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API 650 Tank Nozzle Load Allowable For Tank dia.

Less Than 36mtr

02/25/2013 10:20 AM

Dear members, I have a question about the guidelines to follow for API 650 tank nozzle lad allowances. 1)The API 650 Ap
calculation is applicable to tank dia 36mtr and above,unless otherwise agreed by purchaser. My question for smaller diam
dia. Does Appendix P is applicable for calculating allowable nozzle loads for API 650 ? 2)Appendix P provides two method
nozzle loads,viz. by limiting the loads and by allowable stress? My question are these two methods are same ?or different
method calculate limiting nozzle loads without having consideration of allowable stress in picture? 3)My third question if m
as provided in requisition to follow API Appendix P for allowable nozzle loads ?how to make vendor convince to have incre
4)the API tank in question need to be endorsed by PE as API 650 tank,the another method is to do FEA to check for highe
tells than if not followed API 650 appendix p2,allowable nozzle load calc .,it will be difficult for him to endorse as API 650 t
we do FEA for API 650 tanks do a PE can endorse the API650 certification for changed allowable nozzle loads? 5)my que
allowable nozzle loads as per WRC 297 guidelines per API 650 Appendix P3 guideline s which could allow us to have high
imposed by piping externally on the API 650 Tank nozzle? Your positive feedback is appreciated ASAP


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 Re: API 650 Tank Nozzle Load Allowable For Tank dia. Less Than 36mtr
02/25/2013 9:12 PM

If I remember correctly, the issue with the 36m was that the technical paper upon which the design is base
proportional to internal pressure. This is true with large tanks, not so with small tanks.

Join Date: Nov 2012 You can look into WRC 107 or 297 (and there's a third WRC volume that supplants both, I believe.) The c
vessel use, and may not extend to the t/R ratios used in typical tank work.
Posts: 22

Good Answers: 1

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