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Antonio Luna, a great military planner, was a crucial figure in the Philippine Revolution against
Spanish colonial control. He was also essential in the fight against American colonization in the
Philippines. He was well known for his severe discipline, brilliance, and steadfast conviction that
the Philippines required a strong, centralized government. Luna shown amazing bravery,
intelligence, and he also served as an inspiration to our fellow soldiers both during and after the
conflict. He has genuine superior power and is capable of inspiring others to follow him. The
general also holds that no one, not even the president or the highest ranking official, is above the
Heneral Luna founded the country's first military academy, which operated during the First
Philippine Republic. Heneral Luna had a reputation for having a tough leadership style that drew
both admirers and critics. He was renowned for his wit and dedication to the independence of the
Philippines. In 1899, Filipino soldiers who supported Emilio Aguinaldo the revolutionary
tragically killed Heneral Luna. The Philippine independence movement suffered a significant
loss with his passing, and ever since then, he has been regarded as a martyr and a hero. Although
many people admired General Luna for his commitment to leading the army and serving the
Republic, others, including some members of President Emilio Aguinaldo's Cabinet, despised
him because of his explosive temper and fiery outbursts. Despite the opposition of the soldiers
and supporters of President Aguinaldo, General Luna pursues a fight against the Americans and
refuses to comply with them or be duped by them. Because of his fury, vanity, and stubbornness,
he ultimately died. He was killed by a squad of presidential guards in broad daylight, yet it is still
unclear who carried out the murder.
Also, this movie proved that nothing has ever changed in our nation. It quickly became apparent
that the main enemies of Filipinos are other Filipinos, as Antonio Luna famously proclaims,
"Brothers, we are our own worst adversary." Right now, it is still taking place. The movie is
fantastic and instructive, but it also exposes the shortcomings of our nation and its citizens. As
we constantly put our families before ourselves, Filipinos in the movie are not shown to be self-
centered. We are egotistical when it comes to defending our nation. We are unaware that
murdering our own Filipino brothers and sisters results in the destruction of future hope. I also
ponder why we must continually pick a fleeting, uncertain safety above the long-lasting
independence of our own nation.

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