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Live TEAM, FACE YOUR DAEMONS The Gods of Chaos are fickle deities, and they often require their daemonic servants to in the warp and in the material realm. Occasionally, carry out esoteric missions, both wi they even work together! Here we present rules to field hrough dark rituals and horrific sacrifices the Daemons of the warp are summoned to the material realm to do the bidding of the Chaos Gods. Driven by the will of their fell patrons, they can only survive outside their daemonic realm when the power of the warp. waxes strong — slaughtering, tainting, corrupting, and beguiling their foes before blinking out of existence, their unknowable mission complete. Chaos Daemons manifest in many forms, but each of the Dark Gods has a favoured foot soldier to do their bidding. When the assassination of an enemy commander is required, Khorne’s wrathful Bloodletters are ideally suited to the task. Ifa supply drop needs to be contaminated, Nurgle's foul Plaguebearers will get the job done. Tzeentch’s Horrors make light work of demolition, while Slaanesh’s Daemonettes are ideally suited. to reconnaissance and close-quarter engagements, 134 uty 2018 ‘BUILDING YOUR ‘ALLTEAM Thee ae gute a fai way to start ‘aos Dsomons il tam, Te eatiest ays picky ‘nef tha plastic boxed sats edt, Floguabeses Dasments, Fri Horr. Those ‘i gi you mare than onoigh ‘ihe ta start your ta You “oul evan sash ‘tonal ‘nodeleien as earastr or Potinge and ‘one the Leader foul team out tthe, USING CHAOS DAEMONS IW KILL TEAM ‘Over the next few pages you'll ind official rules for using Chaos Daemons in your games of Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team, The minions of all four of the Chaos Gods are represented, so you can build a kill team solely around the followers of one god, or a diverse kill team that ‘embraces the pantheon as a whole To the right you can see Tactics for Chaos Daemons kill teams, while over the following pages you'll find datasheets and weapon profiles for Bloodletters, Horrors, Plaguebearers, and Daemonettes, plus a list of demeanours, schemes, and even a name generator so you can create a story for each member of your team. The only problem you've 4g0t now is figuring out which of your Daemons will be your leader— you don't want to go angering the other gods, do you? CHAOS DAEMONS KILL TEAMS Ifevery model in your kill tam has the crta0s DAzoNs Faction keyword, you can use Chaos Daemons Tactics, ‘Chaos Daemons Tactic ‘Use this Tatic when a CHAOS DAEMONS model that is not a HORROR from your kil eam is taken ‘out faction. Roll one D6. On a4, that injury roll {signored and the model is restored to 1 wound. Chaos Daemons Tactic Ure thie Tactic at the start of any bate round, Pick ‘one PLAGUEBEARER model fom your kill tar, [this modelis obscured, atacks that target this ‘model sufer an addtional -1 modifier to their hit roll until the end ofthe battle round. Chaos Daemons Tactic ‘Use tis Tactic when yo pick a HORROR model {rom your kill eam to allackin the Shooting ‘haze, Unt the end ofthe phase, change the ‘Armour Petcing characteristic ofthis models Coruseating lames to -3. Chaos Daemons Tactic Use this Tate a the start ofthe Morale phate ‘Add 1 to Nerve tests for enemy models that are within 3” of any CHAOS DAEMONS model fom. your kil am, Chaos Daemons Tactic Ure thie Thctc when you pick a LOODLETTER ‘model fom your kil tam to attack in the Fight phase. Add Ito the Damage characteristic of that models Helblade until the end ofthe phase. ‘Chaos Daemons Tactic Use thie Tactic before making a Charge rll for | DAEMONETTE model from your kill eam, You ‘can roll 306 and pick which two rolls use when {Slermining this models charge distance i thie battle round, JULY 2019 wuire wan 135 BL has) NAME Mews BS S T W A ld Sv Max Bloodletter Ce ee ee BloodleterlonBerer 6° AST joodlelerHorsblower 6" 3s HAST Bloodceaper| oon » 4 3 19 «7 *# “Ths