Agricultural and Rural Marketing Solved MCQs (Set-6)

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Agricultural and Rural Marketing MCQs [set-


Chapter: Unit 4

126. An important factor in rural marketing is ........................, as the rural market

is scattered and consists of different groups and socio economic class.
A. segmentation
B. standardisation
C. regulation
D. none of the above
Answer: A
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127. One of the basic cultural values in rural India
A. decision making is individualistic
B. decision making is collective a
C. decision making is swift
q M
D. none of the above c
Answer: B
128. Status refers to
A. the place given to the individual because of his or her position or achievements
B. the behaviours expected of the individual as a member of the group
C. both a&b
D. none of the above
Answer: A

129. _____________ groupsare the groups to which a consumer belongs as a

memberin which the interaction is formal and less regular.
A. primary
B. secondary
C. tertiary
D. none of the above
Answer: B
130. Industry observers are increasingly realising that at times, purchase of
durables has nothing to do with income, but has more to do with ______________
A. the opinion of the community
B. the size of the family
C. the availability of durables
D. the price of durables
Answer: B

131. Heterogeneity in rural lifestyles is mainly on account of the geography, varied

income levels and _______________ of the consumers.
A. occupation
B. awareness
C. cultural differences
D. consumption
Answer: C

132. Why is market segmentation carried out?

A. To break down large markets into smaller markets.
B. Provides an opportunity to surpass competitors.
C. By grouping together customers with similar needs, it provides a commercially viable method
of serving these customers.
D. Allows the achievement of greater market share
Answer: C

133. An example of a segmented market would be:

A. Phillips marketing its product to whole of India with one marketing mix based on the concept
'Sense and Sensibility'.
B. high-income and low-income consumers being treated the same at departmental stores
C. a garden nursery seeing residents of urban areas and rural areas as one market needing
D. Hyundai separating its potential customers into economy car buyers and luxury car buyers.
Answer: D

134. To be effective, the process of market segmentation must meet which of the
following basic requirements?
A. The firm must avoid focusing on non-variables such as profitability and volume.
B. The market segment must have measurable purchasing power and size.

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C. The company must expand beyond its marketing capabilities to capture growing markets.
D. The market segment must reflect the population's changing attitudes and lifestyles
Answer: B

135. A commonly used basis for segmenting consumer markets is:

A. organizational size.
B. demographics.
C. product type.
D. price.
Answer: B

136. Before beginning the market segmentation process, a firm should:

A. identify bases for segmenting markets.
B. forecast total market potential.
C. forecast market share.
D. select target market segments.
Answer: A

137. Segmentation by benefits sought is a type of product-related segmentation:

A. to determine the marketer's effectiveness in satisfying the consumer.
B. used to create a psychographic profile of the benefit of having the product as a common
C. as a post-consumption evaluation tool.
D. that focuses on the attributes that people seek in a product.
Answer: D

138. The family life cycle:

A. is a way to apply psychographic segmentation.
B. refers to the process of family formation and dissolution.
C. provides insights into the relationships among age, occupation, income, and housing.
D. is composed of the 11 stages of personal growth from infancy to retirement.
Answer: B

139. The purpose of evaluating the attractiveness of the differing market segments
identified in the second stage of the market segmentation process is to:
A. identify the specific members of each segment to be able to contact each of them directly.
B. determine the level of resources that must be committed to each segment.

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C. evaluate the market potential within each segment.
D. design marketing strategy and tactics to reinforce the firm's image.
Answer: C

140. Which of the following is part of the demographic segmentation for consumer
A. Age
B. Social grade
C. Lifestyle
D. Personality
Answer: A

141. The major segmentation variables for rural markets refers to which of the
A. Geographic, density, psychographic, behavioural
B. Gender, demographic, psychographic, lifestyle
C. Geographic, demographic, psychographic, behavioural
D. None of the above
Answer: C

142. To be useful, market segments must be:

A. Measurable and Accessible
B. Substantial and Differentiable
C. Actionable
D. All of the above
Answer: D

143. All of the following would be ways to segment within the category of
behavioural variable segmentation except:
A. occasions.
B. user status.
C. loyalty status.
D. lifestyle.
Answer: D

144. “Juice in the morning” is an attempt to segment according to which of the

A. gender segmentation

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B. psychographic segmentation
C. benefit segmentation
D. occasion segmentation
Answer: D

145. When companies market products on the basis of what the product?s
attributes will do for a given segment of consumers, they are using a form of
behavioural segmentation known as:
A. occasion segmentation.
B. benefit segmentation.
C. user status segmentation.
D. usage rate segmentation.
Answer: B

146. Lifestyle is an example of which type of segmentation variable?

A. psychographics
B. demographics
C. usage
D. behavioural
Answer: A

147. Loyalty status is an example of which type of segmentation variable?

A. psychographics
B. demographics
C. usage
D. behavioural
Answer: D

148. Geographic segmentation is about:

A. Dividing consumer groups based on lifestyles.
B. Dividing markets based on location.
C. Understanding the benefit the product has to offer.
D. Dividing consumer groups based on social status.
Answer: B

149. Lifestyle segmentation is about:

A. Understanding how people live and developing products/services that match that way of life.

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B. Dividing the market into distinct groups of buyers
C. Understanding what consumers like or dislike about their life.
D. Developing stylish products for that segment.
Answer: A

150. Readiness stage and attitude towards product are major segmentation
variable in which category?
A. Geographic
B. Behavioural
C. Demographic
D. Psychographic
Answer: B

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