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𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝘼

"Wish You Were Here"

1. This text shows that she lived by herself, she never said that

she ever had breakfast with her family, she never mentioned her

family, this shows that she might be in her 20's I would say about

27~28. The text says that she went to the new French restaurant that

opened in the mall, this shows that she might have drove there

but I’m not too sure, she might have just walked there but I’m

assuming she lives by herself so she has to be at least in her mid


2."If he didn't see one of his customers for a couple of days, he'd

make a point of knocking to make sure everything was all right"

Here Norman might be this kind because he doesn’t want to lose

his customers, most of his customers could be old people that is

why he took a fatherly interest in them.

3.No Dorothy lives alone but she is not lonely, in this text she
is out with her friends:

"They were walking towards the car when

Dorothy noticed him. "Isn't he darling, Norah," she said, stopping

and pointing. On the way home from Norah's cottage, they had

made their usual stop at the doughnut shop and, coming out,

Dorothy's eye had been caught by an object in the garden center

next door."

She might have a few friends but I think she’s mostly

lonely according to what I read because she mostly goes out

by herself than with her friends:

"She worked in the garden most of the day to distract herself, then

went out to dinner at the little French restaurant that had just

opened at the shopping mall."

This piece of text shows that she had at least one friend:
"She remembered that her friend was leaving that afternoon to visit

her sister in Charlottetown"


1. From the whole poem I could infer that the author really pays

attention to what the people in the plane were doing.

From this text I could infer that the authors view is artistic and


"No home

but the gray vinyl seats linked like

unfolding paper dolls."

2. I think the author meant that he has worked hard to get the

pleasure of traveling and is taking a business trip for more work.

3. Yes, the author says tells us what they will do with hope and

a little whimsy.

𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝘽

1. “Vacation”: Empathy and understanding.

Paragraph 1

I can make a connection to myself, when I traveled a few weeks ago I saw different types of people just

like in the poem, business men/women on a business trip, an exhausted mother trying to keep her baby

quiet, families going on a vacation etc. When you travel you see different cultures and different types of

people and sometimes even more advanced cultures/countries.

Paragraph 2

In this poem “Vacation” talks about the people in the plane and how some people are traveling for fun

and how others are traveling to seek refuge in other countries or to find higher paying jobs in other

countries. The author speaks about vacation in the poem but I don’t think the author includes much

detail about vacation, the author only talks about the plane the author doesn’t include how when you go

on vacation/travel you see different cultures etc.

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