model i amaed witha Hllade One Blodleterin your il team can bea Bloodetter Icon Bearer A Bloodete con Bearers alo equipped with acon of Khorne One Bloodeterin your ileum canbe a Bloodleter Horablowse. A BloodleterHornlowe ie alzo equipped with an Instrument of Khorne. ‘One Bloodeterin your kil eam can be a Bloodreape. ‘ABLITIES Daemonic: Tis model has a5) invulnerable sve Unstoppable Ferocity: You can ad tothe Atcks and Suength cicateities ofa model with thi ability ina Ite round in which they charged Icon of Khorne: You cn roll charge rls for BLOODLETTERS within 6" of any friendly models quipped with ‘neon of Khore, Instrument of Khorne: dé Ito Advance and charge rolls made for BLOODLETTERS within 6” of any fiendly models equpped with an Instrument of Khare, SPECIALISTS: Leader (Bloodreaper only), Comms (Hornblower or Ion Bearer only), Combat, Veteran FACTION KEYWORD CHAOS DAEMONS ‘KEYWORDS CHAOS, KHORNE, INFANTRY, DAEMON, BLOODLETTER Dy ta NAME MowSs BS oS T W A ld Sv Max Daemonette ee ee DacmoncttelconBear 7” eS DacmonetteTlormblower 7" See SST lareee ee Thieme armed with Piercing Claws (One Daemonete in your lil earn can be a Daemnonst Ion Bearee A Daemonets Icon Bearer i alto equipped with an Icon of Seance, _ | os Decent in ura tacan bacon Hartowe A Daman aon ao eguped wih anton of Staanech | ne Daemons in your team canbe a Ales, i ures Daemonic: Ths model has a invalnerable ve _QuiclaiverSwiftness: \ sodel wit thi ability canbe chosen to ight i the Hammer of Wath section ofthe os) ight phe even ifthey have not charge i that atl round. Icom of Siaanesh:1'you make a wound roll of 6 for an attack made by DAEMONETTE: while they are within (6 of any friendly modes equipped with an Icon of Slaanes, that attack ificts 1 mortal wound ination tots oreal damage: Instroment of Slaanesh: Add to Advance and charge ols made for DAEMONETTES within 6" of any friendly models equipped with an ostrumest of Shanes SPECIALISTS. Leader (Alluress only), Comms (Homblower or Icon Bearer only), Combat, Veteran, Scout (CHAOS DAEMONS ‘CHAOS, SLAANESH, INFANTRY, DAEMON, DAEMONETTE = arn PUTA Pink Horror “ ro o7 6 PinkMorrorieonBerer 6" 4) YOST Pink Horror Horablower 6° e337 @ a \descent Horror @ * os 3 1 2 7 & 0 Blue Horror 6 2s 1 1 7 6 Pair ofBrimetone Horrors 6° his model armed with Gorascnng Famer (One Pik Hortorin your kil eam can be a Pink Hortor Icon Beare A Pink Horror Ion Bearers leo equipped with an Icon of Tnentch, (One Pink Horror in your kil eam can be a Pak Hertor Hornblower, A Plak Hotter Hornblower i also equipped with an Instrument of Teentch (ne Pink Hortorin your eam can be an rdescet ‘ABILITIES Tphereral Dectnons This model hus an invalnerable sve of Blas Haven intend hae an tovaleorable Sve of, Pats of Brimstone Toros intend have aninvalnerale save of 6 Icon of Teeth: At the of your turn inthe Peychic pha, ola D6 foreach model from your il tema equipped with sn icon of Laeetch, Ona infer 1 mortal wound onthe closest enemy model wilhin 12" of he model being role for. Instrument of Treentch Add 1 o Advance and charge oll te for HORRORS within 6” of any Geendly models equipped with an instrament of Trentch, Split Do not make any nyury soli for a Pink Honor, Pink Horror Icon Beuet, Pink Honor Horablower Iridescent Horror, Blue Horror or Par of Brimstone Horrors model, This rede is instead automatically taken out of action when reduced to 0 wounds The allowing role apply when one of there models ie taken ost of action When a Pik Horror Pink Horror Ion Bete, Pik Horror Hornblower of Iridescent Horror i taken out of Action you can set up 2 Bhie Horrors within ofthe lan model before itis removed, I these model cannot be fet ap, this abit ba no fect Blue Horror has no weapon o” egsipment. When a Blue Horo is taken ot of ation, you cas replace that model wih Pl of Brimstone Horrors mode! A Pair of Brimetone Horres has ne weapons ot equipment 1 Pink Hortor, Pink Horror Icon Beate, Pak