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Lesson Plan

Learning Area Mathematics

Lesson Topic Mathematics Review
Date and time 2 November 2021, 11:55 – 12:55
Overall duration (time) 60 minutes
Curriculum Links
Lesson Objectives By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:

Student prior ACELT1605
Lesson Preparation  Copy assessments

Resources  Pencils/Pens  Timer  protractor

Key Terminology  protractor
 angles
 ascending
 descending
 decimal form
 factors of
 word sums
Learning strategies and Ask students to sit quietly at their desks, have 2 students hand
activities – Introduction out the protractors
Time 10 minutes
We are doing a review. This will be done under test conditions,
and you will have until lunchtime to complete it.
 no speaking, no help, doing your own work

What you will need:

 Sharp pencil
 Protractor
 A book to read if you when you are done

Display the assessment on the IWB and read through all the

Hand out assessments

Float around the room assist where needed. Reaing the

question only.
Learning strategies and
activities –
15 minutes

Learning strategies and

activities – conclusion
Time 5 minutes
Differentiation  Students with additional needs will be out with the EA at
Key questions
Assessment of student Formative assessment
learning  Assessment for marking

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