An Overview On Biological Effect of Trace-Element in Substituted Calcium Phosphate

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An overview on biological effects of trace-element in substituted calcium phosphates

R.M. Guerra Bretaña1, J.R. Guerra-López2, L.A. de Sena3

Biomaterials Center, University of Havana, Havana, Cuba
Basic Sciences Department, National University of Lujan, Luján, Argentina,
Faculty SENAI, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Abstract—Calcium phosphate materials have been widely example is the preparation of carbonate-substituted [4] and
used as bone substitute due to its good osteointegration. To im- fluoride-substituted CaHap [5]. Another approach is the in-
prove their osteoinductive and osteoconductive properties sev- corporation of divalent cations (Mg(II), Sr(II), or Zn(II)) into
eral element-substitutions in the calcium phosphate matrices its lattice [1, 5, 6]. TCP also has undergone element substitu-
have been explored. In the present work, an overview of biolog-
ical effects of some substitutions in calcium phosphates is done
tions [7]. This paper presents an overview on biological
based on an extensive literature revision. Incorporation of ele- effects of some substitutions in calcium phosphates.
ments such as magnesium, fluoride, manganese, zinc, silicon
and strontium enhance the bone induction and conduction of
calcium phosphate materials. However, this behavior cannot be II. MATERIALSAND METHODS
attributed only to the elements release. The analyzed literature
indicated that element substitutions in low concentrations in- Selected articles on the topic of interest were analyzed.
crease the solubility of the calcium phosphate matrices, increas- The papers were searched on ScienceDirect and Scopus-
ing their bioactivity. Doped materials result osteoinductive and Elseiver data bases, using the key words “biological effect”
osteoconductive. + “substituted calcium phosphates”.
Keywords— calcium phosphates, ionic substitutions, osteoin-
duction, osteoconduction.

A. Zn-doped calcium phosphate materials

Among mentioned substituents, Zn(II) deserves some at-
Calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHap, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2) and tention because it is one of the essential trace elements in hu-
tricalcium phosphate (TCP) are widely recognized as poten- man bone and plasma [7] and due to their inhibitory activity
tial biomaterial for clinical application due to their chemical to osteoclastic bone resorption and its capacity to induce
similarity with inorganic component of bone and tooth apoptosis of mature osteoclasts [8]. Zinc is important in many
mineral. In fact bone mineral phase is a carbonated apatite biological functions, for instance, this element participates in
that contains trace elements such as magnesium (Mg), so- the activity of enzymes like alkaline phosphates, which take
dium (Na), fluoride (F), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), silicon part in bone metabolism.
(Si) and strontium (Sr) which are considered essential for It has been reported that in the concentration range of
bone metabolism [1, 2]. Carbonate, sodium, and magnesium 10-8–10-5 M (0.65 μg L-1 to 0.65 mg L-1), Zn inhibits osteo-
ions are the major dopants of apatitic bone mineral. clast like cell formation in mouse marrow cell cultures and,
Calcium phosphate (CaP) biomaterials exhibit osteointe- in concentrations as low as 10-14 M (0.65 pg L-1) constraints
grative properties, which mean that, after implantation, they rats osteoclastic bone resorption in vitro [9]. Moreover, zinc
allow deposition of bone cells on their surface followed by deficiency causes bone growth retardation and it is a risk fac-
bone grow. However, when a bone defect exceeds a critical tor of osteoporosis in humans [10]. Because these character-
size, it is not enough to repair the defect and osteoinductive ristics, it is expected that Zn-containing materials would re-
materials, which stimulate the osteogenesis of nearby undif- lease Zn(II), and influence the differentiation of osteogenic
ferentiated mesenchymal stem cells, inducing bone for- cells promoting the regeneration of adjoining host bone [11].
mation, and osteoconductive properties, meaning the in- It was demonstrated that Ca-deficient apatite doped with
growth of vascular tissue and mesenchymal stem cells into Zn could be prepared up to Zn 9.1 wt%, because at higher
the scaffold structure of the graft material are needed [3]. concentrations, Zn(II) doping shows inhibitory effect on
To improve the biofunctionality of synthetic calcium apatite formation [12]. Zn-doped CaHap, with Zn content be-
phosphates several element substitutions have been explored. low to 6.5 wt%, has a structure comparable to those ones of
These substitutions can be easily obtained by adding the cor- animal bones.
responding ions into the reactions media. The most common

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017 78

I. Torres et al. (eds.), VII Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2016,
Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia, October 26th -28th, 2016,
IFMBE Proceedings 60,
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-4086-3_20
An overview on biological effects of trace-element in substituted calcium phosphates 79

