santo). Collect- from early November until the beginning of December. Outside these
ing periods analized for each locality were Sep2018-Dec2019, Aug2017- two peak periods, trapping numbers were equal to or smaller than two
Aug2018, May2018, Aug2017-May2018, Oct2019-Aug2020, Apr2014- individuals per week, and no beetles were collected in the winter months
Oct2018 and Oct2016-Nov2017, respectively. of May through July (Fig. 1).

L.d.S. Covre, A.A. Melo and C.A.H. Flechtmann Trees, Forests and People 4 (2021) 100076

Fig. 1. Weekly values of mean temperature (maximum, average, minimum), relative humidity and rainfall, and sum of Xylosandrus crassiusculus catches in ethanol-
baited flight intercept traps in an Eucalyptus saligna stand. Barra do Ribeiro, Rio Grande do Sul state - Brazil, 2 July 2018 until 24 June 2019.

4. Discussion when we collected the first specimen, because we were trapping inten-
sively in this locality with the same trap and lure since April 2014. Be-
The first records of GAB in Brazil were limited to the coastal area cause this region is characterized as sparsely inhabited and dominated
of the country, near ports of entry (Flechtmann & Atkinson 2016). The by the Amazon rainforest, both its natural and human-aided spread
wide span among these reported localities suggest there might have been would be expected to be slow. Hence, it is possible that GAB was es-
multiple introductions (Fig. 2). tablished in Macapá, only 120 km from Tartarugalzinho, at an earlier
It is possible that GAB was introduced in Pará through Belém, date than 2014, when it was first reported there (Flechtmann & Atkin-
which has a large port, and from there spread ca. 40 km to Santa Is- son 2016).
abel to Pará, and further south to Paragominas, over 200 km from the In Barra do Ribeiro, it seems that GAB is well established - 177 spec-
coast. imens were trapped in a stand of Eucalyptus saligna. It might well be
It is clear that GAB spread quickly inland. In as little as five years, it that this beetle spread from Rivera in Uruguay, where it was reported
spread ca. 400 km into Espírito Santo, and distances exceeding 800 km in 2013 (Landi et al. 2017), to Rio Grande do Sul - Rivera is distant ca.
into Goiás, if Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo localities, respectively, are 400 km from Barra do Ribeiro and only 180 km from Pinheiro Machado.
used as initial reference points. We are not sure how X. crassiusculus spread to Acre. This locality
It is very difficult to ascertain the precise date a given species is in- is within and surrounded by the Amazon forest, and possibly it was
troduced into a specific region (Haack & Rabaglia 2013). However, for introduced from neighboring Peru, even though the species was not yet
Amapá we are certain that GAB reached Tartarugalzinho only in 2015, reported in that country (Smith et al. 2017).

L.d.S. Covre, A.A. Melo and C.A.H. Flechtmann Trees, Forests and People 4 (2021) 100076

Fig. 2. Occurrence of Xylosandrus crassiusculus

and distribution of area planted with avocado
orchards (Persea americana Mill.) in Brazil.

Even though GAB is able to colonize natural forests (Maetô shrubby species in the eucalypt understory instead, if this were the case,
et al. 1999; Kirkendall & Ødegaard 2007; Ulyshen & Sheehan 2019; then it should have been trapped in the native surrounding vegetation
Sanguansub et al. 2020), as shown here in Acre and Amapá (Fig. 2), this in both of these stands.
was not proved to be the case in Aporé and in Barra do Ribeiro. While We report for the first time GAB attacking the trunk of a dis-
in those localities GAB was trapped in eucalypt stands, no specimens eased/dying Khaya senegalensis (Desr.) tree. The species has already
were trapped in the riparian forest and cerrado (savannah-like vegeta- been reported attacking several Meliaceae species, including Khaya
tion) fragments in Aporé (C.A.H. Flechtmann et al., unpublished data), grandifoliola C. DC. in Nigeria (Roberts 1969) and Khaya ivorensis A.
and in the nearby semideciduous seasonal forest fragment in Barra do Chev. in Ghana (Browne 1963).
Ribeiro. There is no good explanation for this fact, especially consid- It is worth noting that GAB already occurs in both the N-S latitu-
ering that GAB is a highly polyphagous species (Schedl 1962; Wood & dinal and E-W longitudinal frontiers of Brazil. This is a clear indica-
Bright 1992; EPPO, 2020). tion that this ambrosia beetle has faced no climatic local constraints,
GAB was already reported attacking several Eucalyptus species so it is expected to spread through the vast majority of the coun-
(International 2020; DEFRA 2020; EPPO, 2020), which might explain try. Considering the speed of the spread, based on data from their
trappings of this species in eucalypt stands in Aporé and Barra do initial reports (Flechtmann & Atkinson 2016), we believe that within
Ribeiro. Even though it would be possible that GAB was developing in 20 to 30 years GAB should be distributed throughout the country.

L.d.S. Covre, A.A. Melo and C.A.H. Flechtmann Trees, Forests and People 4 (2021) 100076

Fig. 3. Occurrence of Xylosandrus crassiusculus and distribution of area planted with the temperate crops Japanese persimmon (Diospyros kaki L.f.) plus Rosaceae
orchards in Brazil.