Horror Hogablower or Iidesent Horror tata Specialist taken out of action, any Blue Horrors chat are setup ate not Spell, Bl Horrors and Pairs of Brinton they age setup Horrors are never considered to have charged inthe bate ound in whic Blve Horrecs and Pairs of Brimstone Horrors are not treed as part of your kil eam forthe purposes of determining if our kl tam is broken and ate no tested ar flendly models forthe purport of Neve test rom ea) ee ee SPECIALISTS dic udaecnt Tor on) Cote CESSES nc Von bdr ont?) Deel vorraa ACN KER) GAs DAEMON TE MDE a rca a Toa Lawes ity Plaguebearer co we 4 4 tt 7 6 Plaguebearericon ewer 5) 44447 HT Plagubearcriiombloyer tk Plagueridden vo # 4 4 9°27 # 4 Ths models armed wha Paguetword ‘One Plagebearer in your kl team can bea Plguebeare con Beare, A Plaguebeare con Bearer alo equipped with an leon of Norge ‘One Plguebeare in your kl am can be a Plguebcarer Hornblower, A Pagusbeazer Horblower is alo equipped wi an instrament of Nugle, ‘One Plagubeare in your kl tam can be a Flagueridden, "ABILITIES ‘Daemonie Tis model has a5) lavuleble save Disgurtingly Resilient: Each ime a made with thie ability Tossa wound, rll D6; ona 5+ the mode! does not dose that wound om of Nargle: Subtract from the Leadership characteristic f enemy model within 6 of any models equipped swith an Teon of Nagle. Instrument of Nurgle: Add} to Advance and dag rolls made for PLAGUEREARERS within 6” of any friendly ‘ode equipped with an instrament of Negle ‘SPECIALISTS Leader (Pagueridden only), Comms (Hornblower or Icon Bearer ony), Combat, Veteran FACTION KEYWORD CHAOS DAEMONS KEYWORDS ‘CHAOS, NURGLE, INFANTRY, DAEMON, PLAGUEBEARER .Coruscating Hames Le Assault? Wer 0 Hatblade Melee Malee User ics ela neat dears Re Piercing Claws Melee Mele aes eat nb Sond are seed ——— [Daemonette Leon Beazer s = = — —— Plaguebearer o icon of Slaanesh s 138 WHE DUAR JULY 2019 1 ‘Assassination: The wuband mos say he pons mallet nds be ulesd pon his wo the asic fay mt be ‘Weak Helly Forte ll igh ft Raines Powers 7 _madewester se = |) Sew Teor Tearing the el police eres the Dusk Ga dst coal ely wl aking thes per congue dearest. “4 __Coerce the Wea The lel popuition mat be cowed ino bmg tthe wands Disk mses 5 Dispel The warband mont deere a aly oe caring Wii wep led (grea the Faia The Razor Power ake res acon ne ting of hove owt tual agin hem to thera 7 Liberte the Weapon The ward mas Uber law evant ppd nan ance the wes ofthe Pak God ale Their Potent: the Doemocprecac willed lowe of be Chaos God, howl be eda se sot may once ag fll "Tn, Belo Corrpt Wherever hey ued tee Deane mt rend he tit of Chany, eng path or 10 valde unoripe Tnvane Constantly bering ering ad screning heen ayn ths Dae, 2 Sadie Treatr Th Dac ee ack ee of plea with eer ounce of pan they inf [3 Swalater The sul fda morale ae sparsely equity othr Daron “g__ Wap ovited bamour Wi every wing fa word every rmboweled compe ees ad very eo ndaed ari (es isan ccleaner mse Form This Demo Boy seme ker in andl of wy, making ing om le ore gh Safle With ower Ec ran em whi hs acon bale aig ot hugh ei in DAEMONIC USE-NAMES 1 She dangle ag fondle grind runt mad sla 2 muck thigh bane carnal iile tes ate 3 dee dog bher_— goa gre malt spe 4 word wack eae fing, amet milew ot ne 5 canker cater ght heer od tsa apeemble emt nd rte = 7 uk redder tach Bag Made ald se ew ee an ee pepe ae met i re tant so worm tech bog —_Batack crue ath = 1 rnin moulder pinch serach slebber_— spew ste ——wet_——woble ‘lead 2 doom foal gneve pat hang ther ase Back 3 break dred thrut fry, guest oath mange gue 4 hea eum et tear tte Bat eat fon re 5 deed plague sake squteze whine heat chase chal, © end gmuh grup Back ick Be place np seth ite 7 gut the watbaeles cme ch gate an 8 pot esp tend Biomed apt sk amet > how! tomas oone ath sinew sag, poor enem = wgh to bee daw fh gation lpn srape spine alba JULY 2019 WNTE DWARF 139

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