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The future status of English as the global

language is assured

English language as a global language is increasing hugely nowadays

because it allows people in the world to know others’ cultures and
communicate with each other when they cannot speak and read in another
person language. Wherever we go, we see using of English language. Even in
our own native language we use it. No matter how much we try to not to use
English in our native language but we still fail to not use English words in our
native language. Although, some people believe that English will not be the
language of globe in future. There are several arguments that English language
is globe language and will remain in this status. English as language of
communication and large number of English speakers are two genuine reasons
that assure the future status of English language as globe language.
English is the language of business. Nowadays the global economy is
more sensitive than ever before. For international Business, a common
language help to make the information flow as possible. English is the unique
language that can serve this purpose.
English is the language of travel. There is no doubt in this. We travel
around the world and we cannot learn the language of the country we travel
to. Keeping in mind this truth, a common language is needed to be used as
global language to makes everybody life easier. English is the common
language when the local hotels’ staff, police, taxi drivers can communicate
with foreigners. Not in any country but in most countries, you will always find
someone that can speak English and can help you and can give you directions.
Looking at this truth, we can say that English is the unofficial language of
English is the language of internet. Yes off course it is. There is billions
of website on internet planet. The income sensor website reports statistics
that 54.9% of websites are in English which is more than half of the total
People all around the world uses multiple internet applications for
chatting purpose. The majority of these applications can be available in cell
phone. This means people can have them everywhere and anytime. The
common or default language sited for these applications is English. Because
the majority of users that uses internet applications for chatting are/can speak
and write in English. Also, the common language that people communicate
officially is the English language.
Another pure reason that English will maintain its position as global
language is a huge number of English speakers around the world. The British
Council global website reports that, in year 2000 it was estimated that over
one billion people will be learning English. Looking at this estimation, there is
no doubt that, English language produces hundred thousands of English
speakers annually.
In conclusion, as long as there is globalized business in the world,
people travel to other countries, people use internet, and English is a simple
language, there is no valid reason for changing a common language to
another. Despite all these, there is no logical answer to the question “why
would anyone learn the language of a single country if no other people speak
that language”. Keeping in mind that number of countries that speaks English
language is more than other countries. Thus, it is assured that English language
will maintain its position as global language.

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