Perhaps only the semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil, also known Another factor that might have influenced trapping would be the
as caatinga, and characterized by extremely dry conditions (Daly & height of the trap above ground. We set our traps at 1.5 m above ground
Mitchell 2000), could pose a challenge to colonization by this invading in our NWS sites; from experience, we know that in Brazil most Scolyti-
species. nae species fly somewhat close to the ground. From the literature, even
The currently known distribution of GAB matches some of the lo- though GAB is known to be able to fly up to 20 m high (Maetô et al. 1999;
calities where avocado (Fig. 2) and persimmon + rosaceous fruit tree Miller et al. 2020), it is more frequently trapped close to the ground,
orchards (Fig. 3) are planted in Brazil. Considering GAB will likely be from 0.3 m to 0.8 m (Maetô et al. 1999; Miller et al. 2020; Ulyshen &
present in the majority of the country, a larger number of already (and Sheehan 2019) or even up to 1.7 m (Reding et al. 2010). In Macapá, state
potentially new) host plants will be exposed to colonization by the bee- of Amapá, we set traps every two meters from ground level up to 18 m,
tle, and it has the potential to become a pest in a few or even several in a vertical stratification experiment (C.A.H Flechtmann et al., unpub-
fruit orchard species and ornamental trees, as indicated in the literature lished data). GAB was trapped up to 8-m high traps (same maximum
(see “Introduction”). height where we trapped GAB in Tartarugalzinho, Amapá). However,
There are a few factors that could have influenced the efficacy of 58% of the specimens were trapped in ground level traps, and another
detecting GAB in Brazil, including the attractant used and its release 23% of them in 2-m high traps. These results match with the literature,
rate. Ethanol was used as a lure in our experiments. From the liter- and it seems that our 1.5-m high traps in our NWS experiments were in
ature, it is clear that GAB is attracted to this kairomone. There must the predominant range of GAB flight height.
be an optimal – and yet unknown - release rate which is most at- Our classification of the collecting period in Barra do Ribeiro into
tractive to this species. However, it seems that ethanol is attractive two seasons matched long series of recorded temperature and rainfall
to GAB over a surprisingly wide range of release rates. In some ar- data found in the literature (Britto et al. 2008; Diniz et al. 2018). Con-
ticles, the reported release rates were on the lower part of the spec- sidering that rainfall is fairly homogeneous throughout the year, it is
trum (7 – 16 mg/d) (Werle et al. 2012; Burbano and Wright, 2012), reasonable to assume that temperature was the main factor involved in
some others can be placed at intermediate levels (65 – 300 mg/d) observed numbers of trapped GAB (Fig. 1). It seems that GAB behaves
(Reding et al. 2013; Miller et al. 2018; Rabaglia et al. 2020), while the in this locality the same way as in southern United States and in Italy,
majority were on the higher end of the range (500–1140 mg/d) (Oliver & where peaks in flight activity are temperature-influenced and are ob-
Mannion 2001; Miller & Rabaglia 2009; LaBonte 2010; Coyle et al. 2015; served in warmer months (Cote 2008; Labonte 2010; Reding et al. 2010;
Miller et al. 2020). We avoided here using the term ‘ultra high re- Reding et al. 2013; Rassati et al. 2016; Williams & Ginzel 2019).
lease rate’ due to the fact it is loosely used, covering a range from We had ethanol-baited traps out in the field also in Rio Branco, state
300 mg/d to 1000 mg/d (Oliver & Mannion 2001; LaBonte 2010; of Acre, northern Brazil, in the Amazon forest domain. In this local-
Rabaglia et al. 2020). Perhaps the authors were influenced by how the ity average monthly, average temperatures never drop below 23°C and
company where they purchase the lures classify them. The release rate it rains throughout the whole year (Duarte 2006). We trapped GAB
in our experiments was at the higher end of the spectrum, which might specimens from March through August 2020, but no clear peak was
have helped in avoiding under-collecting GAB when present in small observed (C.A.H Flechtmann et al., unpublished data). This might in-
numbers in a particular locality. dicate that GAB faces no temperature and rainfall constraints in this

L.d.S. Covre, A.A. Melo and C.A.H. Flechtmann Trees, Forests and People 4 (2021) 100076

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regions, where it might inflict economic damage, among other possible Flechtmann, CAH, Cognato, AI., 2011. First report of Amasa truncata (Erichson)
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CAHF would like to thank the NWS partners Wilson R. Silva Haack, RA, Rabaglia, RJ, 2013. Exotic bark and ambrosia beetles in the USA: Potential and
(Amapá), Farley W.S. Silva (Acre), David S. Martins (Espírito Santo), current invaders. In: Peña, J.E. (Ed.), Potential Invasive pests of Agricultural Crops.
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(Pará), Tiago Scheunemann and Dori E. Nava (Rio Grande do Sul) and International Tropical Timber Organization
Lucas A. Benso (São Paulo) for assistance with the trappings, André R. Kavčič, A., 2018. First record of the Asian ambrosia beetle, Xylosandrus crassiusculus
(Motschulsky) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae), in Slovenia. Zootaxa 4483,
Farias (EMBRAPA Territorial) for putting together and providing the
shapefiles, to Silvia Y. Tanabe and Nathalia M.L. Silva for assistance Kirkendall, LR., 2018. Invasive bark beetles (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae) in
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