Interview Guide

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Interview Guide

Hello, my name is Pauleene Seph N. Bonda a grade 11 HUMSS student at Colegio de Sta. Ana de
Victorias. I am working on our study to discover coping strategies toward discrimination of LGBTQ+ students.

I value your participation and openness during our discussion today. It will probably take an hour to
complete this interview. I will be focusing my queries on your experiences as an LGBTQ+ member. Please be
assured that all communications regarding your identification will be kept private. Additionally, I will be
recording this session to help with my next data analysis.

To get things started, I want to know about your personal life.

 Complete name
 Age
 Grade level
 Date of birth
 Address
Regardless of who you are. Throughout our conversation, I ask that you keep those things in mind.
There is no rush in responding to these questions, so feel free to take a few minutes to consider your options for
some of these. Before we start, do you have any questions or concerns?

1. Have you ever experienced discrimination based on your sexual orientation or gender identity?
2. How do you react after witnessing discrimination with regards of you gender identity?
3. What forms of discrimination have you encountered as a member of the LGBTQ community?
4. How can you get others to be more open minded with people like you?
5. How can you prove that education can be used as a tool to combat against discrimination?

I appreciate you taking the time to participate in this interview. If anything we mentioned needs to be
clarified, may I follow up? Would you please give me your phone number? Once again, remember that all your
inputs will be kept private.

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