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Listing 1.4?

Pure Structural Description�VHDL and Verilog

VHDL Structural Description

entity system is

port (a, b : in bit;

sum, cout : out bit);
end system;

architecture struct_exple of system is

component xor2
--The above statement is a component statement
port(I1, I2 : in bit;
O1 : out bit);
end component;
component and2
port(I1, I2 : in bit;
O1 : out bit);
end component;
X1 : xor2 port map (a, b, sum);
A1 : and2 port map (a, b, cout);
end struct_exple;

Verilog Structural Description

module system(a, b, sum, cout);
input a, b;
output sum, cout;
xor X1(sum, a, b);
//The above statement is EXCLUSIVE-OR gate
and a1(cout, a, b);
//The above statement is AND gate

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