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1. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the present simple or
present continuous 1. Please be quiet. I ..(try) to read the paper. 2. This is a very quiet town. Where . (people/go) in the evenings? 3. I. (work) in a factory until I can find a better job. 4. What (you/do) with all that paper and glue? 5. I .. (not/use) the computer at the moment so you can use 6. .. (Karen and John/ever/write) to you? 7. I. (not/like) getting up in the morning.

2. Complete the sentences with (a) few (of), (a) little (of), the few, or the


1. Although the play is set in Italy the characters are Italian.

2 .Jim, Bill, Sue and Gill were just.. those who came to say goodbye.
3. I saw him first after midnight.

4. Unfortunately, much of the early history of Zimbabwe is still unknown. For example, we know about the early patterns of settlement.
5.Because it was cheap, and we didn't have much money, .

us used to go to the cinema every Saturday morning. 6. It will take. time, but I'm sure you'll learn the rules of cricket eventually.
7. Stephen and.. his friends were waiting for us in the park.

3. Put the adjectives in brackets in these sentences in the most appropriate order.

1 Mine's the. car. (blue, Japanese, small) 2 I rent a(n) house, (furnished, large, old) 3 I've just bought a.. table, (beautiful, coffee, wooden) 4 Their .forces soon overcame the invasion, (combined, military, powerful) 5 Have you seen this invention? (fantastic, German, new)

4. Choose a verb with either the present perfect or past simple for these sentences.
agree appear continue disappear move reach show solve write

1 Research that cycling can help patients overcome their illnesses. 2 The rabbit just in my garden one day last week. 3 With this promotion, I feel that I.. a turning point in my career. 4 Oh, no! My car.. ! 5 Quite early in the negotiations, they.. to lower the prices. 6 In 1788 he.. his last great work in Vienna.

7 There's not much more to do, now that we. the main problem. 8 Throughout the summer of 1980 Malcolm to divide his time between London and New York. 9 When he was 13, his parents. to the United States. 5. Complete these sentences using the verb given. If possible, use the present perfect continuous; if not, use the present perfect.

1 Since they were very young, the children.(enjoy) travelling by plane. 2 It .(snow) heavily since this morning. 3 I'm pleased to say that the team.. (play) well all season. 4 I never (understand) why we have to pay so much tax. 5 I (not read) any of Dickens' novels.

6 Choose a verb that can complete both sentences in the pair. Use future
simple (will/won't) in one sentence and the future continuous(will be wont be ) in the other. try open tell go

1 a Matsuki .their first factory in Europe next year. b Here, give me the bottle. I it for you. 2 a Keno.. to win his third gold medal in the next Olympics. b I.. to get over to see you, but I've got a very busy weekend coming up.

a Sam .to the dentist. He simply refuses to make an

appointment. b I. to the party, I'm afraid; I have to be in Spain that weekend. 4 a 'How old is he?' 'I've no idea, but I'm sure he you if you ask him.' b In this programme I you how to cook duck in a lemon sauce.

7.Put a/an, the or - in the spaces.

BOB COLLINS: A PROFILE Bob Collins recently become (l) .minister in the new government, being appointed (2).. Minister for Industry. Mr Collins has had a varied career. He was (3) professional footballer in the 1960s, some people considering
him to be .. most skilful player of his

generation. After a serious injury, he became (5). manager of (6). oldest pub in Edinburgh Five years later, he was offered the position of (7) executive director of Arcon, one of (8) ... biggest supermarket chains in the country He
became..Member of Parliament in 1990

8. In each gap, write either "MUCH" or "LITTLE" or "MANY" or "FEW".

When we got to the beach, ___________ people were already there, and we couldn't find a place to sit down. There were a ___________ empty spaces near one end of the beach, but they were a long way from the sea. We walked along the beach for a ___________ while, but we didn't have ___________ fun because we kept bumping into people. Finally, we decided to get back in the car and go down the coast to the next beach. This was much better; there were only a ___________ families on the beach, so there was ___________ more room to spread out our things. Because we had eaten so ___________ food in the car, all we wanted to do was lie down, and after a ___________ minutes we were all dozing happily in the sun

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