Is PH Politics Dirty? Why or Why Not?

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Is PH Politics dirty? Why or why not?

In our country, Politics plays a major role in every individual's lives. It influences our
everyday lives in many ways, and the more we see it clearly, we realize that we
ourselves are already engaged in politics, without even realising that we are acting
politically. Also, Politics is associated with policies made by the people and those
people who have a legitimate power within the society. However, Philippine Politics
has always been dominated by powerful families and personalities and those
personalities are more important than political parties nowadays. Some of them are
motivated not by a sense of patriotism but purely by their selfish interests, that is why
conflicts started to arise and dirty games on Politics began.

Remember when movie stars and celebrities dominated the election ballots.
Spouse and children of former senators successfully enter the house and even Imelda
Marcos, wife of the dictator Ferdinand Marcos keeps her seat as the representative of
Ilocos Norte Province, her husband's home court. Well, It is true that everyone has a
right to run for a political position and maybe those people will also make a huge
contribution. But the point is, things are easier for them since they are related to past
politicians or always seen on television. There's a higher chance of winning as long as
he carries the name of an elected official and this also leads to a dynasties that stunts
the growth of real democracy and blocks off a generation of young, emerging leaders.

In a book “An Anarchy of Families”, an American Anthropologist Brian Fegan

once stated that “A family that has once contested an office, particularly if it has once
won it, sets its eye on that office as its permanent right”. It clearly explains how political
clans treat politics like it was a business. Some politicians will get their hands dirty just to
retain from their positions, no matter the means. During election campaigns, this
“TraPos” (stands for Traditional Politicians, but also means “dirt rag” in Spanish) will
spend hundreds of million to litter the country with posters of their faces and to buy
people's votes as well. But once they get elected, of course they will do everything
under the table just to get their money back that they used for the campaign and
once they get elected, ghost projects start to come in, promises will start to vanish and
they will start to assassinate people who criticize them too much.
I hope you still remember the Maguindanao Massacre where 58 people, most
are women and journalists have killed just to protect the seat and the dynasties that
Ampatuan’s create. Marcoses who still remain influential and reigned in Ilocos Province
despite the late Ferdinand Marcos dictatorial regime and corruption. The Estrada’s in
Manila who’s also known for their corruption and many more. These are just a few of
the dirtiest games that Politicians have played in Philippine Politics and until now, bad
acts are still there as they used their power and position to take advantage of us and
we’re all tired of it.

I would say that the Politics here in the Philippines gets dirty not just because of
the Politics itself but the people involved here. I believe that Politics has great intentions
since it is made to administer people and address what the citizens need. It has nothing
to do with the wrong deeds of some Politicians who use Politics for their selfishness. We
need to care about politics because it concern us more than anyone and as a young
person who is the hope of this world, we should care about politics because once we
leave our eyes out of it, everything will fall apart.

Conde, C.H. (2005, July). International Herald Tribune.
Politics in the Philippines. Powerful Families in Philippine Politics. Political Family Dynasties in the Philippines.
Filipino Clans, Celebrities Dominate Midterm Polls in 2013.

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