Supplementing zinc in the medium significantly increases confirmed these findings. Since that date, one of the most fre-
the osteogenic differentiation of both rat and human bone quently studied substitutions in CaPs is the anionic substitu-
marrow stromal cells (BMSc) [13]. It is also involved in the tion of silicate for phosphate in the CaHap structure.
osteoclastic differentiation from macrophages [14]. A silicon doped calcium phosphate materials have been
Bhattacharjee et al. [15] studied the in vivo performance reported as conducive to both osteoblast deposition and oste-
of Zn-doped porous CaHap scaffolds in critical sized tibial oclast resorption, allowing it to participate in the bone remod-
defects of rabbits. It was observed that Zn-substituted CaHap eling processes [21-25]. Khan et al. [24] presented a compre-
showed better osteointegration than undoped material. SEM, hensive overview about the role of silicon in enhancing the
histopathological study, boxytetracycline labeling study and biological performance and bone forming capabilities of con-
mechanical push out test further confirmed superior bone– ventional calcium phosphate based bioceramics.
implant attachment of Zn-doped CaHap. Porter et al. [23] observed that an increase in concentration
Other in vivo experiment shows that Zn-TCP induced ec- of Si in hydroxyapatite (between 0 and 1.5 wt%) increase the
topic bone formation in canine muscle related to the concen- dissolution and the bioactivity of CaHap implants after 6 and
tration of zinc they contained; however, TCP without Zn did 12 weeks in vivo. Their observations confirmed that defects,
not formed bone in ectopic sites [16]. in particular those involving grain boundaries, were the start-
ing point of dissolution in vivo.
B. Mg-doped CaP materials
D. F-substituted CaHap
Among substituting cations, magnesium is widely studied,
being the fourth most abundant cation in the human osseous Fluoride ions added to cell culture media were shown to
tissues [17]. Enamel, dentin and bone contain, respectively, have effects on in vitro activities of osteoblasts and osteo-
0.44, 1.23, and 0.72 wt% of Mg [18]. It is well known that clasts, influencing on cell proliferation, extracellular matrix
Mg is closely associated with the mineralization of calcified production, and alkaline phosphate activity [26]. Further-
tissues, directly stimulating osteoblast proliferation. Mg more, NaF not only acts as potent stimulator of ongoing os-
depletion adversely affects all stages of skeletal metabolism, teogenesis from already differentiated osteoblasts, but also it
causing cessation of bone growth, decreased osteoblastic and influences in the initiation of osteogenesis from embryonic
osteoclastic activities, osteopenia and bone fragility. Conse- mesenchyme in vitro [27]. However, high F concentrations
quently, the incorporation of Mg ions into the CaHap lattice may exert a toxic effect on osteoblast function [28]. On this
is of great interest for the developing of artificial bone sub- basis, it has been shown that F ion and F-substituted apatite
stitutes. It has been shown that the presence of Mg(II) within promoted osteoblast proliferation and inhibited osteoclast
CaHap lattice sensibly affects apatite crystallization in solu- cell activity. Inoue et al. [29] investigated the in vivo rat tibia
tion and its thermal stability, promoting the formation of activity on F-substituted unsintered calcium deficient apatite,
β-TCP and thus forming biphasic calcium phosphates (BCP). with various F concentrations for 1 and 2 weeks. Results
Besides, the incorporation of Mg(II) stabilizes the β-TCP showed that low F concentration (0.48 wt%) induced better
phase, increasing its transition temperature to β-TCP above and faster new bone formation in vivo compared to calcium
1125 ºC. These materials are considered promising substi- deficient apatite and high fluoride concentration material
tutes for bone replacement due to their unique biological (2.23 wt%). Therefore, they concluded that F had a suitable
features. effect on bone formation in vivo.
Mg 0.55 wt% inhibits the crystal growth of synthetic apa-
tites and it is associated with increased solubility of Mg-Ca- E. Sr-doped CaP materials
Hap [8]. Higher cellular activity was observed in vitro with
materilas containing high level of Mg(II) ions in CaHap Strontium has known influence as promoting bone mass
lattice [18] in comparison with pure CaHap. and bone strength agent, due to a dual mechanism, enhancing
osteoblast differentiation and inhibiting osteoclast differenti-
C. Si-substituted CaP materials ation. Even when incorporated into hydroxyapatite Sr(II)
stimulates osteoblast activity and exerts its inhibitory effect
In the early 1970s, Carlisle [19] determined that silicon is on osteoclast proliferation [30]. Marques et al. [31] studied
an essential trace element for metabolic processes associated the antibiotic release and biocompatibility of strontium and
bone and connective tissues development. Schwarz and magnesium co-substituted biphasic hydroxyapatite/β-trical-
Milne [20], who recognized Si as the crosslinking agent in cium phosphate powders with composition (Ca+Sr+Mg)/P =
the connective tissues and its importance to vascular health, 1.62 impregnated with levofloxacin. The Sr-doped granules
exhibited the best drug release profile and the highest proli-

