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Multimedia University

SMA 2437 SMA 2437-Multivariate Methods

Assignment: March 13th 2023
Attempt all questions

Let 𝑥1 , 𝑥2 , 𝑥3 be jointly normally distributed with probability density function

− (2𝑥12 +2𝑥22 +2𝑥32 −2𝑥1 𝑥2 )
𝑓(𝑥) = 𝐾𝑒 2
Identify the
i). mean vector  [1/2 Mark]
ii). covariance matrix  , and [2 Marks]
iii). constant K [1/2 Mark]

Using the results of (ii) above, find 𝑅1.23 and interpret your results.
[1 Marks]


In a pilot study designed to compare a new training program with the current standard in
grammar usage (G), reading skills (R), and spelling (S) to independent groups of students
finished the end of the first week of instruction were compared on the three variables. The data
are provided in the following table;

Two-Group Instructional Data

i). Compute the discriminant function [3 Marks]

ii). Find 95% simultaneous confidences for parametric functions that evaluate the
mean difference between groups for each variable. [3 Marks]

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