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When I'm nervous I have this thing, yeah, I talk too much Sometimes I just can't shut the hell up It's like I need to tell someone, anyone who'll listen And that's where I seem to fuck up Stranger: What is the thing? Stranger: I am confus :( You: I was wondering the exact same thing. Aww, boo. We'll never find out :( Stranger: awwww Stranger: what if it was really interesting :( Stranger: we could have helped You: Then I'm afraid, we are missing out :( You: Omegle should have a conference. Stranger: they should let the asker of the questions pull an "devine intervention" Stranger: in which they are aloud to answer one thing You: Then we'd all have a jolly conversation. You: Or at least, would save us from wondering and the confusion. Stranger: and he'd feel involved You: And not so alone >:D< Stranger: And not so problem riddled!!! You: Don't worry, dear observer/asker, people tend to talk too much when they're nervous. That or not talk at all. You: It's better than wetting one's pants. Stranger: A mediocre man once said "think before you speak." You: Who said that? Stranger: Nobody knows... He was too mediocre to be noted of name You: Another mediocre man once said, "Think twice before you speak." You: Makes you think how many times we should think before we are allowed to speak.

Stranger: No, I believe that a very great man once said that, named Jebus. You: Homer Simpson would know. You: Or rather, he wouldn't know. Stranger: It is said that Jebus said: "Eat my fruits, quote my quotes, but never think before you quote the quote where I say quote my quotes." You: Jebus lost me at eat my fruits. Stranger: Light bulb! You: He did say to stop thinking before the 'quote my quotes" part. Stranger: observer/asker is Jebus and therefore the deeper we delve into this, the more we mind fuck our fucked minds! You: How about we mind fuck our already mind fucked fucked minds even more? Stranger: Is the the wholy scripture? You: This is the scripture. We are writing it. Stranger: Jebus once said If you mind fuck your already mind fucked minds, they will come and seek out the enlightened fucked mind fuckers who question whether fucked minds should fuck minds. You: Who are "they" that have come to seek out the enlightened fucked mind fuckers who doubt the power of mind fucking fucked minds? Stranger: They are shit for brains shitters who shit on the fuckers of mind fucked minds who question whether shit brained shit for brains should shit on the mind fuckers fucking minds. You: MIND FUCK You: I have reached enlightenment. Stranger: We shall call this stage of enlightenment: Stranger: Crap face. You: ENTERING STAGE CRAP FACE... Stranger: CRUURRP FUUURRRCE You: PFFFOOOOOOWWWRRRRTTTT You:

That's the sound of diarrhea. Stranger: only enlightened verbal diarrhea may flow from the craped face mind fucked mind fuckers who fuck the minds of shitty shit for brains who question whether minds should be fucked by the fucking fucked mind of the mind fuckers. Stranger: JEBUS, DO WE PLEASE YOU? You: Dear stranger. I have reached the next stage. Stranger: ANSWER ME! You: HI, JEBUS! You: Jebus can't. You: Jebus cannot intervene and mingle with mere craped face mind fucked mind fuckers... Stranger: Dear brother, I'm beginning to question whether we have interpreted jebus's teachings correctly... Prayer for me, stranger, in this crap faced mind fucked moment of mind fuckery. You: Dear brother, I am your sister. Stranger: O.O You: Your mind fucked mind has been more mind fucked by another mind fucked mind fucker than you previously thought. Stranger: But all along jebus was correct! You: Y U QUESTION JEBUS, BRO!? :( You: Jebus will surely be mad and crap on our faces. Stranger: my mind fucked mind cannot multitask the multitude of minds fucking minds which have been fucked by minds that have reached the level of crap facery, like you can. You: Alas, that is where you are mistaken, brother dear. We are equals. You: No one is more mind fucked than the other. Or have more crap on the face. Stranger: Shall this be the first commandment? that all crap faces have been enlightened equally? You: That is what I propose, brother dear. Stranger: I know you are no bro, but are you a \b\ro?

You: Now our mind fucked fucked minds must think of 6 more to write on this window of Jebus. You: MIND FUCK. What are you trying to say? Stranger: If you knew, you would have known. This necessary withdraw of information bring me pain sister. You: Why? Why and how has it caused you grief, brother? Stranger: Sister, it has occurred to me that you do not enter the fourth chan. You: Gaspeth! What.. why.. who.. what is the fourth chan? Stranger: If you only knew. If you only knew the knowledge that I hoped you had always known. You: Then pray, tell me... my dear brother. You: The first commandment states that we are all crap faced equals. Tell me what it is that you know and hoped that I knew. Stranger: I agree sister! And if the first commandment can be quashed so easily by the fourth chan, then what hope is there for the other six. This is a sad say, I fear we have failed Jebus. I fear Jebus has failed us. You: So.. what now? Is this was the world of Omegle has become? A world filled with mind fucked crap faced mind fuckers who doubt mindfuckery failures? You: *what Stranger: Sister perhaps I may show you, show you a way to the fourth chan... You: Then do so, brother! I beg of you.. please do so. Stranger: It is the acclaimed "asshole of the internet", but sister, you may not let the first looks deceive you, as it is a wonderful place, with a community like no other. And what better place for two crap faced mind fuckers than the asshole of the internet? I assure you it shall be daunting at first, everything you know will be challenged, but do not let that detour you from your quest: to seek enlightenment. Oh sister, I wish you already knew, wish you had already familiarized yourself with it: the fourth chan. But some quests must be finished alone, in this, this is yours to finish. Stranger: YOU MAY ENTER: You: What is this acclaimed "asshole of the internet?" Oh, I feel the curiosity building up within me. You: And if I fail...?

You: I have heard of this said community before. You: But something always pulled me back when I am about to step foot on its grounds. Stranger: The only fail you may encounter is that of discontinuation of service to the fourthchan. You: I cannot promise consistency, brother. Consistency is what I lack. Stranger: You have presented me with a consistent conversation in omegle; a place renowned for just the opposite. If anyone can do it, you can. You: Your faith in your sister is astounding. You: I am standing at the entrance of the community, brother. I am frightened. Stranger: A fantastic man once told me "magic is just science we don't understand yet." This has little relevance to what you are saying, but it is the only thing I can think of giving you for courage. You: Brother, I do not understand what it is I have to do. Stranger: Only jebus holds such knowledge You: Jebus, help me. Help me understand. You: Oh yes. I completely forgot... Jebus cannot.

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