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80 R.M. Guerra Bretaña, J.R. Guerra-López and L.A. de Sena

feration yields and efficiency in osteoblastic maturation, in- The in vitro cellular results and release behavior of the minor
cluding morphology differentiation and high levels of se- elements studied correlate with the in vivo responses. These
creted alkaline phosphatase. effects are synergistically combined with the osteointegrative
properties of the calcium phosphate materials, due to their
F. Doped calcium phosphate nanoparticles and coatings ability for protein adsorption based on surface features,
chemical composition and hydrophobic properties.
Devanand et al. [32] developed a drug delivery system Despite that, the biological mechanisms of the interactions
with zinc-doped CaHap nanoparticles loaded with Cipro- of bioceramics and proteins are still not completely under-
floxacin for use in bone infections. They found that the anti- stood [39]; the widely accepted theory for bone bonding to
microbial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and calcium phosphate based bioceramics is based on the disso-
Staphylococcus aureus increases with increase in the drug lution–reprecipitation mechanism of apatite nucleation [40-
concentration and the amount of Zn and that the drug release 42]. As it is explained in this theory, dissolution of calcium
from zinc-doped hydroxyapatite is higher than from pure hy- and phosphate ions from the bioceramic surface increases
droxyapatite. The implantation of these nanoparticles is their concentration locally, leading to the precipitation of bi-
expected to induce cell growth and antimicrobial activity. ological apatite heterogeneously on the surface of proteins
Zinc substituted CaHap nanoparticles (1.6 wt% Zn) have present close to the bioceramic implant or coating or directly
been found to enhance bioactivity to human adipose-derived on its surface. Next, more proteins and osteoblasts are ab-
mesenchymal stem cells, along with the increase in the bone sorbed on the modified bioceramic surface promoting cell ad-
cell differentiation markers [33]. Zn-CaHap nanoparticles hesion and bone formation.
also exhibit antimicrobial capability against Gram-negative Even though, Porter [43] determined that dissolution is not
and Gram-positive bacterial strains [34, 35] a prerequisite for osteointegration, he also confirmed that it
Due to good biocompatibility calcium phosphate coatings accelerates nucleation of biological apatite. Thus, the gener-
on metallic biomedical implants are also widely employed in ation of defect centers with elemental substitution in CaP im-
orthopedic and dental applications, with the aim of improv- plants or coatings enhances the in vitro dissolution of the ma-
ing osteointegration between bones and metallic implants terials with a corresponding increase in their osteoinductive
[35]. Chung and Long [36] attempt to enhance the osseointe- capacity.
gration of titanium implants by fabricating Sr-CaHap Although many studies of HA substitutions have already
coatings. Obtained results indicate Sr-CaHap coating had been made, and many papers have been published, there
higher osteoblast compatibility than raw titanium metal and search results are in many cases so far from commercial
the CaHap coating. Moreover, Sr(II) in low concentrations implementation. Studies relating co-doped CaHap materials
stimulates osteoblast adhesion and proliferation. However, have also been conducted [44]. Much interdisciplinary work
high Sr concentrations (38.9 at.% Sr) significantly inhibits remains to be done to transfer interesting research findings
osteoclast differentiation. into valuable materials for use in medical applications.
Composite coatings, containing silicon substituted CaHap
and poly-(ε-caprolactone) on titanium substrate, have im-
proved bonding strength [37].After immersion in simulated V. CONCLUSIONS
body fluid for 8 days, the composite coatings have the ability
to induce the bone-like apatite formation. Doping of CaP materials, with elements important to bone
Mg-substituted and Sr-substituted octacalcium phosphate metabolism such as Zn, Mg, Sr, Si, F, brings an increment in
(OCP) was also studied as thin films on titanium substrates bone induction and conduction. This behavior cannot be at-
[38]. Human osteoblast like MG-63 cells were cultured on tributed only to the elements release. The analyzed literature
the studied biomaterials up to 14 days. MgOCP and SrOCP indicated that element substitutions in low concentrations in-
coatings promote osteoblast proliferation and differentiation crease the solubility of the calcium phosphate matrices, and
with respect to OCP. The level of differentiation of the cells play an important role in their bioactivity. This review con-
grown on the different coatings increased in the order tribute to deeper understanding that addition of mentioned el-
SrOCP>MgOCP>OCP. ements is a useful strategy to convert calcium phosphates in
really osteoinductive and osteconductive biomaterials.

Studied ion-substitutions enhance the osteoinductive and
osteoconductive properties of calcium phosphate materials. The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

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An overview on biological effects of trace-element in substituted calcium phosphates 81

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IFMBE Proceedings Vol. 60

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