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April 7-9 2022 online lecture

May 12 2022 practicum



APRIL 7, 2022


COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way of learning in higher education. Teaching, and learning
activities that are usually carried out with face-to-face meetings have turned into virtual meetings in
various online learning applications.

I think that I can improve and develop my study ability and get a good result in such environment.
Teaching and studying methods at university differs from being Marine Engineering but is quite similar
to diploma course. This is the reason I decided to study diploma course at Insearch to prepare for
university. Beside I want also to learn about machineries, pipings and others, the most important thing
that I really want to achieve is understanding, self-confidence and I can put all knowledge and into the
practice. Also learned much bettet on how of being seafarer

In order to achieve these things I must plan and organize my study appropriately as well as manage
time effectively. I think that every student will have different orientation about their goals and
expectations so they know how much study will be necessary for them. On April 7-9, 2022 we conduct
the online lecture of one of our training which is the PCSRB (PROFICIENCY IN SURVIVAL CRAFT AND
RESCUE BOAT TRAINING / EWATCH). Even though it so hard to understand of what they discuss to us,
we need to listen very carefully.

On our first day of meeting I learned about survival, survival is anywhere you are you can apply it
through listening and learning with our teacher. it is very important to us about survival.


APRIL 08, 2022


On the second day of lecture,purpose of the Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats (PSCRB)
course, sometimes referred to as lifeboat training (or by some as the CPSC – Certificate of Proficiency in
Survival Craft course) is to prepare crew should they be faced with an emergency onboard resulting in
them either having to abandon ship or rescue a crew member in a man over board situation. simple as
that you can understand of what they discuss to us. It is very important of being good listener in order to
survive no matter what happened with you placed. being seafarer there's a lot to learned about how
you can survive, on how to bea good cadet in the ship.When completing the training STCW Proficiency in
Survival Craft and Rescue Boats, other than Fast Rescue boats, the course participant should be able to
take charge in preparing and handling the rescue boats.


APRIL 09, 2022


Due to the use of more technology in education, online learning has become increasingly popular
around the world. Due to the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, all educational
institutions had to start offering online courses to their students. But it is still unclear if students are
prepared to use online learning. On our last day of our lecture, there a lot that I've learned about being
seafarer, about how their life inside the ship. there's a lot struggle in order to be a Seafarer. One more
thing that I've learned is the Hyporthemia is prolong exposi to cold weather and cold water. Also they
discuss to use the CPR (CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION). it is very thankful that i learned the CPR
because even where you are you can apply it. So that the end of our lecture and I hope that I can apply it
of what I've learned on online lecture.
Online Lecture 27-30

Engine watch keeping

What I have learned for the first four weeks of the course has prompted me to initiate new policies in
testing administration together with training workshops for teachers in my division. The aims are to
work toward better quality test practice: using tests for reflection on students’ progress rather than
failing or passing students and improving the present test giving practice in weak areas such as validity,
reliability, wash back.

My reflection on the three testing models is that we should move from the model with mid-term plus
final assessment to the model where the assessment process is parallel to the teaching/learning process
through the course. To achieve this aim new policies should emphasize the assessment component in
the professional activity package for novice teachers to qualify test developers. The assessment plan is
expected to empower the teaching staff with relevant knowledge and skills so that they can integrate
assessment into learning process and improve the quality of all assessment. Once sufficient training has
been provided more diagnostic and formative assessment will be introduced to the instructional
program. More alternative forms e.g. portfolio, surveys will be employed as these assessments ask
students to perform, create, produce or do something; thus tap more sophisticated thinking and
problem solving skills (Herman, Aschbacher and Winters, 1992). Instructors also need to train students
to enable them to initiate self-assessment when required. It must be pointed out that making
assessment one integral part of learning will be a long-term aim as alternative assessment requires new
instructional and assessment roles for teachers (Herman, Aschbacher and Winters, 1992), which
suggests a high level of training.

To improve test quality workshops given by experts from other schools as well as experienced teaching
staff should be organized.

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